
chá kǎo
  • examine;do research on;try to ascertain;trace back
查考 [chá kǎo]
  • [try to ascertain;do research on] 调查考察,弄清事实

  • 查考一批新出土文物的年代

查考[chá kǎo]
  1. 最后一句值得我们去细细查考。

    It is that last phrase that we need to examine carefully .

  2. 教学档案具有查考凭证和参考依据作用。教学档案是教学工作评价的基础和依据;

    Teaching files with the role of examine and reference for teaching work is the foundation and basis of the teaching work evaluation .

  3. 这本小册子很实用,而且便于查考。

    The booklet is very practical and handy of reference .

  4. 文中附有SDS和ADS及ROV有关进展三个附录,以供读者查考。

    For reference purposes , three appendixes on the progress of SDS , ADS and ROV are provided .

  5. 你且去查考,就知道没有申言者是出于加利利而兴起的。

    Search and see that no prophet arises out of Galilee .

  6. 他深入查考这个家族的家谱以寻找事实根据。

    He delved into the family archives looking for the facts .

  7. 谨附原文以便查考。

    The original text is here for ease of reference .

  8. 查考一段讲道经文时,发掘符合经文的正确应用是很重要的。

    When studying a sermon text , it is important to discover textually correct applications .

  9. 长江口深度基准面查考

    Sounding Datum Examining for Yangtze River Port

  10. 当我查考我的小说素材时对这一历史框架已有了基本的了解。

    I had already known the basics of this historical framework when researching my novel .

  11. 考古学家正在查考一批新出土文物的年代。

    Archaeologists were trying to ascertain the date of a new lot of unearthed relics .

  12. 这一切我都见过,也专心查考日光之下所做的一切事。

    All this I saw , as I applied my mind to everything done under the sun .

  13. 通过在公开记录中查考,时报发现有一个人曾使用过这个地址:王文良。

    In public records , one name comes up as having used that address : Wang Wenliang .

  14. 你且去查考,就可知道加利利没有出过先知。

    Look into it , and you will find that a prophet does not come out of Galilee .

  15. 辞书的实用性体现在能略充分提供读者需要了解和查考的知识内容上。

    Providing the full knowledge that readers need to understand and study can reflect the utility of the dictionary .

  16. 泰勒先生从查考经济小病到可断言的,以原则为基础的财政和货币政策的放弃。

    Mr Taylor traces the economy 's ailments to the abandonment of predictable , rules-based fiscal and monetary policies .

  17. 选择你最喜爱的英语流行歌曲或演奏乐曲,查考歌词的意思,并随歌高唱。

    Learn the words of your favourite western pop songs or musical numbers and sing along when you hear them .

  18. 主后四世纪的圣经新旧约全书手抄本已数码化,可在网上查考。

    A fourth-century Bible that includes the earliest known complete copy of the New Testament is now available on the web .

  19. 李博士将提出考古证据及理论,查考中国对美国陶瓷史的影响。

    He will present supporting archaeological evidence including tantalizing theories about the Chinese influence on the development of Native American ceramics .

  20. 他们查考登记的族谱,却没有找到自己的名字,所以他们由司祭中被革除了。

    These sought their writing in the record , and found it not : and they were cast out of the priesthood .

  21. “山姆大叔”一词确切的历史根源已无从查考,但无疑它作为笑话出现,反映出美国政府的父权主义的性质。

    The exact origin is lost in history , but it undoubtedly arose as a joke on the paternal nature of the government .

  22. (或作应当查考圣经)因你们以为内中有永生。给我作见证的就是这经。

    Search the scriptures ; for in them ye think ye have eternal life : and they are they which testify of me .

  23. 如果你查考字典,你会惊讶这个小词蕴含著极其丰富的意义。

    If you looked it up in a dictionary , you would be surprised how much space is given to such a small word .

  24. 辞书的每一次修订也都应以呈现新的知识增量为目的,使辞书具有更高的学习和查考价值。

    Every revision of the dictionary should aim to present new knowledge , making the dictionary have a better learning and reference value . 3 .

  25. 参照国内各名优茶区,查考本地种茶历史,对项目可行性和应有效益进行了切合实际的研究与分析;总结本地种茶的不利因素并提出相应对策;

    With reference from famous tea plantations and the local planting history , we studied and analyzed the feasibility and possible benefits of this project .

  26. 它们不单纯是供人们检索查考的工具书,而也应当视为戏曲文献学的学术著作。

    Nowadays they are not simply a tool for people to retrieve traced book , but should also be considered academic works of drama bibliography .

  27. 9你们查考圣经,因你们以为其中有永远的生命,为我作见证的就是这经。

    9 you search the scriptures , because you think that in them you have eternal life ; and it is these that testify concerning me .

  28. 他们回答说,你也是出于加利利吗?你且去查考,就可知道,加利利没有出过先知。

    This was their answer : and do you come from galilee ? Make search and you will see that no prophet comes out of galilee .

  29. 只是无从查考,那篇报道的作者稿酬几何,不禁让人倍感遗憾!

    One thing we cannot now is , how much did the writer earned from the composing of that report . Isn 't it a pity !

  30. 文中还尝试运用历史查考的方法对机动车损害赔偿责任的来源和发展进行了追踪。

    In addition based on investigations of the history , it traces the origin and development of the liability of compensation for damages caused by vehicles .