
  • 网络Intelligent Service Robot
  1. 智能服务机器人的模块化视觉平台研究

    Research of Modularized Vision-Platform of Intelligent Service Robot

  2. 特别是在智能服务机器人系统中,基于语音识别的人机交互是最为直接的交互手段。

    Especially in the intelligent service robot system , it is the most immediately measure to realize speech communication .

  3. 本文针对一种智能服务机器人,设计了基于DSP的视觉系统。

    In this paper , a vision system has been primary designed according to a certain intelligent robot .

  4. 双臂作业型智能服务机器人的研制

    Development of intelligent mobile robot with double working arms

  5. 随着智能服务机器人的不断发展,具有人机交互功能的机器人将是未来服务机器人重要的发展的方向之一。

    With the development of the intelligent service robot , the robots with human-robot interaction function are becoming important trends .

  6. 智能服务机器人运行在动态的室内环境,利用自身传感器感知周围环境,指导机器人完成下一步的任务和工作。

    Intelligent service robot roams in the dynamic indoor environment with sensors which perceive the surrounding environment and guide the robot .

  7. 随着机器人技术和信息技术的不断发展,面向家庭应用的智能服务机器人必将成为未来数字家庭的主导。

    With the development of robot and information technology , intelligent service robot will play a key role in future digital home .

  8. 在共享控制系统中,比如智能服务机器人,操作员和自动化专门系统相互配合,共同控制。

    In shared-control systems , such as intelligent service robots , a human operator and an automated technical system are interdependently in charge of control .

  9. 作为智能服务机器人的基本功能之一,物体识别一直是机器人视觉领域的一个热门研究课题。

    As one of the basic functions of intelligent service robots , object recognition has been a hot research topic in the field of robot vision .

  10. 本文根据863重点项目机器人模块化体系结构设计,提出智能服务机器人的模块化视觉平台设计研究。

    In accordance with 863 key projects " Modularized Universal Architecture of Robot ", in this dissertation , we gave the definition of vision platform modular concept for the intelligent service robot .

  11. 随着社会的发展和人口老龄化现象的日益严峻,以及人力成本的不断提高,人们对智能服务机器人的需求越来越迫切。

    With the development of society and population ageing phenomenon becoming more severe , and the continuous improvement of the human cost , the demand for intelligent service robots is increasingly urgent .

  12. 首先,本文介绍了国内外智能服务机器人的发展现状及其基础技术的发展趋势,并指出了本文的主要工作。

    Firstly , this thesis makes a brief introduction of the domestic and foreign development of intelligent service robot other than the trend of its basic technologies . And then , my main work is brought forward .

  13. 从制造业的无人驾驶的搬运移动机器人到非制造业的星际探索和能源开发移动机器人及智能服务机器人,都显示了移动机器人正在与人类共同发展和进步。

    From the pilotless transporting robot of manufacturing industry to interspace exploration and energy development robot of no-manufacturing industry and intelligent service robot , those all powerfully show that mobile robot is progressing with human being together .

  14. 舞蹈机器人作为智能服务机器人的雏形,不仅为机器人学、控制理论、机电一体化及其它相关学科提供了良好的实验平台,而且为进一步研究智能服务机器人提供了借鉴经验。

    As the embryo of intelligent service robot , dancing robot has provided not only an ideal experimental environment in robotics , control theories , electromechanical integration and many other correlative disciplines but also quotable experiences for further study of intelligent service robot .

  15. 最后开发了智能家居服务机器人记忆系统。

    Finally , this paper develops a memory system for intelligent home service robot .

  16. 其次通过对确定性理论,主观贝叶斯理论,证据理论等不确定性推理的研究与比较分析,确定了智能家居服务机器人记忆系统的不确定推理模型。

    Secondly , comparing with the Confirmation Theory , Bayesian Theory and Evidence Theory , this paper sets up an uncertain reasoning model of the Memory Base of intelligent home service robot .

  17. 本课题主要研究基于嵌入式语音识别技术的智能家用服务机器人人机交互控制系统,用户可通过语音命令实现对服务机器人的运动控制,另外还可实现用户与机器人之间的语音交互。

    This paper focuses mainly on the man-machine interaction system of domestic service robot based on embedded speech recognition technology , the user can use speech to control the movement of the service robot and can talk with the robot .

  18. 眼下,世界各地的机器人公司和科研机构正加紧开发研制各种智能移动服务机器人,代替人类工作。开发研制各种自主车系统,用于安全驾驶或者军事。

    More and more research is focused on robot and robotization Robot Company and research institute are developing various service robots to work instead of human and developing autonomous land vehicle for the sake of safe drive or military affairs .

  19. 智能家庭服务监控机器人的避障实现与路径规划研究

    Study on Avoid Obstacles and Path Planning of Intelligent Home Services Robots

  20. 实验表明,该系统可以有效地用于智能玩具、服务机器人、娱乐机器人及教育机器人。

    The experiment shows this system could be used in intelligent toys , servicing robots , recreational robots and educational robots .

  21. 基于智能空间的家庭服务机器人混合定位方法

    Hybrid location method for home service robot based on intelligent space

  22. 智能安防与家庭服务机器人的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Home Service Robot and Home Intelligent Security Control

  23. 而智能化是今后服务机器人发展的主要方向。

    And intelligentized robot is the main direction for future development of service robot .

  24. 近年来,服务机器人智能空间已成为服务机器人领域的一个研究热点。

    In recent years , intelligent space has become a hotspot in the field of service robots .

  25. 随着科技的进步,人们越来越希望日益智能化的移动服务机器人能代替人工完成一些枯燥乏味的工作,降低体力劳动强度。

    With the development of technology , there is a growing hope that the increasingly intelligent mobile robots can replace the manual to complete some boring work , reduce the physical strength .

  26. 移动机器人是近年来在机器人学领域备受关注的课题,在智能人机交互、服务机器人、空间机器人和无人驾驶系统等领域具有广阔的应用前景。

    Autonomous mobile robot is one of the most important topics on robotics research in recent years , which widely used in many applications , such as intelligent human-robot interaction , service robot , space robot and automatic vehicle .

  27. 服务机器人智能空间将智能空间与服务机器人技术相结合,不仅扩展了服务机器人对环境的感知和控制决策能力,也丰富了智能空间的信息感知和服务执行功能。

    Service robot intelligent space , which is the integration of intelligent space and service robot , was proposed to extend the capability of service robot for perception and decision-making .