
  • 网络anechoic chamber;Microwave Anechoic Chamber;microwave chamber
  1. 用物理光学理论和物理绕射理论计算了某飞翼外形雷达散射截面(RCS)特性,并在微波暗室里对该飞翼模型的RCS进行了测量,计算结果和测量结果基本吻合。

    The radar cross section ( RCS ) of a flying wing model is calculated by the physical optics method and the physical theory of diffraction , and is measured in the anechoic chamber . The calculated results are in agreement with the measured data .

  2. 在高性能微波暗室技术设计中,由于静区指标较高,采用一般的几何光学技术不能进行准确计算,因此需采用几何绕射理论技术。

    In design of anechoic chamber with higher quality , when requirements of quiet zone index are higher , it must use the geometrical theory of diffraction instead of the geometrical optics for accuracy .

  3. 微波暗室点频RCS测试方法研究与误差分析

    Research and Error Analyses on CW RCS Measurements in Microwave Anechoic Chamber

  4. 在微波暗室中用B-52金属缩比模型采集了数据,实验结果表明,此方法是正确和有效的。

    Experimental results based on data acquired by using a metallised scale model B 52 in a microwave anechoic chamber reveal the validity and effectiveness of the method .

  5. 介绍了在微波暗室内进行目标双站RCS测试及成像的基本原理,分析了双站测试分辨率的特点,进行了计算机仿真。

    The theory of bistatic RCS measurement and imaging in microwave anechoic chamber is presented .

  6. 射频导管消融治疗室性早搏术中的监测微波暗室点频RCS测试方法研究与误差分析

    Monitoring in the procedures of radiofrequency ablation in premature ventricular beats Research and Error Analyses on CW RCS Measurements in Microwave Anechoic Chamber

  7. 用Protel软件和印制电路板技术将设计的两款天线加工成型,在微波暗室中测试了天线的增益和方向图。

    The two type antennas are fabricated by the use of Protel software and PCB technology , and are tested the antenna gain and patterns in the microwave unreflected chamber .

  8. 最后给出了目标在微波暗室中的成像实验结果,通过微波图像提取了目标的散射中心,为建立目标的多散射源等效数学模型和目标的RCS重构奠定了基础。

    In the end , we conduct the experiments in the anechoic chamber to get the microwave image , and then we extract the scattering centers and make some preparative work for the reconstruct the RCS of the target .

  9. 利用目标的缩比模型,通过微波暗室实验,用ISAR(逆合成孔径雷达)方法来模拟目标的SAR(星载合成孔径雷达)图像,并给出目标的成像结果。

    This paper discusses a method of simulating the SAR ( Synthetic Aperture Radar ) image of the object through experiments in microwave anechoic chamber with ISAR ( Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar ) technology and the contract model of the object , some SAR images are presented in the paper .

  10. 传统的微波暗室远场雷达散射截面积(RCS)测量方法是采用点频测试,对低RCS目标,测试系统中需添置对消系统,使暗室背景再下降20dB以上,才能更准确地检测目标。

    Traditional method of indoor RCS measurement is the single frequency ( CW ) method . For low backscattering target measurement , a cancelling system is introduced in the testing system to get more accurate result , which reduced more than 20 dB of chamber background level .

  11. 用B-52飞机缩比金属模型微波暗室转台实验数据和Boeing-727飞机外场实测数据进行成像的初步结果表明,采用超分辨成像方法可以获得更高的图像分辨力;

    The live data of a metalized scale model B-52 aircraft mounted on a rotating platform in a microwave chamber and a flying Boeing-727 air-craft were processed by the use of the superresolution imaging approach .

  12. 基于微波暗室的计算机电磁泄漏测试

    Measuring Electromagnetic Leakages from Computer Based on EMC Microwave Anechoic Chamber

  13. 微波暗室改造的论证和实用计算

    The Argumentation and Practical Calculation For the Rebuilding of Microwave Darkroom

  14. 用微波暗室法校准雷达测速仪

    The Calibration of Radar Speedometer with a Microwave Anechoic Chamber

  15. 大型微波暗室电磁特性的理论分析与设计

    Electromagnetic Theory Analysis and Design of a Microwave Anechoic Chamber

  16. 一种微波暗室目标成像技术的研究与实现

    Investigation and Realization of a Target Imaging Technique in Microwave Compact Chamber

  17. 微波暗室吸波材料的分析和设计

    Analysis and Design for the Absorbing Materials Used in Microwave Anechoic Chamber

  18. 长方体微波暗室内静区大小的设计

    The Pure Area Design for the Cubic Dimension Microwave Chamber

  19. 基于扫频技术的散射测量微波暗室设计

    Design of Anechoic Chamber for Scattering Measurement Based on Frequency Scanning Technique

  20. 半封闭微波暗室对噪声的抑制

    The noise suppression by the half - closed microwaves darkroom

  21. 微波暗室及其自动化测试系统的可靠性研究

    The Reliability Analysis of Microwave Anechoic Chamber and Its Automatic Test Systems

  22. 微波暗室反射电平的检定

    The Evaluation of Reflection Level of Microwave Anechoic Chamber

  23. 微波暗室运动平台系统硬件设计分析

    Hardware Design and Analysis of Moving Platform System in a Microwave Dark Room

  24. 微波暗室运动平台机械系统功能目标设计

    Function-Target Design of the Mechanical System of the Platform Moving in Microware Darkroom

  25. 微波暗室对电磁兼容性的检测具有重要的意义。

    Microwave chambers have an important influence on Electromagnetic Compatibility Technology ( EMC ) .

  26. 微波暗室回波损耗的检测

    Detection of Return Loss in Microwave Anechoic Chamber

  27. 一种经济型小型微波暗室的设计方案

    Economic Model of Small Microwave Anechoic Chamber Design

  28. 最后,简要介绍了微波暗室成象实验结果及有关结论。

    Lastly , the imaging results obtained in an anechoic chamber and related conclusions are given .

  29. 大型空心角锥和微波暗室

    Large Hollow Pyramidal & Anechoic Chamber

  30. 在微波暗室里对抗干扰导航接收机的干扰抑制系统进行了全面的测试。

    Make comprehensive tests on the interference suppression system of the anti-jamming receiver in the anechoic chamber .