
  • 网络Duplicate check;cnki
  1. 快速高效的网页查重算法无论对于采集器,还是web检索系统都十分重要。

    Fast and efficient detection algorithm of near-replicas is of great significance to web achievers and web information retrievals .

  2. 为此,提出一种基于粒子群优化(PSO)的文档内部子内容的查重算法。

    It uses Particle Swarm Optimization ( PSO ) algorithm to search the optimized partial contents which is the most similar in two documents .

  3. 论文针对消息配对模块、消息查重模块、通信模块等核心软件模块进行了深入的研究,采用了有限自动状态机和hash技术高效精确地解决信令消息配对难题,并提出了详细的算法设计。

    In this paper , it also brings forward the detail algorithms about Signal Match Module which used by auto-machine technology and Hash technology , Signal Duplicate Check Module and Communication Module .

  4. 利用VISUALBASIC编写图书现场采购查重软件,从图书条形码中提取ISBN,实现图书查重判断、采购信息统计等操作。

    This programming aims at compiling the software for books'on-the-spot purchasing and repeating-check by using VISUAL BASIC and drawing ISBN from the bar codes of books to achieve the operations of books ' repeating-check judgment and the statistics of purchasing ( information ), etc.

  5. 从多检索点查重、多库查重、多次查重3个方面介绍在CALIS联机合作编目过程中中文图书的查重方法。

    The author introduces three methods of checking duplicates during the process of CALIS union cataloging : multi - search point check , multi - database check and check one more times .

  6. 浅谈图书编目工作中的查重方法

    Talking about the Duplicate Checking Methods in the Books Cataloging Work

  7. 使用数据采集器进行图书查重常遇问题探讨

    The Problem and Discussion of Portable Data Terminal in Book Checking

  8. 图书现场采购查重编程方法

    Programming for Books ' On-the-spot Purchasing & Repeating - check

  9. 图书采购查重统计系统的开发与应用

    The Exploiture and Application of the System of Book Purchasing

  10. 一种改进的基于内容的快速网页查重算法

    An Improved Fast Detection Algorithm of Near-replicas of Web Pages

  11. 通用图书查重系统研制开发设计原理及其实现方法

    Theory and Method of the General Duplicate Books Checking System

  12. 改进的基于布尔模型的网页查重算法

    Duplicated Web Pages Detection Algorithm Based on Boolean Model

  13. 简述中国标准书号及其在中文采访查重中的应用

    Briefly on China Standard Book Number and Its Application

  14. 一种高效的文本查重算法在电子商务中的应用

    Applying an efficient textual replicas detection algorithm in E-commerce

  15. 计算机自动查重程序的算法分析

    On the Algorithms of Automatic Duplicate Checking Computer Program

  16. 图书馆图书采访批量查重程序的算法分析

    On the Algorithms of Batch Checking of Book Duplications Program Used in the Library

  17. 网络环境下图书编目查重工作实践

    Practice in Cataloging Duplicate Checking under Networked Environment

  18. 采访查重的新理念与新方法&主题查重

    New Idea and a Novel Method of Acquisition Duplicate Checking & Subject Duplicate Checking

  19. 位置的因素,即对比文本等分位置和其他位置分别作用于全文查重的效果。

    The effect of positions , including the equipartition points and other reasonable positions .

  20. 基于智能手机的图书外采查重系统开发

    The Development of Duplicate Checking System in Book Outside Acquisition Based on Smart Phone

  21. 再谈图书采购查重

    Research again the Rechecking of the Book-Purchasing

  22. 检测系统中信令查重及同步算法设计与实现

    Design and implementation of signal message searching duplication and synchronization algorithm in SS7 monitor system

  23. 图书馆图书查重验收系统的设计与应用

    The Design and Application of Check up the Repetition Books and Examination System in the Library

  24. 查重&探析网络环境下中文图书编目的方法和技巧

    Duplicate checking - On methods and skills of cataloguing of Chinese books under the network environment

  25. 联机合作编目中文图书的查重方法浅析图书采访自动查重和验收系统

    Duplicate Checking Methods in Union Catalog Analysis on the Automatic Duplicate Checking and Accepting System for Book Acquisition

  26. 查重是类分文献的先决条件,查重工作的质量对书目数据库的建设将产生直接的影响。

    Duplication checking is a precondition of document classification and it has direct effect on bibliography database construction .

  27. 而查重工作的质量直接影响到书目数据库的质量和读者对书目数据的正常使用。

    ON THE CATALOGUE OF DECLINATIONS This result directly influence catalogue database , and the use of reader .

  28. 图书馆编目查重的本土实证&ISBN号查重过程中存在的问题及解决方案

    Local Cases of Library Cataloging Duplicate Check & Corresponding solutions to the Issue in ISBN Duplication Check Process

  29. 为了最有效的、科学的利用科技资源,需要对基金申报书进行查重和评审。

    To use these sources effectively and scientifically , the fund declaration need to be checked and reviewed .

  30. 试论建立网上学术期刊论文查重数据库

    Discuss the Establishing on the Network a Database of Theses in Academic Journals to Discover the Re-contributed and Re-published Theses