
  1. LF公司便是国内众多出国留学服务机构之一,经过十年的发展取得了不俗的业绩。

    Among the numerous overseas education service providers , LF Company has made remarkable achievements through a decade of growth .

  2. GEN作为全球留学服务网络的一部份,同时也为当地学生提供专业的服务。

    They have the bonus of being part of a global network whilst ensuring friendly local service .

  3. 国际教育与留学服务联盟成立

    Union of International Education and Studying Abroad Service Founded

  4. 在你们看来,什么样的留学服务机构才是专业、而负责的机构呢?

    In your opinion , what are the standards of a professional and responsible service agency for studying abroad ?

  5. 据中国留学服务中心发布的数据显示,2013年有三分之一的中国留学生选择国外商学院。

    According to the Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange , one third of Chinese students studying abroad in 2013 were enrolled in business schools .

  6. 一定要确保你自己符合最新的要求。教育部留学服务中心副主任安玉祥解释说。

    Make sure you meet the updated requirements , explained An Yuxiang , deputy director of the Overseas Student Service at the Ministry of Education .

  7. 我上个月咨询中国留学服务中心的工作人员时,他们说我必须要出国留学满360天。

    When I consulted officials in the Overseas Student Service in China last month , they told me that I should stay 360 days overseas , she said .

  8. 本着“以诚信编织您的未来”的服务宗旨,致力于为广大学员提供一流的出国留学服务。

    In line with the " integrity of your future weave " as a principle of service , for the general students to study abroad to provide the first-class service .

  9. 目前虚假广告充斥市场,从医疗、药品、保健食品到房地产、出国留学服务等,虚假广告遍及生活的各个角落。

    The current market is flooded with false advertising over every corner of life , from the medical treatment , medicine , health food to real estate , services for studying abroad .

  10. 关于在图书馆内开展留学信息服务的探讨

    Probing to Hold Abroad-Study Reference Service in Library

  11. 北京世纪博园留学咨询服务有限责任公司

    Beijing Century Consulting & Service co. , Lta

  12. 留学教育服务贸易是国际教育服务贸易中最主要的形式。

    Foreign student education service trade is a main form in the international educational service trade .

  13. 亚太地区留学教育服务贸易及其启示

    Trade in the Foreign Student Education Service in the Asia Pacific Region : Present State and Enlightenment

  14. 1993年,北京市留学人员服务中心成立,为全市留学人员提供全方位的服务。

    In1993 , Beijing Municipal Service Center for Scholarly Exchange is founded to serve all returned overseas students .

  15. 2000年,中关村科技园区留学人员服务总部成立,为入住中关村科技园区的留学人员提供各类服务。

    In2000 , Zhongguancun Park Service Office for Pioneering Business of Overseas Chinese Students located in Zhongguancun Science Park is founded for all returned overseas students .

  16. 在高等教育国际化的宏观背景下,发展留学教育服务贸易对各国具有非常重要的战略意义。

    Under the circumstance of higher-education internationalization , it has very important strategic significance for all the countries to develop the foreign student education service trade .

  17. 北京金吉列出国留学咨询服务有限公司英国部经理林颖表示,学生应在抵达目的国后购买这些物品。

    Lin Ying , manager of the UK department at Beijing JJL Overseas Education Consulting and Services Co Ltd , says students should buy these things after they arrive in the destination country .

  18. 发展留学教育服务贸易,不仅可以为出口国创造直接的经济收益,对增强国家以至地区的核心竞争力也具有明显的作用。

    To develop the foreign student education service trade , not only can create direct economic incomes for the exporter , but also has obvious functions on the core competitiveness , which can strengthen the country even the area .

  19. 中关村科技园区每年举办留学人员创业服务体系工作会议。

    Zhongguancun Science Park holds a working meeting on the services for the overseas Chinese talents'start-up business every year .

  20. 海外留学人员为国服务的效益与发展对策

    Methods on efficiency and development of service for homeland by personnel studying abroad

  21. 最后,进一步探讨S留学中介公司提高服务质量和顾客满意度的相应策略。

    Finally , it discusses some recommendations to improve the service quality and customer satisfaction of S company .

  22. 北京市有关部门为来京创业工作的留学人员设立专门服务窗口,提供各项服务。

    Exclusive service counter is set up for the overseas Chinese students who come to work or start up business in Beijing .

  23. 高校图书馆面向来华留学生的信息服务研究中医药来华留学生教育标准制定方法初探

    Investigation on the Information Service for International Students by Chinese University Libraries Preliminary Exploitation into the International Students ' Education Criteria at TCM Colleges

  24. 当前国际境外消费教育(留学生教育)服务贸易发展迅速,但也呈现出极端的不平衡,国际留学生市场基本上由发达国家垄断。

    The international consumption of education service trade extends rapidly . On the other hand , the international education market is monopolized by the developed countries .

  25. 按照国际惯例,中国公派留学人员有回国服务的义务。

    According to international norm , Chinese students who are sponsored by the government to study abroad have the duty to return to serve their home country .

  26. 优质服务是我们的保证,客户满意是我们的追求!我们将竭诚为您提供澳洲移民、留学、旅游等服务。

    Quality service is our guarantee , customer satisfaction is our pursuit ! We will be happy to provide you with Australia 's immigration , study , travel and other services .

  27. 其一是我国教育服务贸易出口与我国的经济增长,即外国学生来华留学作为我国服务贸易出口的一部分对我国经济增长的促进作用。

    One is relevance of education service trade and economic growth of China . As part of service export of China , foreign students to study in China can promote economic growth .

  28. 事实已证明,EIC启德教育过去及现在都为努力众多英国纽卡斯尔大学的中国留学生提供专业而度身定做的留学咨询服务。

    EIC has a proven track record of providing a highly professional and tailored counseling service to past and present Newcastle University students .

  29. 在不久的将来,我国一定会成为接受外国留学生的大国,实现留学生教育服务贸易顺差,具有留学生教育的国际竞争优势。

    In the future , China will become a great country of accepting foreign students , achieving the favorable balance of the overseas students ' education service trade with the international competitive advantage in the area of overseas students ' education .

  30. 2005,留学中介要打品牌年&记北京留学服务行业协会成立

    Establishment of Beijing Overseas-Study Service Association