
zhèng diàn liú
  • positive current;copper current
正电流[zhèng diàn liú]
  1. 利用PN结对正反向电流表现出的通断特性,半导体二极管常在脉冲电路中作为开关使用。

    Due to the on / off characteristic of P-N junction to the forward and reverse current , semiconductor diode often uses as switch in pulse circuit .

  2. 采用固定开关频率电流追踪PWM细分控制实现方式,形成对步进电机相电流的小范围闭环控制,固定了斩波频率,尽最大可能使步进电机的相电流趋向于给定的正余弦电流波形。

    Frequency fixing PWM current tracking method was adopted in the control system . In such control system , the chop frequency is fixed , and the motor phase current is controlled with small closed loop , which can lead the motor phase current to approach given cosine current waveform .

  3. 一条电线传导正电极电流,另一条传导负电极电流。

    Nadi means flow , like the flow of electricity within a cable .

  4. 讨论了金属-铁电薄膜形成的整流接触对正反向电流不对称的影响,以及不同电压范围的导电机制。

    And the rectifying junction characteristics of metal-ferroelectric film and different conductive mechanism in different voltage range were discussed .

  5. 实验采用无背板生长工艺,工艺参数是在大量的单向正脉冲电流微电铸实验的基础上总结出来的。

    No backing process was employed , and the processing parameters were summarized from lots of pulse-current micro-electroforming experiments .

  6. 将正负脉冲电流微电铸与正脉冲电流微电铸的实验结果进行了对比分析。

    In contrast with the data of pulse-current micro-electroforming , better uniformity was obtained in experiments using the pulse-reverse currents .

  7. 以肖特基势垒二极管为例,应用该方法,实现了高接触势垒情形下的正反向电流模拟。受电弓&接触网系统电接触特性研究

    As an example , Schottky barrier diode characteristics is simulated using this method . Study on the Characteristics of Electric Contact between Pantograph and Overhead Contact Line

  8. 对于同一合金阳极,随着温度的升高,阳极的开路电位、工作电位都变正,电流效率降低,电化学性能下降。

    For the same alloy anode , the open-circuit potential and work potential were positive move with improve of temperature , while the electric current efficiency and the electrochemistry protection decreased .

  9. 由于负向电流可以腐蚀削减铸层表面微观突起的生长高度,因此周期换向脉冲电流微电铸与单向正脉冲电流微电铸相比更易获得较好的铸层均匀性。

    Because the height of micro tips on cathode surface can be eroded by the negative current , surface finishing is better in the micro-electroforming by periodic reverse pulse current than pulse current .

  10. 发现同一温度下,合金阳极随着合金中Al元素含量的增加,合金的开路电位和工作电位正移,电流效率降低,腐蚀均匀性变差,电化学性能下降。

    The results showed that , at the same temperature , the open-circuit potential and work potential were positive move with the Al content increase of alloy anode , and the electric current efficiency decreased , the corrosion uniformity was even worse , and the electrochemistry protection declined .

  11. 通过测量Tafel曲线可知,在Super-3900浓度为0.5%(相对于镀液的体积百分含量)时获得的镀层腐蚀电位最正,腐蚀电流密度最小;

    The corrosion potential was the biggest and the corrosion current was the smallest one when the concentration of Super-3900 was 0.5 % ;

  12. 导电盐的存在使共沉积峰位正移,电流峰值增大;

    The conductance salt makes peak of potential move toward positive and makes peak value of current increase .

  13. 激活源将磁容带变成磁能带的过程,正是中性电流片的形成过程以及激发能量和发亮物质向它集中的过程。

    During the MCB changed into a magnetic energy belt ( MEB ) by the ASs , activating energy and shining material both concentrated to the neutral current sheet ( NCS ) in the course of its formation .

  14. 为提高系统的稳定性,本文先后引入了单环电压PI的正反馈和电压电流双环PI控制,仿真结果验证了此方法的可行性。

    To enhance system stability , this paper has introduced a single-loop voltage PI positive feedback and double loop PI control of voltage and current , Simulation results demonstrate the feasibility of this method .

  15. 对P硅基体的MOS,MNS,MNOS3种钝化系统通过CV特性测试和电性能分析,系统比较了不同结构及在不同的工艺条件下的介面态,介面固定正电荷和漏电流等参数。

    In this paper , based on the solar grade silicon MOS , MNS and MNOS systems have been analysed and the interface states , fixed positive charges and leak current have been compared by C-V measurement .

  16. 逆变器带上RC吸收回路及感性负载时,单边设置死区时正方向的负载电流使输出电压减小,负方向的负载电流使输出电压增加,从而影响了逆变器输出的共模电压。

    When the inverter has RC snubbers and inductance load and adopts the asymmetric dead-time inserted mode , the forward load current makes the output voltage reduced and the negative-going load current makes the voltage raised . This may bring the change of the output CMV of the inverter .

  17. 采用动电位极化技术测试了镍磷合金镀层封孔处理前、后的极化曲线,发现:经封孔处理后的镍磷合金镀层,腐蚀电位正移,腐蚀电流减小。

    The potentiodynamic polarization curves of the sealed and unsealed coatings indicated that the corrosion potential of the sealed coatings shifted towards positive direction and corrosion current density decreased .

  18. 为了准确反映电力机车的负载电流或短路电流,应将接触导线和正馈线上的电流互感器次边差接。

    In order to measure accurately the load of electric locomotives and short circuit current , the secondary side of CTs connected with catenary and feeder should be connected in differential mode .

  19. 简要介绍了该焊机在焊接过程中采用电流通过两个不同途径,即正半波时电流由喷嘴流向工件,负半波时电流由工件流向钨极的所谓双通道的特点。

    " Two current paths " here means that during the straight polarity , the current goes from the nozzle to the workpiece and when the polarity reverses , the current flows through the tungsten electrode .

  20. 随着干湿交替次数的增加,锌合金阳极的工作电位逐渐正移,发出电流的能力逐渐减弱,阳极活性逐渐降低,电流效率明显下降。

    With the increase of wet-dry cycles , the working potential of the zinc alloy anode moved gradually in the positive direction , while the electrochemical activity of the anode reduced and its current efficiency decreased significantly .