
liú zhēn
  • retaining needle;retaining the needle
留针[liú zhēn]
  1. 留针过程中让大鼠自由活动。

    Rats can move freely during retaining the needle .

  2. D.留针时间30min组;

    D , 30-minute retaining needle group ;

  3. 结果A组患者能留针1次完成整个化疗疗程者为100%,B组为76%,经统计学处理有显著性差异(P<0.001)。

    Results In group A all the patients could complete the whole course of chemotherapy with being punctured once , but the rate of being punctured once was 76 % in group B ( P < 0.001 ) .

  4. 从第11天开始,A、B组只给予正常饲养,C、D、E除给予正常饲养外,按不同的留针时间要求分别给予针刺治疗观察,连续针刺10次。

    From the 11th day on , Group A and B were fed normally while the Group C , D and E were given acupuncture treatment for ten times according their retaining needle time besides normal feeding .

  5. 结论:电针留针时间延长至15min才引起隔区NOS表达增强,并随留针时间延长至60min,隔区NOS表达维持在同一水平。

    Conclusion NOS expression in the septum increases and keeps a same level from EA for 15 min to 60 min .

  6. 与模型对照组比较,速刺治疗组和留针治疗组BrdU蛋白的表达增加(P0.01),具有统计学意义。

    With the model control group , treatment group and stay in stab-speed needle treatment group BrdU protein expression increased ( P0.01 ), with statistical significance .

  7. 结果表明:留针和电针刺激对对侧大脑半球皮质、对侧丘脑、同侧基底核和双侧小脑的作用有显著性差异(P<0.01),电针者血流功能变化率高于留针者。

    Results showed a significant difference in effect of needle retention and electro-acupuncture stimulation on contralateral cerebral hemisphere cortex and thalamus , ipsilateral basal ganglion and bilateral cerebella , the change on cerebral blood flow induced by electroacupuncture was greater than that induced by the former method .

  8. 粗针埋针治疗组选用粗针针刺膻中穴,每次进针70mm,留针4h;

    In embedment group , a thick needle was acupunctured 70 mm and embedded at Tanzhong point for 4 hours .

  9. 根据K值,针刺治疗CSA临床疗效最优方案为A1B2C2,即补泻手法+颈三针+留针40分钟的组合疗效最优。

    The best combinations treatment for curative effect was as follow : A1B2C2 ( Reinforcing and reducing methods + Cervical Three needles + 40 minutes ) .

  10. 结果:针刺可提高缺血性中风患者脑血管血流速度,以留针60min作用最为明显。

    Results : Acupuncture increased cerebral blood flow velocity and the 60-minute group showed the most improvement .

  11. 而单独先针合谷穴期间的留针时间长短仅对血清P含量有显著影响,留针40min较20min能显著提高血清P含量。

    The duration of needle retention of 20 min or 40 min at LI4 had significant influence on P contents only . Needle retention of 40 min could significantly increase P contents than that of 20 min.

  12. 在各组之间的两两比较中,速刺组和留针组大鼠的神经功能症状在术后14、17、21、28天比模型组明显减轻,与模型组比较有显著性差异(P0.05)。

    In each pairwise comparison between groups , the speed group and stay in stab-acupuncture group of neurological symptoms in rats after 14,17,21,28 days than in model group was significantly reduced compared with the model group were significantly different ( P0.05 ) . 2 .

  13. 肾俞、百会穴电针10min,留针20min,连续重复4次(共计2hr)后间隔0.5hr再行全脑缺血再灌注造模的研究模型基本可以确立;

    The research pattern of making whole brain ischemia reperfusion model of 0.5 hr after AAP could be set up .

  14. 针刺组:取风池穴(双),留针30min,每日1次,:冶疗2周为1个疗程,共治疗2个疗程。

    Acupuncture group : we select the FengChi Xue ( pair ), 1 times a day , it is a course of treatment in 2 weeks , treat 2 courses of treatment altogether .

  15. 针刺方向皆刺向投射区的中心,得气后以180~200次/min的频率捻转2min,施行平补平泻手法,留针20min,中间间断行针2次。

    Acupuncture was all towards the center of projective area . After depi , twirling for 2 minutes at the frequency of 180-200 times per minute , uniform reinforcing-reducing method was conducted , retaining needle for 20 minutes , and intermission for twice at interval .

  16. 留针时间对缺血性中风针刺疗效的影响

    Effect of needle retaining time in acupuncture treatment of ischemic apoplexy

  17. 目的:观察针刺留针时运针与否的针刺效应。

    Objective To observe effects of manipulating the needle in acupuncture .

  18. 留针对针刺足三里胫前动脉血流动力学的影响

    Effects of Needle Retaining on Haemodynamics of Anterior Tibial Artery During Acupuncture

  19. 针刺治疗中风留针时间与效应关系的概述

    Overview of Relation between Retaining Time of Acupuncture and Effect for Apoplexy

  20. 对照组患者按常规方法行针刺治疗,除取穴不同外,行针手法、留针时间均同治疗组。

    Control group patients treated by conventional methods of acupuncture .

  21. 针刺不同留针时间治疗顽固性呃逆临床观察

    Clinical observation on treatment of stubborn hiccup by acupuncture with different needle-retaining time

  22. 留针时间规律及与针刺疗效关系探讨

    Study on the Relationship of the Time of Needle Retaining and the Effect

  23. 双侧同取,平补平泻,每次留针半小时。

    Bilateral take the reinforcing-reducing , every time the needle for half an hour .

  24. 留针时间的探讨

    Discussion on the time of retaining needle

  25. 目的:探讨不同留针时间与疗效的关系。

    Objective To probe into the relationship of different needle - retained time with therapeutic effects .

  26. 不同留针时间对踝关节软组织损伤的疗效观察

    Observation on Therapeutic Effects of Different Needle-Retained Durations on Soft Tissue Injury of the Ankle Joint

  27. 速刺与留针治疗脑性瘫痪60例对比观察

    Observations on a Comparison of Quick Needling and Retained Needle for Treating 60 Cerebral Palsy Cases

  28. 目的:探索留针时间长短与肾阳虚证的疗效关系。

    Objective : To study the effects of retaining needle time on the Kidney-yang debility patients .

  29. 针刺留针和激发循经感传对脑电地形图β节律活动的影响

    Influence on electrical activity of beta rhythm of beam by retaining the needles and exciting PSC

  30. 针刺留针时间长短与针刺升温作用关系的热像图观察

    The thermographic observation of the relationship between the retention of acupuncture needles and the effect on nose temperature