
  • 网络treadmill;motorized treadmill
  1. 基于PWM技术的电动跑步机电源设计

    The Design of Motorized Treadmill Power Supply Based on PWM

  2. 电动跑步机的人机工程设计

    Run and Sex Ergonomics design of the motorized treadmill

  3. 电动跑步机心率测量系统设计

    The Design of Heart Rate Measuring System for Electric Runner

  4. 本论文对电动跑步机附带的手握式电子心率计的测量原理和具体设计实现进行了详细介绍。

    In this paper , heart rate measuring principle and design are detailedly introduced .

  5. 一种可用于电动跑步机的微压力按键开关。

    A micro pressure key switch used for the electric running machine is provided .

  6. 介绍了一种电动跑步机控制系统的结构和控制方法。

    This article introduces the structure and control techniques for an electric runner control system .

  7. 电动跑步机控制系统的设计

    Design of Electric Runner Control System

  8. 其价格低廉,尤其适应各种电动跑步机的要求。

    And the price is quite low , thus particularly meeting all requirements of the electric running machine .

  9. 电动跑步机作为一种重要的室内健身器材,一经出现就受到人们的广泛喜爱。

    As an important indoor fitness equipment , motorized treadmill has won a rapt attention of people at its first appearance .

  10. 针对脉冲型负载,以1~2kW直流电机驱动的电动跑步机为例,设计了一种电动跑步机专用的数字式直流调速器。

    With the pulse load , the digital DC-speed controller which is used in electric running-rigs by a 1 ~ ( 2 kW ) DC motor .

  11. 介绍了电动跑步机的测量原理与信号调理电路,给出了心率算法,并提出了软件设计思路。

    This paper introduces the measuring principles and signal conditioning circuit of the electric runner , and puts forward the algorithm of heart rate some ideas on software design .

  12. 利用人机工程学的理论和方法,深入研究电动跑步机的人机工程设计,阐明了跑步机的合理布局和其本身机构设计时应符合人机工程学的有关要求。

    The paper use the theory and method of Ergonomics to lucubrate ergonomics design of the motorized treadmill , illustrate the layout of treadmill and make the design accord with the request of Ergonomics .

  13. 结果:多巴酚丁胺超声心动图负荷试验和平板运动心电图负荷试验对冠心病诊断的灵敏性是909%,136%(P<001);电动跑步机的人机工程设计

    Results : The sensitivity of dobutamine stress echocardiography test and treadmill excrcise ECG Stress test for detecting coronary artery disease was 90 9 % , 13 6 % ( P < 0 01 ); Ergonomics design of the motorized treadmill