
yǐn xìnɡ cái fǎnɡ
  • covert coverage
  1. 质疑隐性采访的道德性与合法性

    A Query to the Morality and Legitimacy of the Covert Coverage

  2. 隐性采访是新闻采访的一种特殊手段。

    Covert coverage is a special news coverage .

  3. 记者在隐性采访中的失度表现

    Journalists ′ faulty manifestation in the covert interview Degree of graphitization

  4. 法律&隐性采访不能逾越的界限

    Law & A Border " Hidden Coverage " Cannot go Beyond

  5. 社会和广大公众对隐性采访也持认可态度。

    It also be accepted by the public and the society .

  6. 隐性采访在当代中国的兴盛,有着多方面复杂的原因。

    The convert interview boom in modern China has many complicated reasons .

  7. 然而隐性采访在法律和道德方面存在着诸多漏洞。

    But it has many flaws in laws and morals .

  8. 双侧重复肾合并慢性肾脏病1例报告论隐性采访的道德与法律的双重制衡

    One case of bilateral duplex kidneys with chronic kidney disease

  9. 隐性采访的法律道德把握

    On the Laws and Occupation Morals in the Covert Coverages

  10. 对隐性采访法律地位的再思考

    A Second Thought about the Legal Status of Recessive Interview

  11. 隐性采访与新闻侵权的法律探析

    Legal Reflections On the Recessive Interview and Right Infringement

  12. 论隐性采访与新闻侵权

    Again on the Recessive Interview and the News-right Infringement

  13. 情理与法理的冲突&关于隐性采访的反思

    Conflict between the Reason and the Law & Thought on the Recessive Interview

  14. 由一次成功的电视隐性采访说开去

    Starting from One Successful Television Secret Cover Practice

  15. 论隐性采访及其侵权问题

    By Recessive Interview and Its Right Infringement Question

  16. 由此可见,隐性采访与隐私权保护的冲突在所难免。

    The clash between covert interview and the right of privacy can hardly be avoided .

  17. 电视新闻报道中隐性采访的原则

    Secret Interview on TV News Report

  18. 隐性采访的法律分析

    A Legal Analysis of Secret Interview

  19. 隐性采访的合法界限

    Legal Demarcation Line of Secret Interview

  20. 隐性采访是近年来受到新闻记者普遍青睐的新闻采访形式。

    Covert coverage is a popular and favorite form of coverage for journalists in recent years .

  21. 电视新闻隐性采访的权利冲突

    Conflict of Right in Television Interview

  22. 隐性采访的正负功能分析

    Hidden Interviewed Both Functional Analysis

  23. 隐性采访的法律思考

    Legal Ponder on Recessive Interview

  24. 时下,隐性采访已成为新闻记者挖掘深度新闻和时效新闻的常用手段。

    At present , hidden interviewed by journalists digging depth and timely information has become common practice .

  25. 在大众传媒的新闻报道中,隐性采访被越来越广泛地运用。

    Secret interviews are being more and more widely adopted in journalistic reports by the mass media .

  26. 如从传播学的正负功能入手分析,隐性采访具有正负功能。

    If processing from the positive and negative function of science of media , hidden interviewed has both functions .

  27. 事实上,隐性采访高人气的背后也隐藏了严肃的社会和法律问题,比如引起了一系列新闻侵权诉讼,引发了社会的诚信危机等。

    In fact , despite its high popularity , several serious social and legal issues are hiding behind it .

  28. 第三章分析了隐性采访中的具体人格侵权行为。在我国,具体人格权包括人格尊严、名誉权、肖像权、隐私权等。

    In China , specific personality right includes human dignity , reputation , image rights , and the right to privacy .

  29. 在近年来的新闻采访实践中,越来越多的新闻工作者提出了隐性采访的合法性问题。

    This paper intends to look into legality of secret interview put forward by more and more media workers in recent years .

  30. 本文试图通过对《关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》的分析,探讨隐性采访的法律定位问题。

    This paper attempts to define the legal position of the secret interview through analyzing Regulations of the Evidence of Civil Action .