
  • 网络modality;sensory modality;sense channel
  1. 急性缺氧对经不同感觉通道引发的脑事件相关电位和反应时的影响

    Effect of hypoxia on brain event related potentials and reaction time in response to stimulations through different sensory modalities

  2. 引入了最优级编码原则来解释内隐学习的表征特点:实验三首次探讨了通过不同感觉通道呈现的次级任务对内除序列学习的影响,从而获得了有突破性价值的结果。

    The influence of the secondary tasks presented through different sense modalities is explored firstly in Experiment 3 , which results in the valuable conclusion .

  3. 这种强大的跨感觉通道的现象叫做联觉。

    This powerful cross-sensory phenomenon is known as synesthesia .

  4. 忽视症多感觉通道缺陷研究的新进展

    A Review of Multisensory Deficit of Unilateral Neglect

  5. 第三,跨感觉通道冲突信息加工涉及到一个阶段,冲突信息整合反应阶段。

    Thirdly , the cross-modal conflict information processing happens in the conflict information integration and response stage .

  6. 神经影像学研究结果表明,忽视症病人受损的脑区可能与多感觉通道的空间表征有关。

    Recent neuroimaging findings in the normal brain showed that the brain regions damaged in neglect patients might contain multimodal representations of space .

  7. 虚拟技术和网络技术不仅为感觉通道提供了新的刺激呈现方式,而且也了为心理活动提供了新的活动空间和活动方式。

    Virtual and cyber techniques provide the sensory channel not only with new stimulus presentation of the but also with new activity space and style .

  8. 同时针对不同的感觉通道,对视觉交互、可触摸的用户界面、手势识别、语音识别和增强现实技术与自然交互行为的匹配关系进行全面的分析。

    In view of the multimodal channels , research the visual interaction , touchable user interface , gesture recognition , speech recognition and augmented reality technology .

  9. 也有人认为在不同感觉通道的信息处理和加工机制中,存在一个统一的、整合各个感觉通道信息的机制。

    While another point of view is that there is a unifying , integrate mechanism to handle with information from each modality in the information processing system .

  10. 通过数据分析发现,单一感觉通道冲突信息加工是分为两个阶段的,主要涉及到冲突信息察觉监视和冲突信息反应抑制。

    Scalp event-related potential analysis revealed the single sensory channel conflict information process was divided into two phases , mainly related to the conflict information monitoring and the conflict information response .

  11. 第五,在跨感觉通道冲突信息加工过程中,环境中的信息会从不同的感觉通道输入,可能进行语义编码,最后进行整合反应。

    Fifthly , during the cross-modal information processing , the environmental information is imported through different sensory channels then converted into the semantic coding . The conflict information integration and response happens in the end .

  12. 脑成像等认知神经科学研究发现,盲人行为代偿的神经机制之一是大脑皮层的跨感觉通道重组,即盲人的视皮层并没有因为视觉剥夺而失去作用,而是广泛地参与了其他感知觉任务。

    Brain imaging and TMS researches found that the brain cross-model reorganization underlies this kind of behavior compensation : visual cortex is not remains ' silent ' after visual deprivation but rather is recruited by other modalities to process sensory information in a functionally relevant manner .

  13. 视、听、触等感觉通道是人类从外界获取信息的主要途径,它们对人类学习、记忆起着极其重要的作用,且各自分工、相互合作地实现人类信息的获取。

    Sense of sight , hearing and touch are main ways for human to obtain information from the outside world . They are very important for people to learn and memorize , of which the cooperation between each other with respective division of work help people acquire information .

  14. 基于3D环境的纯虚拟装配系统,缺少直接的感觉反馈通道,只能给用户有限的现实体验,同时需要消耗大量的计算资源,难以适应复杂产品装配等环境下的复杂建模和实时交互仿真等要求。

    The purely virtual assembly system based on 3D environment lacked of direct feedback channel . It only supported users with limited " real " experience , while consuming a large amount of computing resources .

  15. 人对外界事物信息的获取是经由感觉器官通道来进行的。

    The humanity is carries on to the outside thing cognition through the sense organ .

  16. 随着人口的老龄化和残疾人的增加,越来越多的人群需要用一种新的交流方式来代替传统的感觉反应通道,脑机接口技术应运而生,并成为国际上热门的研究课题。

    With the increasing aged and disabled people , more and more people demand a brand new way of communication instead of traditional sensory modalities , thus brain-computer idea emerged as the times require and come to be a hot topic worldwide .

  17. 似乎在感觉的正常通道之外的。

    Seemingly outside normal sensory channels .

  18. 本研究选取7岁、9岁、11岁的81名儿童作为被试,采用图形辨认任务,探查图形熟悉度、感觉道对小学儿童图形认知的影响,结果表明:感觉通道主效应不显著。

    Eighty one primary school children were chosen as the participants to explore the influences of familiarity of figures and sense modality upon the children 's scores .