
  1. 作为国家级火电能源基地,内蒙古将建成华北电网重要的电能送端电网。

    As a national thermal energy base will be built north China grid , Inner Mongolia electric power grid to send the important .

  2. 分别分析了华北受端电网、送端电网以及送受电网之间的联系形成、特点等问题,提出华北电网规划中的一些主要构思。

    The feature of receiving end and sending end network , the relationship between receiving and sending end network are analyzed , and some concepts for North China Power Grid are put forward in this paper .

  3. 提出了含多个送端的互联电网,可以通过协调各个送端的外送出力来降低系统动态失稳的风险;

    For interconnected power grid with multi sending ends , the risk of dynamic instability can be reduced by coordinating the sending outputs among sending ends .

  4. 文章结合广东电网的发展特点,对如何建设西电东送坚强的受端电网、提高供电可靠性提出了若干建议。

    According to the development features of Guangdong power network some suggestions on how to construct a strong receiving power network in the project of transmitting power from West China to East China and improve the reliability of power supply are put forward .