
  1. 分析了武汉地区的电力负荷曲线与年PV发电负荷曲线的对应关系。

    Analysis of the Wuhan regional electricity load curve and the annual PV electricity load curve corresponding relationship .

  2. 基于盲源分离技术的电力负荷曲线估计

    Electric Power Load Profile Estimation Based on Blind Source Separation

  3. 根据对电力负荷曲线的分析研究得知:短期负荷曲线具有周期规律性和波动性。

    By the research of short-term load curve we can know the character of short-term load curve : periodic regularity and wave propagation character .

  4. 基于电力负荷曲线自身的周期性、规律性,提出一种自定义自变量域的门限函数,然后基于小波分析中小波包的概念,建立门限小波包。

    Based on the periodicity and regularity of power load curve , we posed a user-defined independent variable gate-boundary function . Then based on the concept of wavelet package in wavelet analysis , we set up gate-boundary wavelet package .

  5. 对于常用聚类算法,本文分别从国际公认数据集IRIS、常用曲线聚类评价指标、实际电力用户负荷曲线的聚类结果三方面对各算法进行分析比较,以得出适用于电力负荷曲线聚类的算法。

    For the popular clustering algorithms , they are compared to obtain the optimum clustering algorithms by internationally recognized data set IRIS , common curve clustering index , the real load curve of electricity customers .

  6. 电力用户负荷曲线的聚类是形成合理电价体系和实施负荷管理措施的基础。

    Power customers load profile clustering is the basis for constructing an appropriate tariff system and applying load management measures .

  7. 因此,在分析了电力负荷运行曲线的基础上,提出了一种基于级联模糊神经网络的预测模型。

    Except the operation curves of electric power system load are analyzed , the predictive model based on a cascaded fuzzy neural network is proposed .

  8. 南京市实施的部分结果表明,负荷管理可以改变电力系统负荷曲线的形状,从而达到期望的目标,同时还可以为电力负荷的预测提供修正的参数。

    Part of implementary result shows that load management can shape the load curve of power system to reach the expected aim and supply revised parameters for load forecast .

  9. 通过分析电力系统负荷曲线,得出电力系统负荷具有统计的自相似性,从而证明了分形理论应用于负荷预测的可行性和合理性,为将分形理论应用于电力系统负荷预测提供了理论依据。

    In this paper , power loads curve is investigated and it is found that the power loads have the quality of statistic self-similar , hence the feasibility and rationality of applying fractal theory is proved .

  10. 最后考虑到电力负荷的曲线特性以及各种气象因素对负荷的影响,本文还提出了分时段分形基本预测模型及分时段分形改进预测模型。

    Finally considering the curve characteristics of power load and various meteorological factors on the effect of load , this paper also puts forward of the fractal basic prediction model in different period and fractal improved prediction model in different period .

  11. 以电力系统日负荷曲线为例,应用傅里叶组数进行仿真,并提出用线性化回归方法求取傅里叶级数系数的新算法。

    In this paper , with the daily load chart of a power system used as an example of the simulation method based on Fourier series , a new algorithm is given to decide Fourier coefficients by linearization regression .

  12. 鉴于电力市场对负荷曲线预测提出的新要求,提出了连续多日负荷曲线预测,并构造了严格的优化模型,可以用成熟的二次规划方法求解。

    Along with the development of electricity market , new demand for load curve forecasting arises . A new concept of continuous multi day load curve forecasting is proposed and a mathematical optimization model is constituted strictly in order to solve the quadratic programming with the mature methods .

  13. 电力市场中多日负荷曲线的预测

    Multi - day load curve forecasting in electricity market

  14. 供电部门借助各种刺激手段,鼓励用户采取有效措施和节能技术,影响电力需求,改善电力负荷曲线,从而降低发电和输电成本。

    In order to cut down the power generation cost , power suppliers take different ways to stimulate power consumers in adopting effective measures and energy saving techniques to change the power demand and the load curve .