
yǐn xínɡ fēi jī
  • stealth aircraft;stealth plane;invisible plane
  1. 在他头顶上一架隐形飞机嗡嗡地飞过夜空。

    Above him an invisible plane droned through the night sky .

  2. 谢尔顿:还有防弹手镯和真理套索,隐形飞机单独零售。

    Sheldon : Complete with bracelets and of truth . Invisible plane sold separately .

  3. 最后,通过与已经成功应用于实战的B-2隐形飞机的对比,分析了在应用控制增稳的控制技术后,飞翼式布局的UCAV的实用性。

    It is suggested by reference to the B-2 bombing aircraft which has proven successful in wars that using a control augmentation system , the flying-wing configuration of UCAV will be practicable .

  4. 最了不起的是运用隐形飞机的方式。

    The most striking was the way that used stealth .

  5. 我们以为他要制造隐形飞机。

    We thought he was building a stealth plane .

  6. 但你问问自己:中国会需要或者想要一种短程的隐形飞机吗?

    But ask yourself : why would China need or want a short-range stealth aircraft ?

  7. 趴在一架隐形飞机外

    on the outside of an invisible jet

  8. 隐形飞机只对第三世界国家起作用,因为他们缺少能探测到这类飞机的精密的雷达和技术。

    Stealth only works in third world countries where they lack the sophisticated radar and technology that can detect them .

  9. 隐形飞机就像是一件隐身斗篷,并不是一切,只是弱小的国家没有发现他的设备。

    It is a cloak that is not perfect and the smaller countries don 't have the equipment to detect it .

  10. 还有一些看似在未来几年可能会无法全方位武装的,比如中国最新的尖端科技尖20隐形飞机。

    Others are unlikely to achieve full operational capability for years to come , including the headline-grabbing Chinese stealth fighter , the J-20 .

  11. 然而,它之后出名是系统能有效地用来发现隐形飞机,传统雷达系统不能够发现。

    However , it was later noted that the system can be effectively used to detect stealth aircraft , which conventional radar systems are unable to detect .

  12. 在更靠近地球一点的空间,中国使用的长波雷达可能能够在一定条件下侦测到隐形飞机,尽管这些长波雷达还不足以用于引导导弹展开攻击。

    Closer to earth , China uses long wavelength radars which are probably able to detect stealth aircraft in some conditions , although they are not fine enough to use for engagement by missiles .

  13. 中国首艘航母“辽宁号”(见上图)已于2012年交接并服役,而中国空军在2011年试飞了首型隐形飞机歼20。

    The Liaoning , China 's first aircraft carrier , was commissioned and entered service in 2012 , while the country 's air force tested its first stealth aircraft , the J-20 , in 2011 .

  14. 在2012年12月上台的安倍首相的领导下,日本将在11年来首次提高国防支出,调拨更多资金购买无人机、隐形飞机和水陆两栖战车。

    Under Mr Abe , prime minister since December 2012 , Japan is to lift its defence spending for the first time in 11 years , boosting purchases of drones , stealth aircraft and amphibious vehicles .

  15. 多宾斯估计,美国有能力在24小时内将80%的叙利亚空军力量摧毁于地面,大部分任务将由巡航导弹、无人机和隐形飞机完成。

    Mr Dobbins reckons the US could destroy 80 per cent of the Syrian air force on the ground in 24 hours with most of the work being done by cruise missiles , drones and stealth aircraft .

  16. 简单来讲,隐形技术可以使飞机在雷达或其他检测方法下变得部分不可见。

    Simply speaking , stealth technology allows an aircraft to be partially invisible on radar or any other detection methods .

  17. 但它不同于隐形技术。隐形技术不是让飞机变得看不见,而只是减少能被雷达探测到的切面以使其难以被追踪到。

    It differs from stealth ( 10 ) technology , which does not make an aircraft invisible but reduces the cross-section ( 11 ) available to radar , making it hard to track .