
  1. 弗格森爵士相信费迪南德可以首发周三在罗马的冠军杯决赛。

    Sir Alex Ferguson is confident Rio Ferdinand will be fit to start Wednesday 's Champions League final in Rome .

  2. 罗马的冠军杯决赛之后,弗格森试图签下我,但我说我要走。

    After the Champions League final in Rome , Ferguson tried to sign me but I told him I was moving on .

  3. 如果能闯进在罗马举行的冠军联赛决赛,我愿意自掏腰包入场!

    If it meant reaching the Champions League Final in Rome , I would pay to be there out of my own pocket !

  4. 周六和阿森纳的平局最终令利物浦的追赶成了白费,曼联终结了联赛的悬念可以专心准备27号在罗马举行的冠军杯决赛了。

    Saturday 's draw with Arsenal finally saw off the lingering challenge of Liverpool , ending a tense title race and allowing the Reds'attentions to switch to facing La Liga 's finest in Rome on27 May .

  5. 他于1991年在罗马重新获得世界冠军。

    He regained his world crown in Rome in1991 .

  6. 德比失利让罗马连微弱的冠军联赛资格希望也丧失殆尽,如果再拿不下可怜的莱切,罗马球迷可真要不干了。

    The derby defeat destroyed what little hope Roma had of qualifying for the Champions League and without a win against struggling Lecce their fans could turn nasty .