
  • 网络tacit knowledge management
  1. 基于代理成本的企业隐性知识管理分析

    Analyses on Tacit Knowledge Management in Corporation Based on Agency Cost

  2. 高校图书馆隐性知识管理障碍及对策研究

    Research on Tacit Knowledge Management Obstacles and Countermeasures in College Library

  3. 基于Lotusnotes的OA系统与图书馆隐性知识管理

    OA system based on Lotus Notes & the management of library tacit knowledge

  4. 本文介绍了办公自动化系统、群件技术及知识管理的概念,探讨了基于Lotusnotes的OA系统在图书馆隐性知识管理中的应用。

    This text introduced the concepts of OA system , GroupWare and Knowledge Management , discussed the application of OA system based on Lotus Notes in the management of library tacit knowledge .

  5. 隐性知识管理在高校图书馆的应用浅析

    The Application of the Management of Tacit Knowledge in University Library

  6. 高技术企业隐性知识管理中的激励组合研究

    Study on Incentives Portfolio for Tacit Knowledge Management in High-tech Companies

  7. 图书馆隐性知识管理:内涵、影响因素与策略

    Library tacit knowledge management : the intention , effect factors and strategies

  8. 隐性知识管理系统在图书馆中的运用

    The Application of Management System of Recessive Knowledge in Library

  9. 隐性知识管理在图书馆管理中具有重要的意义。

    The management of recessive knowledge shoulders important meanings in library management .

  10. 基于可拓方法的企业隐性知识管理绩效评价研究

    Study on Enterprise Tacit Knowledge Management Performance Assessment Based on Extension Method

  11. 图书馆隐性知识管理模式初探

    A Preliminary Study on the Management Mode of Recessive Knowledge in the Library

  12. 隐性知识管理及基于网络的交流平台的研究

    Research of tacit knowledge management and internet-based exchange platform

  13. 基于心理契约的图书馆隐性知识管理

    Library 's Tacit Knowledge Management Based on Psychological Contract

  14. 图书馆隐性知识管理的具体措施探讨

    The Practical Measures of Library Tacit Knowledge Management

  15. 研究认为,学校知识管理包括显性知识管理和隐性知识管理两个方面的内容,隐性知识的共享是学校知识管理的核心。

    We think school knowledge management concludes explicit knowledge management and tacit knowledge management .

  16. 认知地图及其在隐性知识管理中的应用

    Cognitive Map and its Applications in Knowledge Management

  17. 隐性知识管理下的组织文化建设

    Analysis of Organization Culture in Tacit Knowledge Management

  18. 而企业隐性知识管理的效果如何,需要一个绩效评价体系进行检测。

    The effectiveness of tacit knowledge management is subject to an appropriate performance evaluation system .

  19. 急诊护理的隐性知识管理

    Inapparent knowledge management of emergency nursing care

  20. 企业必须通过隐性知识管理来提高自身的技术创新能力,以加强竞争优势。

    Enterprises must improve the ability of technological innovation of themselves to strengthen competitive advantages .

  21. 图书馆隐性知识管理探索

    Exploring on Tacit Knowledge Management of Library

  22. 隐性知识管理文献综述

    Literature Review on Tacit Knowledge Management

  23. 项目团队中的隐性知识管理

    Tacit Knowledge Management in Project Teams

  24. 本文提出了基于隐性知识管理基础平台的隐性知识管理机制模型,在该模型中,隐性知识管理机制包括隐性知识的生成、转化、共享和利用等几个部分。

    This dissertation introduces a tacit knowledge management mechanism model based on tacit knowledge management platform .

  25. 医院隐性知识管理探讨

    Discussion on hospital hidden knowledge management

  26. 企业内部隐性知识管理研究是当前知识管理领域中的研究焦点、热点问题。

    Nowadays study on management of tacit knowledge inside enterprises is the key in the whole knowledge management .

  27. 企业内部隐性知识管理的核心内容是企业内部隐性知识的转化、共享和创新。

    And the sections of sharing , converting and creating are the core in management of tacit knowledge .

  28. 隐性知识管理作为一种管理理念,需要通过具体的活动来落实。

    As a kind of managing idea , tacit knowledge management needs to be implemented by concrete activity .

  29. 其中,隐性知识管理已成为知识管理的难点也是重点,它已经成为知识管理界的一个热点话题。

    Tacit knowledge has become the focus and difficulty of knowledge management . It is a hot topic in knowledge management .

  30. 企业隐性知识管理研究是一个重大的社会经济理论问题和实践问题。

    It is a great social economic theoretical question and practice question that the tacit knowledge management of the enterprise is studied .