
  1. 同极相斥,异极相吸。

    Like poles repel , unlike poles attract

  2. 异极相吸。

    Unlike poles attract .

  3. 同步记录MAP和TAP显示:证明MAP和TAP的去极相能指示兴奋到达该处细胞的确切时间。

    Simultaneously recording TAP and MAP showed that depolarization phase of the TAP and MAP indicated the exact time of the arrival of the excitation wave at the cell .

  4. 这样你就可以验证磁体的定律:同极相斥,异极相吸。

    You will thus checks the law of magnets : Like poles repel ; Unlike poles attract .

  5. 广大的西部地区需要也迫切需要有一个与东部三大经济增长极相对应的增长极。

    The vast western region needs and also urgently needs an economic growth pole corresponded to eastern three growth poles .

  6. 电加热金属棒端部设置电源线连接柱通过导线与车辆电瓶电源正负极相连接。

    A connecting pillar of electrical main is arranged on the end part of the electric heating metal rod and is connected with anode and cathode of a vehicle battery jar .

  7. 将土层锚杆直接锚定在强度相对较低的薄型搅拌极墙上,锚下用槽钢作为受压铁件与搅拌极相接触。

    The anchor rod is anchored directly on the agitation pile wall of " thin type " with relatively low strength and channel bar is used under the anchor to contact with the agitation pile .

  8. 论述了对绕线型变极异步电动机的修理,分析定子、转子绕组的接法,选择正确的绕组并联支路数和极相组联接方式,提高检修质量。

    By repairing the winding connection for the bipolar asynchronous motor , the connection of stator and rotor is analyzed in the paper , the correct winding connection method is chosen , the repairing quality is improved .

  9. 这会儿,除了我一觉醒来,看到魁魁格那只紧抱着我的异教徒的胳膊,使我感到非常恐惧以外,在惊奇上说来,可说是跟我对于那只神奇的手的感觉极相类似。

    Now , take away the awful fear , and my sensations at feeling the supernatural hand in mine were very similar , in their strangeness , to those which I experienced on waking up and seeing Queequeg 's pagan arm thrown round me .