
  • 网络Smart Grid Technologies
  1. 这些示例仅限于AMS和智能电网技术,不能代表所有的电力客户场景(其中服务虚拟化和连续验证可以取得巨大收益)。

    These examples are limited to AMS and smart grid initiatives and do not represent all of the utility customer scenarios where service virtualization and continuous validation can provide significant benefits .

  2. 车辆到电网(V2G)技术实现了电网与电动汽车的双向互动,是智能电网技术的重要组成部分。

    Vehicle-to-grid ( V2G ) technology which achieves the two-way interaction between Smart Grid and the electric vehicle is an important component of Smart Grid .

  3. 巡线机器人的研究综述及面向智能电网技术的一些探讨

    Research Overview of Inspection Robot and Discussion on Smart-grid-oriented Technology

  4. 智能电网技术框架下的电能质量监测与分析技术综述

    Survey on Monitoring and Analysis Technology of Power Quality under the Smart Grid Technology Framework

  5. 成功实施智能电网技术的一个主要要求。就是互操。

    Interoperability is one of the main requirements for the successful implementation of smart grid technology .

  6. 随着智能电网技术的进一步发展、测试和部署,这种情况甚至会更现实。

    This will become even more true as smart-grid technologies are further developed , tested and deployed .

  7. 随着智能电网技术的深入发展,人们越来越关注高压智能开关的发展。

    High voltage ( HV ) intelligent switch is becoming hot following the development of smart grid technology .

  8. 智能电网技术的快速发展督促着国内传统的燃煤电厂寻找适合自身发展的可持续发展道路。

    The rapid development of smart grid technology urge the traditional coal-fired power plants in China to find their own development road of sustainable development .

  9. 此举旨在推进智能电网技术规格的标准化以扩大市场规模,从而掌握新能源市场的主导权。

    This is to promote the standardization of smart grid technology specifications in order to increase the size of the market to acquire new energy initiative .

  10. 目前我国正在大力发展智能电网技术,其中智能变电站的建设是智能电网建设不可缺少的重要环节。

    At present , our country is making great efforts to develop smart grid technology ; intelligent substation is an important part of smart grid construction indispensable .

  11. 目前,国内外智能电网技术标准体系大多已经建立,对标准体系的研究也大多有了比较成熟的结果。

    At present , domestic and foreign smart grid technology standard system have already been established , research on the standard system also have a relatively mature results .

  12. 能源部为此还发布了一份报告书,并在这份报告书中详细说明了转换到智能电网技术时需要涉及的改进工作。

    The Department of Energy on Monday also released the Smart Grid System Report ( click for PDF ) a status report on the changes required to implement smart-grid technologies .

  13. 另一方面,作为电力系统运行新的调控手段,负荷调控在智能电网技术支持下正在兴起。

    On the other hand , as a new means of power system operation , the load regulation and control is on the rise in support of smart grid technology .

  14. 更困难的是,电力公司必须在一个规定的、具有挑战性的交付模式中提交先进的测量技术和智能电网技术&很显然这必须是可靠的。

    To make things more difficult , utility companies must deliver advanced metering and smart grid technology on a mandated , aggressive delivery schedule & and it absolutely must be reliable .

  15. 随着大范围长时间停电事故的频发以及智能电网技术的发展,基于广域多点信息的广域继电保护成为新兴的热点研究课题。

    Wide-area relaying protection based on wide-area multipoint information becomes one of the hottest researches in power system with the frequent occurrence of large blackout accidents and development of smart grid .

  16. 分布式发电及智能电网相关技术研究的发展,为可再生能源发电提供了崭新的机会。

    The development of Distributed generation and smart grid has provided a new opportunity for renewable energy generation .

  17. 智能电网关键技术及其与传统电网的比较网络电话-通过有线系统传送的电话。

    Smart Grid Key Technologies and Comparing with Traditional Grid Telephony - The science of transmitting voice over a telecommunications network .

  18. 随着通信、导航定位、智能电网等技术的飞速发展,对高性能的时间同步和时间保持提出了更高的要求。

    With the rapid development of the communication , navigation and positioning , and smart grid technology , higher performance of time synchronization and time hold are demanded .

  19. 核能以及从太阳能到风能再到波浪能等各种形式的可再生能源也是如此,不过,大举投资“智能电网”技术,以最有效地利用这些能源将至关重要。

    So do nuclear power and the various forms of renewable energy from sun to wind and waves , though it will be essential to invest heavily in " smart grid " technology to make the best use of them .

  20. 特高压电网是智能电网建设的技术支撑,为智能电网的发展建设搭建了良好的平台。

    As the technical support of intelligent electric grid , UHV grid has being built a good platform for it .

  21. 在线监测技术作为智能电网发展核心技术的一部分,正在着力于配电网方向的研究与应用。

    As part of the core technologies in Smart Grid development , on-line monitoring technology is concentrating itself on the research and application in distribution network .

  22. 以灵活输电技术、用户电力技术和电力储能技术为代表的电力电子技术是实现坚强智能电网的重要技术支撑。

    Power electronic technologies , represented by flexible transmission technology , custom power technology and energy storage technology , are the important supporting technologies for strong smart grid .

  23. 智能电网的关键技术主要由四部分组成,分别是高级量测体系、高级配电运行体系、高级输电运行体系和高级资产管理体系。

    The key technology of Smart Grid is consisted of four parts : Advanced Metering Infrastructure , Advanced Distribution Operation Infrastructure , Advanced Transmission Operation Infrastructure and Advanced Asset Management Infrastructure .

  24. 中国智能电网基本特征及其技术进展评述

    Review on the Basic Characteristics and Its Technical Progress of Smart Grid in China

  25. 本文通过对智能电网涉及的关键技术进行分析,来解决电力系统中常见的一些问题。

    This paper attempts to solve the power system common problems by analyzing the smart grid the key technologies .

  26. 目前电网正向智能电网阶段发展,技术要求越来越高,要求实现更高水平的自动化、信息化和互动化。

    Today power system has developed into smart grid stage , which demands higher technology , automation , informatization and mutualism .

  27. 随着智能电网、数字化变电站技术的逐步推广,电子式互感器成为人们研究的热点;越来越多的新技术被引入到电子式互感器设计中,降低系统运行总成本,减小对生态环境的压力。

    With the gradual extend of smart grid and digital substation technology , electronic instrument transformer becomes a popular research , many new technologies have been introduced in the designation of electronic instrument transformer in order to induce the system operation cost , and to decrease the pressure on environment .