
  • 网络Voltage drop;Dip;Voltage Dips
  1. 因此,对于电网电压跌落较深的情况,本文仿真研究了常用的主动式Crowbar电路的工作原理和切换过程。

    For the condition of deep grid voltage dips , this paper analyzed the principal and switching process of the usual used active crowbar circuits .

  2. 在第二、三章中,论文进一步分析了这两项技术在电压跌落条件下的理论和应用。

    After that , theories and applications of these technologies in conditions of voltage dips are further analyzed , in Chapter 2 & 3 .

  3. 接着对SPWM型DVR补偿电压跌落的原理进行了详细的推导。

    Expatiated on the principle of SPWM typed DVR compensating voltage sag amply then .

  4. 文中提出了一种新的检测电压跌落的方法大大提高了DVR的相应速度。

    A new voltage-sag detecting method was applied to improve DVR response speed .

  5. 提出了一种考虑暂态电压跌落限制的直接法,快速求取保证故障后电力系统电压高于限值的故障临界清除时间(CCT)。

    A direct method considering transient voltage dip is proposed to calculate the critical clearing time ( CCT ) ensuring that voltages of post fault power system are higher than limit .

  6. 对DVR控制电压跌落的策略进行了分析,结果表明在使用最小能量补偿法时,这种方法能可靠补偿线路深度、长时间的电压跌落。

    The control strategy of DVR for voltage sag is analyzed , and the minimal energy compensation method is found to be reliable and effective for deep and long-duration voltage sages .

  7. 电压跌落是目前电力系统中最严重的电能质量问题,采用动态电压恢复器(DVR)向电力系统注入电压可以补偿电压跌落。

    Voltage sag is one of the most important power quality problems challenging the power system , and voltage sags can be compensated for by dynamic voltage restorer injecting voltage into power system .

  8. 通过仿真系统故障时电压跌落,了解380V/100kVA动态电压调节器样机能够满足设计要求。

    The prototype of 380V / 100kVA DVR can satisfy the design specification by simulating voltage dip when system was fault .

  9. 针对35kV、10kV系统,提出了从电压跌落的角度来评价中性点接地方式的观点。

    The opinion that neutral grounding modes should also be evaluated from the point of transient PQ for medium voltage distribution system is proposed in the dissertation .

  10. 实验结果表明,当电源发生对称或不对称瞬时电压跌落时,负载电压能够在一个工频周期(20ms)内被补偿至额定值。

    The results show that the load voltage recovers in less than one cycle ( 20ms ) whenever a three-phase or single-phase voltage sag occurs .

  11. 上海轨道交通1号线DC01型直流传动车辆在运行中因蓄电池应急供电后电压跌落,造成辅助逆变器起动失效,从而导致车辆丧失运营能力。

    Because of the falling down of the battery voltage after an emergent power supply in the revenue service , the auxiliary inverter usually failed to start .

  12. 船舶电动机起动与电网电压跌落问题的探讨

    The Probing about Electric Network Voltage Drop while Ship Motor Starting

  13. 电压跌落问题已成为影响配电系统电能质量的一个重要因素。

    Voltage sags is one of the important power quality problems .

  14. 一种新型风力发电用电压跌落发生器的研制

    Development of a Novel Voltage Sag Generator for Wind Power System

  15. 分析了交流调速系统中具有承受电网电压跌落的各种策略。

    It analyzed the voltages sag ride-through strategies for ASD system .

  16. 分布式发电对电压跌落及失电损失分摊的影响

    Influence of distributed generation on voltage sag and load-loss cost allocation

  17. 单相电压跌落补偿系统的新型时间优化控制

    A Novel Time Optimal Control for Single Phase Voltage Sag Compensators

  18. 研究电压跌落与换相失败之间的量化关系。

    Study on the relationship between voltage drop and commutation failure .

  19. 复杂配电系统电压跌落状态估计可观性分析

    The voltage sags state estimation observability analysis in complicated distribution systems

  20. 一种基于派克变换的电压跌落检测改进离散算法

    An improved discrete method for detecting voltage sag based on Park transformation

  21. 检测和监测;监测心电图;基于统计学的提高故障电压跌落在线监测判别准确率的方法

    A Statistical-based Method for Fast Online Detection Classification Veracity of Fault-induced Voltage Sags

  22. 电能质量问题中的电压跌落

    Voltage Sags in the Problems of Power Energy Quality

  23. 新型串联型电压跌落补偿装置的直流母线电压控制

    DC Link Voltage Control of a New Type of Series Voltage Sag Compensator

  24. 而且电压跌落具有不可预见性,影响范围较大,会造成相当大的经济损失。

    Voltage sags are unpredictable , this will result in considerable economic losses .

  25. 考虑暂态电压跌落限制的直接法暂态稳定分析

    Transient Stability Analysis of Power Systems by Direct Method Considering Transient Voltage Dip

  26. 然而在电网电压跌落情况下,会有负序分量的产生。

    However , there will be a negative sequence component when grid voltage drops .

  27. 电压跌落的危害分析及控制措施

    Hazardous analysis and control measure of voltage drops

  28. 电压跌落是供电系统的一种较为突出的电能质量问题,正日益被关注。

    Influence of solid-state current limiter upon the voltage sag in electric power system ;

  29. 相关理论与算例分析表明,继电保护技术可以提供一定的电压跌落治理能力;

    Theoretical analysis and simulations prove that sag mitigation with relay protection is valid .

  30. 配电系统电压跌落幅值估算分析

    Voltage sags profile estimation for power distribution systems