
  • 网络sensory cortex;sensory cortices;primary somatosensory cortex
  1. 结果:右手握拳维持肌张力激活左侧初级运动皮层区(PrimaryMotorCortex,M1)、初级体感觉皮层(primarysenso-rycortex,S1)及右侧小脑半球。

    Results : Right hand sustained muscle contraction activated the left primary motor cortex , the left primary sensory cortex and right cerebellum .

  2. 镜子提供的视觉回馈信号被感觉皮层解读为真正的手。

    The mirror was giving visual feedback that the sensory cortex was interpreting as a real hand .

  3. 大脑躯体感觉皮层和海马组织内ERK1/ERK2经脑IPC后蛋白表达量均无明显变化。

    No significant changes in ERK1 / 2 protein expression were found both in somatosensory cortex and hippocampus after ischemic preconditioning .

  4. 组分析结果显示双侧运动皮层(BA6)、右侧感觉皮层、双侧基底神经节壳核、双侧脑岛等区域均出现明显激活,其中左侧运动皮层的激活程度明显强于右侧。

    Group map analysis showed activation in bilateral motor cortex , right somatosensory cortex , bilateral basal ganglia , and bilateral insula .

  5. 结果经脑IPC大鼠躯体感觉皮层内ERK1的磷酸化水平(激活程度)增高(P<0·05);大脑躯体感觉皮层内ERK2及海马组织内ERK1/ERK2的磷酸化水平无明显变化。

    Results The phosphorylation level of ERK 1 in somatosensory cortex increased significantly ( P < 0.05 ) after ischemic preconditioning , while no significant changes in ERK 2 and that of ERK 1 / 2 in hippocampus .

  6. 关于壳核出血中断丘脑皮层向次级躯体感觉皮层投射的病例报道

    Putaminal hemorrhage disrupts thalamocortical projection to secondary somatosensory cortex : Case report

  7. 主要躯体感觉皮层突触可塑性的研究进展

    Progress of Synaptic Plasticity in Primary Somatosensory Cortex

  8. 伤害性刺激对躯体感觉皮层单位放电的影响及电针效应

    The influence of noxious stimulation on somatosensory cortical unit activity and the effect of Acupuncture

  9. 稳态诱发电位技术是对感觉皮层脑活动的连续时间监测手段,提供了有别于传统事件相关电位技术的新视角。

    Different from the widely used event-related potential technology , SSEPs provide a continuous measurement of brain activities over the corresponding sensory cortices .

  10. 本文对42例三叉神经痛患者采用皮肤表面电极刺激三叉神经第Ⅱ支,在三叉神经感觉皮层投射区,记录了射频治疗前、后三叉神经诱发电位的变化,同时与40例正常人作对照。

    Trigeminal evoked potentials ( TEPs ) were recorded before and after radiofrequency therapy in 42 patients with tic douloureux , and compared with 40 normals .

  11. 结论体感刺激激活两侧第一、第二躯体感觉皮层。伤害性刺激对躯体感觉皮层单位放电的影响及电针效应

    Conclusion somatic stimuli can evoke significant activations in bilateral primary and secondary somatic cortex . THE INFLUENCE OF NOXIOUS STIMULATION ON SOMATOSENSORY CORTICAL UNIT ACTIVITY AND THE EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE

  12. 事实上,如果你画一张人体示意图,在这张示意图中,将躯体感觉皮层面积与身体相对应,那么你就会得到这样的一张图。

    In fact , if you draw a diagram of a person , what their body is corresponding to the amount of somatosensory cortex , you get something like that .

  13. 对这些影像学进行分析的第一步工作就是对他们的共同解剖学结构进行校准,例如将运动皮层与躯体感觉皮层分离开的中央沟。

    The first step in analyzing these images is to align their common anatomical structures , such as the " central Sulcus ," a fold that separates the motor cortex from the somatosensory cortex .

  14. 结果实验组10名受试者在单侧或双侧的运动皮层、感觉皮层、前额叶皮层、颞叶皮层、前运动皮层、脑岛、额盖、基底神经节壳核、顶叶皮层及扣带回等区域有明显激活。

    Results The activation areas were found in bilateral or unilateral motor cortex , somatosensory cortex , prefrontal cortex , temporal cortex , premotor cortex , insula , frontal operculum , basal ganglia ( putamen ), parietal cortex and cingulate .

  15. 而MRI上出现杏仁核与周围梨状皮层、内嗅皮层的TZWI高信号,感觉运动皮层亦可见高信号,但此高信号在24小时后消失。

    And hyper signals can also be found in the sensor-motor cortex area , but it disappeared 24 hours after SE .

  16. 感觉运动皮层的锥体束通路对NRM电针镇痛效应的影响

    The influence of pyramidal tract pathway of sensorimotor cortex on the effects of acupuncture analgesia on NRM neurons

  17. 与Dresler博士不同,Gallant博士团队和他并不关注控制运动的感觉运动皮层,而是关注视觉皮层。

    Unlike Dr Dresler , who focused on the sensorimotor cortex , which controls movement , Dr Gallant and his team looked at the visual cortex .

  18. 有选择地损伤双侧,左侧或右侧蓝斑核无助于(继)此(之)后感觉运动皮层损伤的恢复(康复)。

    " Selective bilateral , unilateral left and unilateral right LC lesions impair recovery after subsequent right sensor motor cortex injury " .

  19. 此外,丘脑核团之间、左右半球的尾状壳核、海马和扣带回之间的连通性也较明显,而感觉运动皮层与丘脑核团之间的连接较弱。

    Besides , the significant connectivity between bilateral hemisphere putamen , hippocampus and cingulate was found , but the connectivity was weak intrathalamic and between cortex and thalamic .

  20. 在感觉器和皮层结节中,常见其内部结构广泛溶解。

    In sensory organelles and tubercles , there was extensive or local lysis of internal structure .

  21. 以300μg/kg环丙沙星注入大鼠右侧脑室后,于皮层感觉运动区记录皮层脑电图。

    Electrocorticogram ( ECOG ) were recorded in sensorimotor area of rat cortex after 300 μ g / kg ciprofloxacin ( CPLX ) injected into right ventricle of brain .

  22. 视觉是物体的影像刺激视网膜所产生的感觉以及在大脑皮层中所得到的直觉。

    Vision is a sensory produced by object images stimulating the retina and intuitions obtained in the cerebral cortex .

  23. 其次,意象图式的神经生理机制存在于负责感觉运动的大脑皮层中。

    Secondly , image schemas are found to have their neurobiological grounding in the sensorimotor cortex performing sensorimotor and multimodal imagery tasks .

  24. FLN除了密集分布在三叉神经脊束核尾侧亚核(nucleusofthespinaltractofthetrigeminalnerve,caudalpart,sp5c)的Ⅰ、Ⅱ层外,极间核、口核、感觉主核、躯体感觉皮层等可见FLN的表达;

    FLN densely distributed not only in the ⅰ、ⅱ layers of trigeminal caudal nucleus , but also in interpolar nucleus , oral nucleus , main sensory and body cerebral cortex .

  25. 已有研究认为海马结构接受来自多个感觉系统和高级感觉、运动皮层的输入,在各种感觉信息的整合以及情绪、动机的形成、各种相关行为的决断和执行过程中发挥重要作用。

    Recent studies suggested that the hippocampal system receives inputs from multisensory and high order sensory and motor cortical areas , and integrates them with inputs concerning emotion and motivation , including internal sensor signals concerning the degree to which the needs of the organism have been fulfilled .

  26. 感觉到疼痛的人却没有这样的视觉回馈系统,而且在感觉和运动皮层都没有活动。

    Those with pain lacked this visual feedback system , and showed no activity in the sensory or motor cortex .