
  • 网络high voltage pulse generator;high-voltage pulse generator;high-voltage pulser;high voltage impulse generator
  1. 设计了一种基于DDS(直接数字频率合成)芯片AD9851的可调高压脉冲发生器,该发生器主要由脉冲形成控制部分、信号放大部分及隔离3部分组成。

    The paper introduces the design of an adjusting high voltage pulse generator based on the chip of AD9851 ( DDS ) . The high voltage pulse generator is mainly composed of the pulse generation , signal amplification and isolation unit .

  2. 一种可调的高压脉冲发生器

    Adjustable high voltage pulse generator

  3. 纳秒上升时间Q开关高压脉冲发生器的设计

    Design of Q-switching High Voltage Pulse Generators with Nanosecond Rise Time

  4. 设计了一种基于MarxBankGenerator脉冲发生原理而设计的ns级上升沿调Q开关雪崩三极管高压脉冲发生器。基于雪崩三极管雪崩效应,研制出了一种数千伏、纳秒级脉冲源。

    A generator which can produce high voltage pulse with nanosecond rise time was designed . Based on the avalanche effect , a kind of kilo-volt nanosecond pulsers has been designed , by using microwave PCB ( printed circuit board ) .

  5. 用于ND:YAG锁模激光器单脉冲切取的高压脉冲发生器

    High Voltage Single Pulse Slicer for Mode-locked ND : YAG Laser

  6. 高重复频率高压脉冲发生器

    A high repetition - rate high voltage pulse generator

  7. 小型毫微秒高压脉冲发生器及其应用

    Compact Nanosecond Pulsed High Voltage Generator and Its Application

  8. 本课题研制的高压脉冲发生器系统由主电路与控制电路二部分所组成。

    The high pulse generator system constitutes the main circuit and the control circuit .

  9. 亚纳秒高压脉冲发生器的研制及仿真

    Simulation and Development of Subnanosecond High-voltage Pulsed Source

  10. 一种纳秒级高压脉冲发生器的研制

    Development of a High Voltage Nanosecond Pulse Generator

  11. 这些工作对小型紧凑化高压脉冲发生器的研究具有重要指导意义。

    This work is of great importance to researches on compact high-voltage pulse generator .

  12. 介绍了一种可调的高压脉冲发生器,该发生器主要由储能电容器组、氢闸流管、电压调节器、保护电路、高压变压器等部件组成。

    The new high voltage pulse generator is mainly composed of condense capacitors , hydrogen thyratron , high voltage transformer and voltage adapter .

  13. 比较这三种电脉冲发生器对激光脉冲的稳幅作用,发现用雪崩管或MOS管代替进口冷阴极管制成的高压电脉冲发生器,同样获得优良的激光脉冲稳幅的效果。

    Comparing the effect on stable amplitude by three types of electro-pulse generator , the results show that if replace imported cold-cathode tube with either avalanche transistor or MOS transistor , a fine stable amplitude of laser pulse is obtained also .

  14. 本文介绍采用雪崩管开关的马克斯高压毫微秒脉冲发生器的基本原理和设计考虑。

    The principle and design of Marx generator with avalanche transistor switches are described .

  15. 亚纳秒前沿高压脉冲信号发生器

    Generator of high-voltage rectangular pulses with subnanosecond risetime

  16. 高压陡脉冲发生器的研制

    A high voltage steep - pulse generator

  17. 电致融合仪主要由高频交流场、高压窄脉冲发生器以及控制逻辑单元组成。

    The cell fusion instrument consists of high frequency generator , high amplitude pulse generator and sequence control logic unit .

  18. 近年来,实用型紧凑化高压纳秒脉冲发生器在国内外得到了广泛的关注。

    In recent years , more practical high-voltage nanosecond pulse generator with compact structure has been widely concerned by researchers in the world .

  19. 高压窄脉冲臭氧发生器电源的研究

    Design of High - voltage Pulsed - power to Ozonizer

  20. 一种高压快脉冲群发生器的实现

    Development of a Type of High Voltage Burst Generator

  21. 此天线由高压双极性脉冲发生器激励。

    That the antenna is excited by the high ? voltage bipolar pulse generator is described .

  22. 具体研究了大功率恒流充电技术、高压大电流放电开关、高速高压脉冲发生器、高精度延时同步技术及系统自动控制技术。

    The technology of high power constant current charging , high voltage heavy current discharging switch , high speed and high voltage pulse generator , precision synchronization delay , auto control and so on are concretely introduced in this paper .

  23. 高压脉冲电场杀菌因其杀菌时间短、效率高、能耗少等特点在食品灭菌中发挥着越来越重要的作用,高压脉冲发生器是产生高压脉冲电场的主要仪器。

    Because of it 's characteristics , such as short time , high efficiency and little consumer , high pulsed electric fields ( HPEF ) become more and more useful in food pasteurization . A high pulse generator is a mostly apparatus to generate high pulsed electric fields .