
  • 网络Pseudo-metric;pseudometric
  1. 紧伪度量空间上的Hausdorff维数和加倍测度

    The Hausdorff dimension and doubling measure on compact pseudo-metric space

  2. 伪度量空间的Baire纲定理

    Baire theorem of category in pseudo-metric space

  3. Δ-伪度量族与Menger概率度量空间

    Family of Δ Pseudo Metrics and Menger Probabilistic Metric Spaces

  4. 本文给出了2PM空间的可度量化条件及度量函数、伪度量函数,从而把PM空间上的有关结论推广到2PM空间上。

    This paper gives the metrizable conditions of 2-probabilistic metric space ( 2-PM space ), its distance function and pseudo distance function , thus extends some conclusions of PM-space to 2-PM space .

  5. 运用伪度量函数来讨论映射的不动点

    A study on fixed point theorems for mappings by using pseudo-metric function

  6. 2&PM空间的可度量化条件及度量函数、伪度量函数

    Metrizable conditions of 2-pm space , its distance function and pseudo distance function

  7. 具有平坦的不变伪度量的李群

    Lie Groups With Flat Invariant Pseudo-Riemannian Metrics

  8. 格上伪度量函数的分解

    The decomposition of pseudo-metric on Lattices

  9. 伪度量空间的性质

    On Properties of Pseudo Metric Space

  10. 伪度量函数的一个应用

    An Application for Pseudo-Metric Function

  11. 本文用伪度量函数来讨论映射中的不动点定理,推广了文[1][2]中的一些结果。

    In this paper , we discuss the fixed point theorem of map with pseudo-metric function , and generalize the results in ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) .