
chá xún
  • query;inquiry;reference;consult;question;inquire about;polling;interrogate
查询 [chá xún]
  • [question;interrogate;inquire about] 查考询问

  • 查询行李的下落

查询[chá xún]
  1. 我打了电话查询列车时刻。

    I rang up to inquire about train times

  2. 学生可通过Internet访问在线实验系统,通过多媒体CAI教学系统进行实验预习,在线自测,提交实验报告、查询成绩。

    The students may visit the on-line experimental system through Internet , and prepare an experiment through the multimedia CAI teaching system and the on-line self-test system , submit the test report , and inquire about the score .

  3. 分批、分类处理查询将会提高服务质量。

    The service will be improved by batching and sorting enquiries .

  4. 进一步详情可向当地的旅游办事处查询。

    Further information is available from the local tourist office .

  5. 查询时请报出编号。

    Please quote your reference number when making an enquiry .

  6. 我做过一些查询,但到头来却毫无结果。

    I made a few enquiries , but nothing came of it in the end .

  7. 这上面有一个号码,您可以打电话查询您的账单。

    It 's got a number you can ring to query your bill

  8. 欲知离自己最近的演出的详情,请查询当地文娱预告杂志。

    For details of the nearest performance look in the local listings magazines .

  9. 这家旅游办事处提供十分实用的住宿查询服务。

    The tourist office operates a useful room-finding service .

  10. 有些银行对查询账户余额要收费。

    Some banks charge if you access your account to determine your balance .

  11. 我给每位查询者发送了一份资料。

    I send each inquirer a packet of information .

  12. 如果你无法获得所需信息,请查询电话号码簿。

    If you are unable to obtain the information you require , consult your telephone directory .

  13. 安装在阿什福德车站的所有信息查询装置如今都被破坏分子毁坏了。

    All information systems that have been fitted at Ashford station have now been destroyed by vandals .

  14. 然后卡姆纳尔先生凭直觉在联邦选举委员会的计算机系统中进行了查询。

    Then Mr. Kamenar , acting on a hunch , ran a computer check at the Federal Election Commission .

  15. 在他们的电脑上查询个人记录,需要提供被查询人的姓名和地址。

    In order for their computers to trace a person 's records , they need both the name and address of the individual .

  16. 我未能通过邮政查询与他们取得联系。

    I have failed to reach them by postal inquiries .

  17. 在我们的研究中,只查询了第一手资料。

    We consulted only primary sources in our research .

  18. 他在书店查询那本书。

    He enquired for the book in a bookstore .

  19. 教育行政部门应当会同有关部门健全教职工从业禁止人员名单和查询机制。此外,意见稿还就人身安全、人格权益、受教育权等多项权益保护作了规定。

    Education authorities should work with other departments to improve a black list of those banned from being teachers and make the list more accessible .

  20. 清华大学图书馆多媒体资源Web查询系统的建设

    Establishment of Multimedia Resources Web Search System in Tsinghua University Library

  21. Web的半结构化数据模型和查询模型

    The Semistructured Data Model and the Query Models for the Web

  22. Web数据库在电量查询系统中的应用

    The Application of Web Database in Query System for Power

  23. 利用约束优化数据库WEB视图上的查询

    Optimizing Query of the Database WEB View Using Constraints

  24. ContentAdministration,用于调度查询服务管理任务

    Content Administration for scheduling Query service administration tasks

  25. Web本体服务器及其查询接口

    A Web Ontology Server and Its Query Interface

  26. 您将使用COMPANY表来查询、更新、删除和插入数据。

    You will use the COMPANY table to select , update , delete , and insert data .

  27. 查询自动生成器在Web数据库发现中的应用

    Inquiries automatic generator in Web database discovery

  28. 您可以使用LISTHISTORY命令查询数据库备份历史。

    You can use the LIST HISTORY command to interrogate the database backup history .

  29. 基于Web的光盘数据库动态查询

    Web-based Optical Disk Database Dynamic Query

  30. 查询此XML树并返回一个产品对象。

    Query the XML tree and return a products object .