
  1. 该文提出了一种基于改进标准钟方法(ISC)和全时域动态仿真的安全性评估方法,并采用双概率指标作为电力系统的安全性测度。

    A new method based on ISC ( Improved Standard Clock ) method and full time domain dynamic simulation is presented in this paper for safety analysis .

  2. 这种方式虽然最大限度地保证了电力系统的安全性,却在一定程度上局限甚至破坏了DG的正常运行,损害了DG发电商的利益,不利于分布式发电技术的发展。

    On the other hand , it also brings damage to the normal operation of the DG . DG sacrifices the interest of the power supplier since it brings negative affection to the development of the distribution generation technology .

  3. 变电站运行情况直接影响电力系统的安全性及供电质量。

    The running condition of substation affects security and supply quality of the power system .

  4. 因此,电力系统的安全性分析和可靠性分析就显得尤为重要。

    Therefore , the safety analysis and reliability analysis of power system become more and more important .

  5. 准确的负荷预测有助于提高电力系统的安全性和稳定性,减少发电成本。

    Accurate load forecasting is helpful to the security and stability of power system as well as generation costs .

  6. 风电接入带来的不确定性,对电力系统的安全性与充裕性都构成挑战。

    Uncertainty caused by wind power integration into power system , poses a challenge to security and adequacy of the power system .

  7. 二是以运行风险指标为决策手段,综合协调电力系统的安全性与经济性。

    The other is to coordinate the security and economy of power system synthetically by taking the operation risk assessment indexes as the decision means .

  8. 配电变电站的合理规划对电力系统的安全性和经济性以及电网的优化运行有着重要的意义。

    The reasonable planning of distribution substation has significance on the security and economy of the power system , as the optimal operation of the electric network .

  9. 另外,大规模光伏发电并网产生的孤岛效应和微网环流也严重危害着电力系统的安全性和稳定性。

    In addition , island effect and microgrid circulation , which caused by photovoltaic connecting grid cosmically , also seriously endanger the safety and stability of the power system .

  10. 为了保证电力系统的安全性,在系统规划、设计和运行过程中都需要进行暂态稳定计算分析。

    In order to guarantee the security of electric power system , we must do the transient stability calculation and analysis during the stage of system program , design and operation .

  11. 分析研究船舶电力系统的安全性可以运用系统故障仿真手段,但必须对船舶电力系统精确的数学模型进行建模。

    The simulation of electric power system failure can be used to analyze and investigate safety of marine electric power system , but it has to be based on an accurate mathematical model of marine electric power system .

  12. 与传统发电方式相比,风能具有无煤耗和无污染的优势,但由于风速具有间歇性和不确定性,因此大容量风电场并网后会给电力系统的安全性和稳定性造成影响。

    Comparing the traditional power generation , wind power has the advantage of no coal consumption and free pollution . However , because of intermittent and uncertainties of wind speed , power system will exist potential security and stability problems when large-capacity wind power integrating it .

  13. 通信过程中,消息以密文形式传送,保证了电力系统通信的安全性和可靠性。最后,本文对基于ABE的直接负荷控制系统进行了总结和归纳,并给出了系统运行的仿真结果和性能分析。

    In the process of communication , messages are transmitted in the form of cipher , so the security and reliability can be guaranteed . Finally , the DLC system based on ABE is summarized and concluded , and the proposed scheme is simulated and analyzed .

  14. 电力信息系统的安全性初探

    Study on Safety of Electric Power Information System

  15. 其参数及模型的准确性直接影响着电力系统运行的安全性、稳定性及经济性。

    Its Un-accuracy directly affects the security , stability and economy of power system operation , dispatch , and planning .

  16. 电网的互联提高了其经济性,但也使电力系统运行的安全性和可靠性不断受到新的挑战,大规模的连锁停电事故相继在世界范围内发生。

    The interconnection of power grid has improved its economy , but meanwhile the safety and reliability of power system operation have faced challenges continuously as large-scale blackouts took place in the world .

  17. 因此,加强对继电保护从业人员的技术培训,改善继电保护装置的运行维护水平,有利于提高电力系统运行的安全性、稳定性、可靠性和经济性。

    Therefore , strengthening the relay operation worker 's technique training , and their operational and manage level are benefit to improve the security , stability , reliability and economy of the power system .

  18. 为了保证电力系统运行的安全性、稳定性和经济性,电力系统调度中心需要迅速、准确而全面地掌握电力系统的实际运行状态,从而对运行中的各种问题能够及时准确地提出解决对策。

    In order to guarantee the safety , stability and economy of power system , power system dispatching center must grasp the actual operation state of electric power system quickly and accurately and fully .

  19. 用SSL协议加强电力系统网络应用的安全性

    Strengthening the security of network applications with SSL Protocol

  20. 同时,近年来世界上发生的几起大停电事故使得如何系统化地评估电力系统规划方案的安全性成为亟待深入研究的问题。

    With a view to the several major power blackouts in the world in recent years , how to systematically assess the security of power system planning schemes becomes an urgent problem .

  21. 直流系统的可靠性、安全性直接影响到电力系统供电的可靠性和安全性。

    DC system reliability , security , directly affects the reliability of power supply and security .

  22. 此模型以动态安全域理论为基础,通过概率不安全指标表征系统中事故电力元件和整个系统的安全性状况。

    Probabilistic insecurity indexes are used to express the security states of system elements and the whole power system .

  23. 绝缘子的污闪已经成为威胁电网安全的最主要因素之一,严重关系到电力系统供电的可靠性和安全性。

    The pollution flashover on the insulator surface is an important factor of the power grid security threat . It serious related to the power supply system reliability and safety .

  24. 因此,在这种情况下,为了维护电力系统运行的稳定性和安全性,电网部门提出了风力发电机组的低电压穿越要求。

    So the grid department proposed the LVRT ( Low Voltage Ride Through ) requirement of wind turbine to keep the stability and safety of grid system in this condition .

  25. 基于故障录波数据对保护定值进行在线校核的在线校核系统,为运行人员(或整定人员)提供参考依据,可提高电力系统安全保障体系的安全性。

    The on-line check system based on failure wave recording data for check of the protection settings will offer the reference to operators ( or setting operator ) to improve the safety of the power system .

  26. 模型核心是概率不安全指标,并通过该指标来表征各电力元件以及整个电力系统的安全性状况。

    Probabilistic insecurity indexes are the core of this model and applied to express the security degree of power elements as well as the whole system .

  27. 本文利用广域测量系统所提供的电力系统动态信息,对电力系统的安全性进行评估。

    In this paper , the power system security is assessed by using power system dynamic information which wide area measurement system provides .

  28. 随着我国跨大区域联网的逐渐形成和电力体制改革的深化进行,电力系统的安全性变得越来越重要。

    With the implement of interregional interconnection and the progress of power industry reform , power system security is playing an increasingly important part .

  29. 它被广泛应用于继电保护、系统监测、电力系统分析之中,关系到电力系统的安全性与可靠性。

    It is applied in relay protection , system metering and analysis of power system . It has a close relation with the security and reliability of power system .

  30. 电力系统电压安全评估对电力系统运行与控制的安全性、稳定性是极其重要的。

    Voltage security assessment is important for security and control electric power systems .