
  • 网络regularity;regularization;regular;canonicity
  1. R0代数的正则性及其Fuzzy拓扑表现定理

    The Regularity of R_0 Algebras and Their Fuzzy Topology Representation Theorem

  2. Fuzzy诱导空间的点式完全正则性

    Pointwise Complete Regularity of Fuzzy Induced Spaces

  3. Fuzzy拓扑空间正则性的几种定义及其关系

    The relations of several regularities of fuzzy topological spaces

  4. GPS卫星导航定位系统初探论测度的正则性

    Discussion on GPS on the regularity of measure

  5. 结合单调性公式,得到了驻定的弱p调和映射的处处正则性。

    Furthermore , on account of monotonicity formula , it was obtained that the stationary p harmonic mappings were everywhere regular .

  6. 线性组合Q矩阵的正则性

    Regularity of q-matrices being linear combinations of two regular q-matrices

  7. 关于环的正则性研究上述规律又直接受样本大小n和站点数目p的影响。

    On the Regularity of Rings The regularity depends directly upon the sample length n and the number of stations p.

  8. 关于Γ环的F正则性

    On the F - regular γ - rings

  9. Bézier曲线曲面正则性的判别条件

    Conditions for Determining the Regularity of B é zier Curve and Surface

  10. 满足左正则性条件的IC富足半群

    IC Abundant Semigroups Satisfying Left Regularity Condition

  11. 本文研究了有限P群的P~s正则性,给出了有限P群成为P~s正则群的两个充分条件。

    The Ps-regularity of the finite P-groups is studied in this paper . Two sufficient conditions are given for a finite P-group becoming ps-regular group .

  12. 关于p~n阶PN群的正则性

    On the regularity of PN - groups of order p ~ n

  13. 最后由尺度分析(scalingarguments)得到了一类合适弱解的部分正则性。

    Finally , by scaling arguments we get the partial regularity for the suitable weak solutions .

  14. 本文研究了一致椭圆扩散过程的点的正则性判别准则,得到了x是B的正则点的充要条件。

    In this paper , a sufficient and necessary condition for x to be regular for B under the elliptic diffusion process is obtained .

  15. (LF)-空间的正则性与完备性

    Regularity and completeness of ( lf ) - spaces

  16. 组合流形上的Poisson方程广义解的正则性

    Regularity of a Weak Solution for Poisson Equation which Defines on a Composed Manifold

  17. 小波变换中具有任意阶正则性及线性相位FIR滤波器的逼近

    The Approximation of Finite Impulse Response Filter with any Order of Regularity and Linear-Phase in Wavelet Transform

  18. 第三章,讨论在R是SPF-环的条件下,R/J(R)的强正则性。

    The third chapter , main study if R is SPF-ring , the strongly regularity of R / J ( R ) .

  19. Banach空间中半线性含时滞微分方程解的存在唯一性及正则性

    Existence and Uniqueness of Solution of a Semilinear Abstract Delay Differential Equation in Banach Space

  20. 全矩阵Γ-环的vonNeumann正则性

    Von Neumann Regular Property of Full Matrix Г - ring

  21. Runge-Kutta方法的强正则性

    Strong Regularity Properties of Runge-kutta Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations

  22. 有界凸区域上的Dirichlet问题的正则性

    Regularity of Dirichlet Problem in Bounded Convex Domains

  23. 二维波动方程部分Dirichlet边界控制正则性的数值分析

    A Numerical Approach to the Regularity of 2-D Wave Equation with Partial Dirichlet Boundary Control

  24. 对局部Lipschitz函数正则性的一个注记

    A note on regularity of locally Lipschitz functions

  25. 在Hilbert空间中证明了弱渐近正则性隐含半群轨道的弱收敛性;

    It is proved that in a Hilbert space the weak asymptotic regularity implies the weak convergence of the semigroup ;

  26. 环的vonNeumann正则性

    Von Neumann regularities of rings

  27. 二步Carnot群上非线性次椭圆方程组弱解的正则性

    Regularity of Weak Solutions for Nonlinear Sub-elliptic Systems on Carnot Groups of Step Two

  28. 从规划法求解看有摩擦接触解的不唯一性非定常Stokes问题解的存在唯一性和正则性

    Ununique Solution Research for Frictional Contact Problems Based on Programming Method Existence and regularity of the 3-D time-dependent periodic-nonperiodic Stokes equations

  29. 混合边界条件下定常Navier-Stokes方程解的正则性不同测量条件对兔正常眼压测量值的影响

    Regularity of Solutions of Stationary Navier-Stokes Equations with Mixed Boundary Conditions Different condition on measure results of rabbit intraocular pressure

  30. 过多的方法损害了Python的正则性,使非专家人员(甚至专家)难于理解。

    This deluge of options harms the regularity of Python and makes it harder to understand for non-experts ( and even for experts ) .