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liú dài
  • Reserved;wait until;leave sth.to be done later
留待 [liú dài]
  • [leave sth.to be done later] 拖下来等待 [处理]

  • 这事留待他明天回来再定

留待[liú dài]
  1. 这桩事可留待饭后再处理。

    The business can wait until after dinner .

  2. 早在路加福音非常开头的地方,虽然耶稣一生都未接触外邦人,这一点路加留待使徒行传时才告诉我们。

    Already at the very beginning of the Gospel , though Jesus himself won 't go to the Gentiles during his life , this is something that Luke will wait until Acts to show us .

  3. 这件事将留待下次会议讨论。

    This matter will go over until the next session .

  4. OnDemand模式立即导出文档,而Scheduled模式则将文档添加到计划队列中,留待以后处理。

    The On Demand mode exports a document immediately , while Scheduled mode adds the document to a scheduled queue to be processed later .

  5. 您可以保留该卡,这样您可对卡中的余额一直享有使用权,或者留待将来您想再用VisaElectron卡这种支付选项时使用。

    You can keep your card so you can still access any remaining money in your account or if you decide to use the Visa Electron Card payment option again in the future .

  6. 事实上,苹果这次发售的手机名叫iPhone6SE--而iPhone7则要留待明年,到时候苹果预计将会对这款标志性手机进行一场彻底更新。

    Instead , it will be called the iPhone 6SE - leaving the iPhone 7 for next year , when apple is expected to introduce a major overhaul of its iconic handset .

  7. 但却把准入控制、QoS参数映射、流量调节、分组调度算法等一系列重要的问题留待开发者来解决。

    However , the standard leaves some important issues such as admission control , QoS parameter mapping , traffic conditioning and packet scheduling , undefined . These problems are expected to be resolved by the developers .

  8. 我把追踪哪些部分、跟随哪些部分的细节留待给您(当然,还有忠诚的Igor)。

    I 'll leave the details of tracking which parts are attached to which parts up to you ( and faithful Igor , of course ) .

  9. WebSphereCloudburst自动向模式添加参数,您可以在定义模式或维护模式灵活性时选择指定参数值,方法是将参数值规范留待部署时。

    WebSphere CloudBurst automatically adds the parameters to the pattern and you can choose to specify the parameter values when you define the pattern or maintain flexibility in the pattern by leaving the parameter value specification until deploy time .

  10. HauteFourrure系列高级女装上市后是否会一炮打响,一切留待时间去检验,但进军曲高和寡的皮草时装业,实属芬迪正常的业务拓展,在老佛爷看来,这一切都是实现公司CEO贝卡利“开拓、开拓、再开拓”的意图内容。

    Only time will tell if Fourrure is a commercial success , but placing the house on this rarefied stage is a neat bit of brand extension , all part of Beccari 's desire " to promote and promote and promote , " according to Lagerfeld .

  11. 然而由于视频对象分割是目前一个具有挑战性的难题,MPEG组织并没有制定如何将现有的数字视频序列分割成视频对象,而是将其作为标准的开放部分留待深入研究。

    But because the video object segmentation is a difficult problem with challenge at present , MPEG organization has not made how to cut the existing digital video sequences into video object , but regard it as the open part of the standard and wait for further investigation .

  12. SHMILY知道我有多么爱�我的祖父和祖母结婚已逾半个世纪,然而多少年来,他们彼此间不倦地玩着一个特殊的游戏:在一个意想不到的地方写下“shmily”这个词留待对方来发现。

    My grandparents were married for over half a century , and played their own special game from the time they had met each other . The goal of their game was to write the word " shmily " in a surprise place for the other to find .

  13. 待遇方面,还是留待你决定吧。

    With regard to salary , I leave it to you .

  14. 半月板损伤一般留待骨折处理后修复或成形术。

    Generally deal with meniscus injury after fracture repair or angioplasty .

  15. 剩余各点留待下次会议再议。

    Let 's leave the remaining points for our next meeting .

  16. 文件中留待填写的空白处。

    An empty space on a document to be filled in .

  17. 多数支出削减将留待日后决定。

    Most of the spending cuts are to be decided later .

  18. 被搁置的推迟的或留待以后再进行考虑的。

    Postponed or put aside for consideration at a later date .

  19. 但对投资者而言,这是留待日后考虑的问题。

    That was a problem for another day to investors though .

  20. 我们已经有了两次会面留待回家研究。

    We have two interviews left for the home study .

  21. 单击待定可将此项目留待以后批准。

    Click Pending to hold this item for later approval .

  22. 奖学金的提供与否留待他们考试结果揭晓后再定。

    The offer is left pending until their examination results are known .

  23. 这些问题可留待我们下次开会再处理。

    These items can lie over till our next meeting .

  24. 对被包埋病毒的回收仍留待证明。

    The recovery of embedded viruses remains to be demonstrated .

  25. 那瓶酒我们将留待在特定的日子开起品尝。

    We are saving the wine for a special occasion !

  26. 有关它的讨论留待后面进行。

    Its discussion is deferred to a later part of the book .

  27. 这些事情只好留待我们下次会议再讨论了。

    These matter have to be left over until our next meeting .

  28. 我们何不留待明天呢?

    Why don 't we just leave it until tomorrow ?

  29. 那个是留待你来发现的。

    That 's up to you to find out .

  30. 有些不懂的部分可以先放一边,留待下次再读。

    What is not understood can be set aside for a later reading .