
  • 网络Operational state;Status;operating status;Operation Status;operational status
  1. 一旦DB2pureScaleFeature环境上线运行,其操作状态就受到监控,且可从任何主动成员上轻松加以维护。

    Once the DB2 pureScale Feature environment is up and running , its operating status is monitored and maintained easily from any of the active members .

  2. 亦可将程序用在被许可人的备用计算机上,直到系统控制用计算机修复到操作状态为止。

    The Program may also be used on Licensee 's backup computer until the System control computer ( s ) is restored to operative status .

  3. 保持现有JavaEE声明式和编程式授权处于完好无缺和可操作状态。

    Leave existing Java EE declarative and programmatic authorization intact and operational .

  4. AP操作状态:在线或离线

    AP operational states : online or offline

  5. 为了能提供支持e-mail客户端的系统、客户端和操作状态的功能,需要某种程度的抽象。

    Some level of abstraction is required to supply these functions for all supported e-mail systems , clients , and operations states of an e-mail client .

  6. HTV船型浮阀塔板两相流动操作状态及其相互转变规律

    Two - phase flow regimes and its transition on HTV tray

  7. 如果使用了出口,则通道定义应包含MCAUSER('nobody'),因此在出口出现故障时,该通道将进入不可操作状态。

    If an exit is used , the channel definition should contain MCAUSER ( 'nobody ' ) so that if the exit breaks , the channel will fail to an inoperable state .

  8. 状态通过initial-state预设,并在整个迭代过程中传递,允许访问者函数按照所需的任何方式操作状态。

    The state is primed with initial-state and passed throughout the iteration , allowing the visitor functions to manipulate it in whatever way they desire .

  9. 该调宽系统在稳定的操作状态下控制精度能达到±0.1mm,系统的应用增强了连铸机的适应性,提高了铸机作业率,为攀钢三期工程建设顺利达产提供了保障。

    Control accuracy of width regulation system is ± 0.1 mm at steady operation state . Application of the system strengthens adaptability of continuous caster , raises job rate of caster , and provides guarantee for construction and smooth production of the third stage engineering in Panzhihua Iron and Steel Co.

  10. 分析了不同操作状态时船舶电力推进负荷的变化特点;

    Analyzed electric propulsion load changing features in different operation states ;

  11. 化工过程操作状态分析及测量方差估计

    Analysis of Operation State and Estimation of Measurement Variance in Chemical Processes

  12. 喷射操作状态下塔板持液量的计算

    Calculation of Liquid Holdup on a Tray under Spray Conditions

  13. 登机桥处于操作状态时警示灯须处在警示状态。

    Warning lights must signal when aircraft boarding bridge is in operation .

  14. 模拟移动床操作状态关联图

    Correlation chart of operating state of simulating translating bed

  15. 叙述了螺栓从预紧状态到操作状态过程中法兰接头的变化。

    The thesis states the change of flange tie-in from pre-tightness to operating .

  16. 开机引导:用引导程式使电脑进入操作状态。

    Boot : To initiate operation of a computer with the Bootstrap program .

  17. 对这些操作状态进行多元非线性回归,得到在全操作范围都通用的经验公式。

    The empirical formula is gained by using nonlinear regression of those operation points .

  18. 机器人装配操作状态可用装配对象间的接触状态描述。

    Robot assembly states can be described by contact states between two assembly objects .

  19. 通过模型的计算,得到操作状态点。

    The operation state points have been obtained from calculation by using this model .

  20. 这个装备需要熟练的电气技师来保持它于良好的操作状态中。

    Skilled electrical technicians are needed to keep this equipment in good running condition .

  21. 在此基础上获得优化模型的数学表达式。采用基于外点罚函数法的遗传算法,对精馏塔优化问题进行求解,获得精馏塔的最优操作状态。

    The optimization method is genetic algorithm based on exterior point penalty function method .

  22. 气液固三相磁稳定流化床的操作状态对反应结果的影响

    Effect of the operating state on reactions in a three-phase magnetically stabilized fluidized bed reactor

  23. 很多私募基金都处于违规操作状态,存在着极大的风险。

    What is more , many private equity funds are operated illegally with great risk .

  24. 用此模型解析了高炉氧气炼铁新工艺的操作状态。

    A new blast furnace pro-cess of full oxygen blast is also analyzed by this model .

  25. 如果不再出现爆震,点火系统将返回正常操作状态。

    If the knocking does not occur again , the ignition system returns to normal operation .

  26. 蒸汽喷射压缩器的操作状态

    Operational modes of steam-jet ejector

  27. 加速推出该操作状态是不可能的,如增加电流。

    It is not possible to accelerate out of this operating state , i.e.to increase the current !

  28. 凡上文没有提及的其它机器、设备和各种固定装置,操作状态均须安全。

    Any machines , equipment , and fixtures not covered above should be in safe operating condition .

  29. 现在,您可以简单地测试一下此服务,以确保它部署正确,并处于可操作状态。

    You can now briefly test this service to make sure it is deployed properly and operational .

  30. 此动作完全没有连接到气动操纵系统操作状态。

    This action has no connection at all with the operating state of the pneumatic manoeuvring system .