
  • 网络inductive circuit
  1. 这可能会在电感电路中导致过电压。

    This can lead to over-voltages in inductive circuit .

  2. 通过分析开关变换器的最危险故障状态,得出了判断其内部本质安全的等效电感电路。

    The equivalent inductive circuit of switching converters for checking its inner-intrinsic safety is obtained by analyzing the most dangerous case in various operating mode .

  3. 然后设计了一种用集成运放、线性电阻和电容组成的模拟电感电路,利用模拟电感对Chua电路进行改进,取得了良好的效果;

    And then , a simulated inductor composed of op amps , linear resistances and capacitances is designed , Chua circuit is also improved by means of simulated inductor with good results obtained .

  4. 提高本质安全电感电路功率的方法

    The Method of Improving Power of Inductance Circuit of Intrinsic Safety

  5. 直流复杂电感电路本安性的瞬态分析

    Transient Analysis on the Intrinsic Safety of DC Complex Inductive Circuits

  6. 含非线性滞回电感电路的分叉和浑沌

    Bifurcation and chaos in a non-linear circuit containing a hysteresis inductor

  7. 含微分负电感电路的分叉与混沌

    Bifurcation and Chaos in a Circuit Containing a Nonlinear Conductor

  8. 介观耗散耦合电感电路的量子涨落

    Quantum Fluctuations of the Dissipative Mesoscopic Coupled Inductor Circuit

  9. 低压电感电路最小点燃电流和电感之间的关系

    Analysis of relation between minimum ignition current and reluctance in low voltage circuits

  10. 电感电路放电时间的测量

    The Measurement of Discharge Time of Inductance Circuit

  11. 铁芯电感电路的本安型设计

    Design of the intrinsically-safe circuit with iron-core inductance

  12. 复杂电感电路在不同频率特性下本质安全性研究的技术实现

    Technique Achievement for Intrinsic Safety Studies of Complex Inductance Circuit under Different Frequency Characteristics

  13. 非线性电感电路的过渡特性

    Transient Characteristic of Nonlinear Inductance Circuit

  14. 电感电路的稳健性参数设计

    Robust Parameter Design on Inductance Circuit

  15. 电感电路稳健性参数设计是稳健性设计中的经典例子之一。

    Identifying the stable center of an inductance circuit is a classical work of robust parameter design .

  16. 安全火花电路的放电形式和电感电路放电时间的测量

    The Discharge Forms of Intrinsic Safety Spark Circuit and the Measurement of the Discharge Times of Inductance Circuit

  17. 最后讨论了电阻电路非理想模型和含电容、电感电路的稳定性问题。

    Further , the stability of non ideal models of resistance circuits and circuits with capacitors and inductors are discussed .

  18. 在本文,作者首先研究了可以估算弯折线单极子天线谐振规律的电感电路模型法。

    Firstly , an inductor circuit model representation that can predict the resonant frequency of meander line monopole antennas is studied .

  19. 在分析计算含电感电路和电力拖动系统时,要涉及感应电动势的概念。

    When you analyze and calculate the induction and circuit and transmission systems , you would involve the induction electrodynamic potential concept .

  20. 具有互感耦合的非线性电感电路是一个观察分频与混沌的理想装置。

    An electric circuit which has R , C and non-linear inductance is an ideal experiment device to show the roads to chaos .

  21. 对本质安全电感电路,最小建电弧电压能反映电路的建弧特性,电流变化率能反映电路的电感特性。

    For an inductive intrinsically safe circuit , minimum arcing voltage shows the arcing characteristics and current reducing rate shows the inductive characteristics .

  22. 介绍了一种物理概念明确,易于掌握的冲激函数作用于电容电路或电感电路时的求解方法。

    This paper introduces a solution with impulse function in circuit , which has a clear concept in physics and is easy for mastering .

  23. 为了探讨不同频率特性下复杂电感电路的本质安全性,利用信号发生器产生不同频率的信号,经功率放大、调压后,作为实验电路的电源,设计出新的实验电路。

    In order to discuss the intrinsic safety of complex inductance circuit under different frequency char-acteristics , a signal generator was applied to generate different frequency signals .

  24. 通过分析含全耦合电感电路,得出流入耦合电感的电流有可能发生跃变的结论,该电流不是电路的状态变量。

    By analyzing a circuit with a perfectly coupled inductor , we find that the current which enters the coupled inductor maybe produce a jump while the circuit changes .

  25. 针对这一问题,依据电感电路瞬态过程理论,并利用现代微电子技术在线检测设施,提出一种测算这种磁场中电磁器件时变电感有效电感的新方法,此方法实施简便,切实可行。

    Based on the theory of twinkling process of inductance circuit and online measure technology of modern micro-electronics , this paper studied and developed a new method for determining the effective inductance of time varying inductance in magnetic field .

  26. 电感电路模型将单个弯折节等效为电感,推导出天线的谐振波长与弯折节参数之间的关系式,进一步应用最优化方法计算出弯折线单极子天线的谐振频率。

    The meander line section is equivalent to an inductor in this model , and then the equation between the resonant wavelength and the antenna self-inductance is obtained , and further the optimization method is applied to calculate the resonant frequency of meander line monopole antennas .

  27. 在传统平均电流原理基础上采用辅助电感缓冲电路和函数发生器平均电流双环控制新方法,创建了基于函数发生器的电流控制boost型新系统。

    The auxiliary inductor buffer circuit and function generator novel average current double-loop control method are adopted to create a new boost driving system on the basis of the traditional average current control .

  28. 对于一般形式的含时电容和电感耦合电路,利用Heisenberg对应原理研究了体系的量子经典对应关系以及量子涨落。

    For the general time-dependent inductance-capacitance coupled circuits , quantum-classical correspondence and the quantum fluctuations are studied by using the Heisenberg correspondence principle .

  29. 设计并实验了开关电容负阻变换器和电感仿真电路。

    SC negative impedance converters and inductance simulation circuits are designed .

  30. 无耗散介观电感耦合电路中电压和电流的量子涨落

    Quantum Fluctuations of Voltage and Current in Mesoscopic Mutual Inductance Coupled Circuits