
  • 网络microwave relay communication;microwave relay communication system;Microwave Radio Relay Communication
  1. 专门讨论了调频制卫星通信和微波中继通信系统中的噪声对多路电话通信的影响。

    The discus - sion of the effect on multiplex telephone communication by noise of FM satellite communication sys - tem and microwave relay communication system is also included .

  2. 本文主要介绍仅修正副面,并以简单的台阶双模圆锥喇叭为馈源的高性能天线方案及其在微波中继通信天线上所取得的实用性结果。

    This paper deals mainly with the project of high performance antenna with only sub-reflector modified and simple step dual mode conical horn as feeder source , and its practicable results have already achieved on antennas of microwave relay communication system .

  3. 微波中继通信网运行性能在线监测系统的方案

    Suggested On-Line Monitoring System for Performance of Microwave Relay Communication Network

  4. 微波中继通信在卫星发射场的应用

    The Application of Microwave Relay Communication to Satellite Launch System

  5. 微波中继通信中的路由选择和衰落现象

    Fading phenomena and route selection in microwave relay communication

  6. 微波中继通信高性能天线

    High Performance Antenna for Microwave Radio Relay Communication

  7. 溅散板馈源天线属于双反射面后馈的方式实现的抛物面天线,主要应用于卫星通信,微波中继通信等领域。

    Splash plate antenna is a kind of dual reflector parabolic antenna , which is mainly used in satellite communications , microwave relay communications and other fields .

  8. 本文叙述在微波中继通信中,确定和计算电波在平坦地面和起伏山地的反射点位置及路径余隙的方法。

    The method of calculating the reflection point positions and path clearance of the electric wave at the level ground and mountainous region for the microwave relay communication is described .

  9. 文中讨论了微波中继通信在卫星发射场的应用实例&卫星测试无线转发系统,阐述了设计该系统应考虑的几个问题,并对有关参数选取原则进行了分析。

    The satellite testing wireless transiting system as a practical application of the microwave relay communication on the satellite launching ground is discussed . while several problems considered in the course of designing the system are stated and principles of determining parameters are analyzed .

  10. 微波无线电中继通信系统

    Microwave radio relay communication system

  11. 微波滤波器是现代微波中继通信、微波卫星通信、电子对抗等系统必不可少的组成部分,同时也是最为最要、技术含量最高的微波无源器件,其性能的优劣往往直接影响到整个通信系统的质量。

    Microwave filter is the absolutely necessarily components of modern microwave relay communication system , microwave satellite communications system , information countermeasure system , etc. It is also the most important and most techno-content microwave passive components , its performance always directly affect the quality of system .

  12. 固态微波器件的开发现状及在微波中继通信中的应用

    The development steins of solid microwave devices and application in microwave relay communications

  13. 简述了环行器/隔离器在现代微波通信中的地位和作用,着重介绍了它在移动通信和微波中继通信中的应用及市场。

    The position and function of circulator / isolator in modern microwave communication are overviewed . The application and market in mobile communication and relay communication are introduced emphatically .

  14. 由于数字微波通信具有频率高,频带宽,传输信息量大的特点,所以被广泛应用于各种通信领域,包括微波多路通信,微波中继通信,移动通信和卫星通信。

    As the digital microwave communication with higher frequency , wider frequency band and larger amount of information transmission , it is widely used in a variety of communication fields , such as multi-channel microwave communication , microwave relay communication , mobile communication satellite communication and so on .