
  • 网络Built-in speaker;Internal Speaker;Boombox
  1. 它有内置扬声器,您可以播放MP3和WMA音乐文件从你的记忆卡。

    It has built-in speakers so you can play MP3 and WMA music files from your memory cards .

  2. 这款牛仔裤名为“美女和极客”,带有全功能键盘、鼠标和内置扬声器,安装在牛仔裤大腿部位的布料上,由NieuweHeren公司设计。该公司由艾瑞克•德奈斯和蒂姆•施密特经营。

    The jeans , known as Beauty and the Geek , come with a fully functional keyboard , mouse and speakers integrated into the upper leg of the fabric and are the idea of design company Nieuwe Heren , run by Erik de Nijs and Tim Smit .

  3. 另一个惊喜是,其内置扬声器的音质也很出众。

    Another surprise : the sound from the built-in speakerphone is excellent as well .

  4. 甚至还有1992年版的Rappin'Rockin'芭比,还有内置扬声器。

    There was even 1992 's Rappin ' Rockin ' Barbie which came with her own boombox .

  5. 如果它是一个带耳机或廉价计算机扬声器的简单卧室系统,那么您可以选择使用主板的耳机插口或者笔记本的内置扬声器。

    If this is a simple bedroom system with headphones or cheap computer speakers , you may opt to use the motherboard 's stock headphone plug or the laptop 's built-in speakers .

  6. 目前,他大多在罗伯逊大街附近溜冰或跳街舞,而过去他总是在比弗利山和西洛杉矶一带游逛,还常常带着内置扬声器,伴随刺耳的音乐舞动。

    Most of his skating and curb-side dancing now takes place near Robertson Boulevard , but in the past he roamed throughout Beverly Hills and West L.A. , often cradling a boombox and shimmying to loud music . '

  7. M1031-W还包括一个适合移动侦测的集成被动红外传感器,白色LED灯,和支持内置麦克风和扬声器的双向音频。

    The M1031-W also includes an integrated passive infrared sensor for motion detection , a white LED light , and two-way audio support with a built-in microphone and speaker .

  8. 摄像机也包含双向声频功能、内置麦克风和扬声器,同时与外部传感器和报警器相连接。

    The camera also includes two-way audio support with a built-in microphone and speaker , as well as connections for external sensors and alarms .

  9. 双声道耳机接口,内置高保真度1W扬声器,音量可调。

    Double track earphone port and insert hi-fi1W speaker , volume adjustable .

  10. 该公司的首席执行官哈里·谢赫(HarrySheikh)说,除了手机操控的追踪系统外,这款行李箱还有数码锁、内置秤和蓝牙扬声器等功能。

    Besides cellular-enabled tracking , features will include a digital lock , built-in scale and Bluetooth speaker , said its chief executive , Harry Sheikh .