
  • 网络Spurious correlation;false dependency
  1. 哈佛大学(Harvard)法学院学生泰勒•维根(TylerVige)编撰并发布在其网站(tylervigen.com)上的“伪相关”应算是一种警告。

    The " spurious correlations " compiled by Harvard law student Tyler Vigen and displayed on his website ( tylervigen . com ) should be a warning .

  2. 针对现有基于Search的图像标注中存在的不足,如相关图像集合的精度低、用户负担重等,本文尝试通过有效融合伪相关反馈机制,建立伪相关条件概率标注模型。

    To overcome the difficulties in search based image annotation , e.g. lower accuracy of relevant images , more burdens on human , the dissertation attempts to integrate the scheme of pseudo relevance feedback into the task of AIA and create the pseudo relevance probability model of automatic image annotation .

  3. 基于矩阵加权关联规则挖掘的伪相关反馈查询扩展

    Query Expansion of Pseudo Relevance Feedback Based on Matrix-Weighted Association Rules Mining

  4. 一种改进的基于伪相关反馈的查询扩展

    An Ameliorative Information Query based on Pseudo Feedback

  5. 本文提出了一种基于伪相关反馈模型的领域词典自动生成算法。

    A domain dictionary generation algorithm based on pseudo feedback model is presented in this paper .

  6. 伪相关反馈实际上是一种统计方法,利用它可以自动调整查询计算模型的参数,也可以对查询特征进行更精确的扩展。

    But the pseudo relevance feedback method is a statistical one , so that there is a problem how to optimize the parameters .

  7. 该方法主要通过宽带信号各子带对应的波长不同,有意识的构造伪相关矩阵。

    The proposed constructs pseudo-correlation matrix from this property , which is the each sub-narrowband in wideband signal corresponding to the different wavelengths .

  8. 采用该指令发射策略,有效的解决了操作数伪相关问题,提高了指令发射率,减少了控制相关的影响。

    This issue policy effectively solves the problem of false data dependency , improves the issue rate and minimizes the influence of control hazard .

  9. 接着,将事件的思想应用于查询扩展领域,探索了基于伪相关反馈和基于事件本体的面向事件的查询扩展方法。

    Then , event is applied in query expansion area , and we explore the methods of query expansion based on pseudo relevant feedback and event ontology .

  10. 创新成果包括结合天线的物理结构特性提出了一种快速算法,该算法主要通过利用伪相关矩阵的降维构造来达到快速运算的目的,同时这种算法还具有自动配对的特点。

    A fast algorithm based on the structure of the array sensors is proposed , which primarily through the use of pseudo-correlation matrix of the reduced-dimensional structure to achieve the purpose of quickly computing . the algorithm also has the automatic matching features .

  11. 对伪随机相关法的某些辨识误差的仿真研究

    Simulation Study of Some Identification Errors for the Pseudo-Random Correlation Method

  12. 基于伪码相关技术的超声波-无线电定位系统

    Ultrasonic-radio Wave Location System Based on Pseudo-random Correlation Technology

  13. 伪随机相关法的改进频域算法

    A Improved Frequency-domain Algorithm for the Pseudorandom Correlation Method

  14. 伪随机相关辨识法是系统辨识技术的一个重要组成部分,在工业生产中的应用十分广泛。

    Pseudo-random correlation identification method plays an important role in system identification technology which is widely used in industrial production .

  15. 火电机组热工对象动态模型的伪随机相关统计法和阶跃响应法辨识比较

    The Comparison between the Pseudo-Random Correlation Method ( PRCSM ) and the Step Response Method ( SRM ) on the Dynamical Model of Turbine-Boiler Units

  16. 为消除机车驾驶室中严重的背景噪声干扰影响,应用伪随机相关法对驾驶室中的噪声脉冲响应进行测量。

    In order to eliminate the serious interference of the background noise , the pseudo-random correlation identification method is applied to measure the noise impulse response in a room .

  17. 虽然这是我所遇到的首次争议,我对伪事实相关的闲言碎语、争论、辩论的兴趣,使得这次的争论不是最后一次。

    While this was the first controversy that I ever covered , my interest in gossip , debate , and the convention of storytelling ensured that it was not my last .

  18. 依据伪随机相关分析方法对分置式斯特林制冷机排出器的运动阻尼进行了在线辨识,提出了经过优化的辨识实验方案。

    By making use of the correlation technique of pseudorandom signal , the on line identification of moving damping of displacer in a split cycle Stirling cryocooler has been carried out in this paper .

  19. 基于DSP的伪随机序列相关系统研究

    The Study of DSP-based Pseudo Random Sequence Correlation System

  20. 利用伪随机序列相关辨识检测视觉诱发电位

    System identification with pseudo-random sequences applied to visual evoked potential measurement

  21. 用伪随机信号相关辨识检测线路的频率参数

    Frequency Identification of the Electric Field Measuring System by Means of Pseudorandom Correlation

  22. 伪码数字相关在超声波测距中的应用

    The Application of Pseudo-code Digital Correlation in Ultrasonic Range-measure

  23. 多功能伪随机信号相关仪及冷轧机控制系统在线辨识

    Multi-functional pseudorandom binary sequence correlator and on-line identification of control systems of cold rolling mills

  24. 本文利用伪随机序列相关辨识技术,实现了快速检测视觉诱发电位。

    In this paper , a fast visual evoked potential measurement technique-system identification with pseudo-random sequences is presented .

  25. 先是界定无根回译的概念,区分容易混淆的回译、古本复原、伪译等相关翻译概念。

    First , the definition of rootless back translation is given , with the distinction of other similar concepts such as back translation , text restoration , false translation .

  26. 同时,介绍Bae-Cho-Yeom伪序原理及其相关结果。

    And then , we introduce the Bae-Cho-Yeom pseudo-ordering principle and the related results .

  27. 基于差分检波的伪码信号分段相关-视频积累方法

    Segment correlation-video integration method for pseudo-random noise codes using differential detection

  28. 伪随机码的相关特性对软扩频系统性能的影响

    Influences of PN Code Correlative Characteristics on Tamed Spread Spectrum

  29. 高动态条件下伪随机码信号相关函数研究

    Correlation of PN spread spectrum signal under high dynamics

  30. 接收端使用同步的伪随机序列进行相关解调恢复出原始信息数据。

    A spread spectrum receiver then uses the synchronized replica of the pseudo noise sequences to recover the original information .