
  • 网络Electrically tunable filter;ytf
  1. 基于单片机的UHF电调滤波器的实时调谐设计

    Design of Real-Time Tuning of UHF Electrically Tunable Filter Based on Single Chip Computer

  2. 正交环耦合YIG电调滤波器设计分析

    Design analysis for an orthogonal-loop-coupling YIG tunable filter

  3. 本文分析了用钇铁柘榴石(YIG)电调滤波器作为外反馈元件的行波管振荡器的工作原理,推导了这种振荡器的调谐特性。

    The principle of a TWT oscillator using a YIG as feedback element is analyzed and the tunning performance is derived also .

  4. 目前通讯领域对电调滤波器提出了巨大需求,它广泛运用于防跟踪跳频通信系统。

    At present , the communications area has a huge demand for this electronically controlled filter . It is widely used in anti-hopping communications tracking system .

  5. 本课题选用高速单字节单片机来实现电调滤波器工程样机的控制器,主要的创新点在于优化的控制流程和软、硬件结构。

    The main innovation in this project is to use a single-byte MCU to control this filter . The main point is to optimize the innovation process and the control software and hardware structure .

  6. 文中还提出一种在固定腔体外部加载可调电容组件的电调滤波器,并且具体采用电子开关加集总电容方式实现电容组件。

    In addition , a kind of electronically tunable filter is proposed by loading a variable capacitor module with a fixed cavity . A practical variable capacitor module is realized by electronic switches with lumped capacitors .

  7. 论文研发工作以静磁表面波器件基本结构的建模分析和静磁表面波电调滤波器的设计为重点,采用理论计算与实验制作共进的研究模式。

    The research of the dissertation puts emphasis on creating and analyzing the modal of fundamental structure of MSSW devices and the designing of electric tuning MSSW filter , employ the formulation of theory analysis together with manufacture of actual devices .

  8. 为满足微波电路系统对多波段选频的需求,实现仪器小型化的发展趋势,本文设计了基于微波多层电路的可重构滤波器,融合了电调滤波器的不同实现方法,并对其进行改进创新。

    A re-configurable filter based on microwave multilayer circuit is designed in this paper in order to satisfy the demand of microwave circuits and systems for multi-band frequency selection . The filter merges different methods of electric tunable filter but the conventional one has been improved and innovated .

  9. 本文对电可调小型滤波器进行了系统的研究,所设计的出的样品性能优良,具有较好的工程应用价值。

    The designed sample performance is fine and has good project application value .

  10. 基于电流控制传送器的电可调梯形滤波器

    Electronically Tunable Ladder Filters Based on Current Controlled Conveyors

  11. 对其他类型的电调谐可调滤波器进行了研究。主要针对非机械调谐的可调滤波器。

    The study of the other type tunable filters is carried out in this paper , mainly aim to thenon-mechanical tune tunable filter .

  12. 基于非线性介电薄膜的电调滤波器优化设计

    Optimized design of electrically tunable filter based on nonlinear dielectric film

  13. 通信用电调微波带通滤波器的研究现状

    Development of electrically tunable microwave bandpass filter in communication

  14. 变容管电调微波带通滤波器

    Varactor tuned microwave bandpass filters

  15. 特别是其优良的介电非线性特性在微波领域有着极大的应用潜力,如用于电可调振荡器、电可调滤波器以及相控阵雷达中的移相器等。

    It could be used in the tunable oscillator , the tunable filter and the phase shifter in phased-array radar or other related area in the microwave field for its excellent nonlinear dielectric response .

  16. 介绍了电调谐滤波器设计原理及在同址干扰中的应用,采用伪梳状线思想对传统结构滤波器进行优化,提出两端均为电容调谐的电调滤波器结构。

    The configuration of the electrical tunable band-pass filter is optimized based on the pseudo-combline , and the improved filter is tuned with capacitors at both the two ends of the filter .