
  • 网络switching overvoltage;switching surge;VFTO
  1. 以实测结果为参考,基于电磁暂态分析理论并通过数字仿真分析验证了合750kV空载变压器过程中产生持续时间短、振荡频率和幅值很高操作过电压的机理。

    Refering to measured results , on the basis of electromagnetic transient analysis theory and by means of digital simulation the mechanism of the switching surge with short duration , high frequency and high amplitude during no-load switching of 750 kV transformer is verified .

  2. 变压器操作波试验电力系统统计操作过电压计算方法及应用

    Switching Surge Tests on Power Transformers The Calculation of Statistical Switching Surge and It 's Application

  3. 仿真中运用带合闸电阻的开关、RC阻容装置及其氧化锌避雷器来限制操作过电压,并取得了一定的成效。

    The switch with closing resistor , RC equipment and MOA are used to limit switching overvoltages . Certain effect is obtained .

  4. TBP在抑制中压电动机操作过电压中的应用

    Application of TBP to the suppression of switching overvoltage in medium voltage motor

  5. 配网中MOA承受操作过电压的分析

    The Analysis of Overvoltage on MOV

  6. EMTP在计算开关操作过电压的应用

    Application of EMTP in Calculating Overvoltage of Switching Operation

  7. 基于EMTP的电弧炉系统操作过电压的仿真计算模型的研究

    Research on Switching Overvoltage of Arc Furnace Electric Power System Based on EMTP

  8. 500kV断路器投切空载线路操作过电压的数据分析

    Analysis of overvoltage data of circuit breakers in 500 kV line commissioning

  9. 选用四星型MOA作为限制真空断路器操作过电压的主保护器,效果十分明显。

    The effect was obvious to select four-star connection MOA was a main protector to limit overvoltage in operation of a vacuum disconnector .

  10. 6kV厂用电系统操作过电压的危害及其抑制对策

    Impact of switching over voltage of 6 kV auxiliary power system and countermeasures

  11. 本文简要说明断路器取消合闸电阻的可行性,MOA保护能力及保护方式,MOA在操作过电压下吸收能量及操作过电压研究计算条件等;

    This paper describes the Possibility of removing closing-resistor in EHV circuit breaker , the protective performance of MOA , the enegy dissipated by MOA during switching and overvoltage calculation .

  12. 750kV交流输电线路的工频及操作过电压

    Power Frequency and Switching Overvoltages of 750 kV AC Transmission Line

  13. 750kV输电系统操作过电压的统计计算

    Statistical Calculation of Switching Overvoltage in 750 kV Power Transmission Systems

  14. 多级合闸电阻限制1000kV输电线路操作过电压的研究

    Research on Limiting Switching Overvoltage by Multistage Closing Resistors in 1000 kV Transmission Lines

  15. 该手册涉及6~1150kV电网雷电过电压和操作过电压机理,对各种过电压保护提出建议,如考虑因素、计算方法、应用举例和参考资料等。

    This overvoltage protection handbook involves the mechanism of lightning and switching surges on 6-1 150 kV networks . It makes some suggestions on a variety of overvoltage protections , such as factors considered , calculation methodologies , examples and references .

  16. 真空断路器操作过电压保护装置的分析

    Analysis of the Protective Installation of Vacuum Circuit Breaker Switching Over-voltage

  17. 真空断路器操作过电压理论分析和仿真研究

    Analysis of Vacuum Circuit-Breaker Switching Overvoltage and Research on Its Simulation

  18. 直流稳压电源的操作过电压及其防护

    The Operational Overvoltage and the Prevention of DC Constant Voltage Power

  19. 真空开关操作过电压吸收装置的研究

    The Research of absorbing Devices of Operation Over-voltage of Vacuum Switch

  20. 串联谐振式限流器对操作过电压的影响及分析

    Influence of Series Resonance Type Fault Current Limiter on Operating Over-voltage

  21. 氧化锌避雷器限制操作过电压的研究

    Study of Application of ZnO Surge Arrester in Suppressing Switching Overvoltage

  22. 真空开关开断单相感性小电流的操作过电压

    The Switching Overvoltages of Interrupting Single-phase Small Inductive Current by Vacuum Switches

  23. 线路电抗器几乎总是可降低线路操作过电压值。

    Line reactors almost always can reduce line-switching surge magnitudes .

  24. 特征差分法及其在合闸操作过电压计算中的应用

    Characteristic difference method and its application in the calculation of energization overvoltage

  25. 煤矿井下供电系统的操作过电压

    Operated Overvoltage Of Power Supply System In Underground Coal Mine

  26. 如何有效抑制真空断路器的操作过电压

    How to Restrain Effectively Operating Excessive Voltage of Vacuum Switch

  27. 厂站操作过电压的场路综合分析

    Field - circuit Analysis of Switching Over - voltage for Power Stations

  28. 操作过电压作用下的输电线绝缘闪络概率的计算

    Calculation for The Insulation Flashover Probability of Transmission Line under Switching Surge

  29. 快速响应磁控电抗器抑制特高压操作过电压研究

    UHV switching overvoltage suppression by quick response magnetically controlled reactor

  30. 不同额定电压等级避雷器对操作过电压的影响

    Influence of different rated voltage moas on switching surges