
  1. 这不是罗素兄弟第一次来到中国推广他们的电影了。

    This is not the first time that Russo brothers promote their film in China .

  2. 罗素兄弟最近刚刚实施了打造创业公司的计划,该公司将与两家中国娱乐公司展开合作。

    Russo Brothers have recently launched their plans for a startup studio that will be in partnership with two Chinese entertainment companies .

  3. 罗素兄弟在他们的微博账户上透露,美国队长的扮演者克里斯·埃文斯、冬日战士的扮演者塞巴斯蒂安·斯坦以及猎鹰的扮演者安东尼·麦凯将与他们一道前来。

    Russo Brothers have revealed on their weibo account that main cast Captain America-Chris Evans , Winter Soldier-Sebastian Stan and Falcon-Anthony Mackie are also joining them .

  4. 导演罗素兄弟宣布他们备受期待的《复仇者联盟4》的制作已经完成——但他们也让粉丝们挠头不已。

    Joe and Anthony Russo announced that production had wrapped on their highly anticipated , yet-to-be-titled fourth Avengers movie - but they also left fans scratching their heads .