
  • 网络concealed work;hidden construction work
  1. 负责本专业分项、分部工程验收及隐蔽工程验收。

    Be responsible for acceptance of sub-divisional and divisional works of the discipline and concealed work ;

  2. 隧道是一项隐蔽工程,其设计和施工面向的对象是岩土体。

    The tunnel is a concealed work , its design and the construction faces the gneiss .

  3. 地质雷达技术在水工隐蔽工程质量检测中的应用

    Application of GPR in the quality detection of hidden hydraulic works

  4. 全景水下电视在长江堤防隐蔽工程中的应用

    Application of panoramic underwater television system to Yangtze river embankment concealed engineering

  5. 基础建设项目隐蔽工程分析和质量管理

    Concealed engineering analysis of basic construction project and quality management

  6. 古城区隐蔽工程施工中的障碍物及其排除法

    Obstacle and Remove During Concealed Construction in Old Building Area

  7. 关于隐蔽工程数码图像存档的技术探讨

    Discussion about Filing of Digital Pictures of Concealing Project

  8. 现代战争空袭情况下防空隐蔽工程与一般工程有不同的特点;

    Air defense works has different characteristics from general buildings in air attack .

  9. 长江重要堤防隐蔽工程招标工作实践

    Bid invitation practice for concealed works of important dyke along the Yangtze river

  10. 桩基础工程是地基加固的一种方式,属重要隐蔽工程。

    As one of the foundation reinforcement forms , pile foundation is important hidden project .

  11. 钻孔灌注桩属于隐蔽工程,施工过程容易出现质量事故。

    Bored pile works are hidden engineering , construction process prone to happen quality accidents .

  12. 垂直防渗墙新技术在长江重要堤防隐蔽工程中的应用

    The Application of Vertical Anti-seepage Wall Technology in the Yangtze River Important embankment Hidden Project

  13. 隐蔽工程项目现场管理

    Field Management of Occult Engineering Project

  14. 然而作为隐蔽工程,其质量安全检测手段却相对滞后。

    But as concealing the project , its inspecting means of quality safely lags behind relatively .

  15. 长江重要堤防隐蔽工程护岸工程运行状况和效果分析

    Operation and effect of bank revetments of hidden works in major levees of the Yangtze River

  16. 灌浆工程是隐蔽工程,灌浆工程的计量具有复杂性和多变性。

    As underground works , the measurement of quantity of grouting works is complicated and changeful .

  17. 施工时应加强材料检验、隐蔽工程检查,确保施工质量。

    The particular checks to the materials and construction are necessary for the quality of the construction .

  18. 接地装置属隐蔽工程,设计、施工、验收各环节均需严格规范,对此进行了阐述和分析。

    Analyzes the normalization of grounding installation project from design , construction and inspection , assures project quality .

  19. 介绍了长江重要堤防隐蔽工程的建设管理实践。

    The practice of construction and management of hidden engineerings of key levee on Yangtze River is introduced .

  20. 地基与基础位于地面以下,属于隐蔽工程。

    Subgrade and foundation engineering is a kind of concealed work , which is located under the ground surface .

  21. 射水造墙法是为江河堤防隐蔽工程施工而开发出的一项最新技术。

    The method of Water ? jetting for building wall is a new developing technique for processing underground engineering .

  22. 大直径钻孔灌注桩属地下隐蔽工程、施工程序多,容易产生质量事故。

    Large-diameter bored pile belongs to concealed engineering . It involves many construction procedures and can causes quality problems easily .

  23. 第二百七十八条隐蔽工程在隐蔽以前,承包人应当通知发包人检查。

    In the case of concealed work , the contractor shall give the developer notice for inspection prior to concealment .

  24. 桩基础通常在地下或水下,属隐蔽工程,桩基工程质量的好坏直接关系到整个工程的安危。

    Pile foundation is a kind of embedded engineering , which is usually located below the ground surface or water level .

  25. 城市埋地燃气管道属隐蔽工程,其输送介质易燃易爆,并处于一定的压力状态,因此城市燃气输配管道具有很大的危险性。

    The urban gas pipeline is buried underground . Its medium is flammable and explosive easily and it is in a certain pressure .

  26. 估计量是一个随机变量。灌浆工程是隐蔽工程,灌浆工程的计量具有复杂性和多变性。

    An estimator is a random variable . As underground works , the measurement of quantity of grouting works is complicated and changeful .

  27. 钢板桩防渗墙施工是长江重要堤防隐蔽工程施工中的一种新工法。

    Steel sheet pile seepage prevention wall is a new measure for the construction of concealed works of important dikes along the Yangtze River .

  28. 本文介绍了隐蔽工程施工现场准确测量签证及工程量准确审核签证的具体方法。

    This paper introduces the concrete methods of accurate measuring visa in occult engineering field and accurate cheeking and approving visa of engineering quantity .

  29. 岳阳长江干堤隐蔽工程安全监测研究长江重要堤防隐蔽工程建设管理实践

    Study on safety monitoring of Yueyang 's Changjiang main dyke Practice of construction and management for hidden engineerings of key levee on Yangtze River

  30. 由于帷幕灌浆属于隐蔽工程,如何保证灌浆质量,使帷幕灌浆达到预期效果是帷幕灌浆工作的重要工作环节。

    Curtain grouting belongs to hiding projects . It is very important that how to guarantee grouting quality and making curtain grouting achieve the desired results .