
zhǔ bàn
  • main lobe;antenna main lobe
主瓣[zhǔ bàn]
  1. 本文将该法应用于多频信号自适应波束形成方法中,最后通过仿真验证,说明了该方法抑制多频信号主瓣干扰的有效性。

    This paper applies the method to multi-frequency signal adaptive beamforming , and illustrates the effectiveness of this method in suppressing the main lobe interference for multi-frequency signal using simulation .

  2. 但当目标和杂波位于同一主瓣内时将产生主瓣分裂,因此本文引入斜投影算子代替正交权矢量。

    However , the target and clutter within the same main lobe will have to split the main lobe . So oblique projection operator is introduced instead of the orthogonal weight vector .

  3. 它们的RCS贡献,相较于主瓣的研究量级,几乎可以忽略不计。

    RCS contributions from these sources are negligible for the principal lobe magnitudes studied .

  4. P4码信号作为P(n,1)信号,虽然具有最窄的主瓣,但具有较高的距离旁瓣。

    AsP ( n , 1 ) signal , P4 code has the narrowest main lobe but higher range side lobe .

  5. 利用加窗FFT可以抑制副瓣,但降低了主瓣信噪比。

    The weighed FFT ( WFFT ) can suppress the side lobe but decrease the SNR in main lobe .

  6. 本文给出按LMS准则设计的自适应系统达到稳态时,系统指向性的一般表达式.作为信号和干扰之间的广义夹角的函数,提出计算主瓣宽度、干扰方向零点深度和极限分辨力的方法。

    The general representation of steady state directivity of adaptive system designed under the LMS criteria is given .

  7. 详细讨论了两种多波束形成算法:直接加主瓣偏移算法和LMS算法。

    Two DBF algorithm ( directly adding main beam offset algorithm and LMS algorithm ) is analysed at length .

  8. 针对中重频PD雷达应用背景,设计了一种主瓣杂波抑制滤波器。

    In view of application of medium pulse repetition frequency pulse Doppler ( MPRF PD ) radar , a main-lobe clutter suppression filter is designed .

  9. 对于单通道SAR系统数据,已有成熟的检测快速运动目标的方法,但对于淹没在强主瓣杂波中的慢速运动目标检测尚待研究。

    There are sophisticated fast mobile targets detection algorithms for single-channel SAR data , while the algorithm for slow mobile target detection in strong main-lobe clutters remains to be developed .

  10. 由于PSA增益的相敏特性,光纤色散导致孤子脉冲主瓣幅度下降,脉宽展宽,出现旁瓣。

    Because of the phase-sensitive nature of PSA 's gain , fiber dispersion will also cause soliton pulse amplitude descending and its width broadening .

  11. 分析了对星载SAR实施压制式干扰的可行性,通过计算压制式干扰功率,得出能够采用相干脉冲主瓣干扰对星载SAR实施压制干扰的结论。

    The feasibility of blanket jamming against space-borne SAR is analyzed . Through calculating the power of blanket jamming , it is concluded that the coherent pulses can jam space-borne SAR .

  12. 通过Matlab仿真和多径误差分析表明,在主瓣半功率带宽以外的下降沿及副瓣区,多径误差有明显的改善。

    Through computer Matlab emulating and the multi-path error analyzing , the simulation result show that the multi-path error can be improved obviously in the area of side-lobe and the down edges outside of the main-lobe .

  13. Kaiser窗是一种可以任意调整窗谱主瓣宽度与旁瓣衰减比例的函数。

    Kaisers window is such a function which can freely change the main-lobe width of window spectrum and the attenuation proportion of side-lobe proportion .

  14. 因为具有相位连续和恒包络的特征,CPM信号在频谱上表现为一个很窄的主瓣,和数个快速滚降的旁瓣,这使得信号可以有效的使用非线性功率放大器。

    Due to phase continuity and constant modulus , CPM signals exhibit a narrow spectral main lobe and low side lobes , and allow nonlinear power amplifiers to operate efficiently .

  15. 主瓣引起的差反射率因子dB数误差有时可达到0.5dB左右。

    The deviation of the differential reflectivity caused by the difference of the main-lobes at horizontal and vertical polarizations may be sometimes as high as 0.5 dB or so .

  16. 该算法不会出现主瓣分裂问题,在抑制杂波实现信号检测的同时,功率谱的峰值可以作为对目标信号的DOA估计。

    The new algorithm does not appear to split the main lobe . It can realize signal detection and clutter suppression at the same time . The peak of power spectrum can be used as the DOA estimation of the target signal .

  17. 介绍了利用窗函数设计FIR滤波器的方法,即根据给定的滤波器技术指标,确定有限长单位脉冲序列,通过选择滤波器的长度和窗函数,使其具有最窄宽度的主瓣和最小的旁瓣。

    This paper presents a method of using the windows function to design FIR digital filter . The finite length unit pulse series can be assured according to filter technical indexes , to make sure the filter has the most narrow width main lobe and the smallest side lobe .

  18. 在相对孔径为0.9,波长为1.41mm的条件下,横向分辨率为2mm,3dB焦深为17mm,第一旁瓣比主瓣下降17dB。

    For a case in which the F-number is 1.1 and the wavelength is 1.4 mm , the lateral resolution is 2 mm , the focal depth ( 3 dB ) is 17 mm , and the first side lobe is 17 dB lower than the main lobe .

  19. 主瓣干扰下宽带圆阵自适应波束形成方法

    Adaptive Broadband Beamforming of Circular Array Under Main Lobe Interference Condition

  20. 对预警机相控阵雷达主瓣干扰的可行性分析

    Main lobe jamming for phase array airborne early warning radar

  21. 左房室瓣由二个主瓣构成。

    The left atrio-ventricular ( mitral ) valve consisted of two main cusps .

  22. 修正的方法在保持主瓣与最大旁瓣功率比不变的情况下,提高了分辨精度,同时也减小了运算量。

    The method can enhance the accuracy of frequency and reduce the computation .

  23. 一种在主瓣干扰条件下稳健的自适应波束形成方法

    Robust Adaptive Beam Forming Under Main Lobe Interference Conditions

  24. 分析了天线参数对主瓣宽度和副瓣电平的影响;

    The effect of antenna parameters on the beamwidth and side lobe level is analyzed .

  25. 文章分析了机载脉冲多普勒预警雷达的杂波特性,给出了机载脉冲多普勒预警雷达主瓣杂波、旁瓣杂波以及高度杂波功率的数学模型。

    The characteristics of sea / land clutter for airborne PD early warning radar are analyzed in this paper .

  26. 并借助计算机绘出了主瓣宽度和副瓣电平与天线主要参数的关系曲线;

    With the aid of a computer , curves of beamwidth and side lobe versus the antenna parameters are plotted .

  27. 在这种情形下,如果目标作适当横向机动,目标信号可能完全被杂波主瓣掩盖。

    As the target is transversely moving to enhance clutter effects , the target signal might be submerged in clutters .

  28. 文章考虑了阵元宽度对主瓣半功率点宽度的影响,并与忽略阵元宽度的线列阵的情况进行了比较。

    This paper studies the effects of array element width on half - power bandwidth , and proposes a new method .

  29. 窄带系统中使用的波束形成技术对于宽带系统来说是不合适的,因为他们会导致主瓣偏斜和零陷偏移。

    The beamforming techniques used in narrowband systems are inadequate for wideband systems because they result in main-beam squinting and null shifting .

  30. 与单元天线相比,阵列天线可以满足无线电系统中波束赋形、主瓣电扫描、低副瓣等特性要求。

    Compared with unite antennas , array antennas have the characteristics of beamforming , main lobe scan and low sidelobe in radio systems .