
  • 网络direct start;line start;starting directly;direct-on-line starting;D.O.L
  1. 直接起动会产生很大的冲击电流,影响电动机的使用寿命;

    Starting directly will produce big dash current , which will shorten the service life of the electromotor .

  2. 而中压异步电动机的直接起动会产生很大的起动电流,一般可达额定电流的5~7倍,最大可达15倍。

    Buts , it will produce big current when starting directly ; usually the current can reach 5-7 times of nominal , sometimes the current even reach 15 times .

  3. 可控制交流50Hz,380V,三相异步电动机的直接起动停止,并具有过载和断相及失压保护。

    Able to directly control AC50Hz , 380V asynchronous motor with the protection of overload , phase-failure and voltage-absent .

  4. 中压交流电动机的容量较大,直接起动时的大电流会引起很大的电网电压波动,采用开关变压器式中压电机软起动装置可以把起动电流控制在2IN以内。

    When AC motor of medium voltage with high capacity is started directly , the large current causes the great fluctuation of power network voltage . Using soft starting device with switch transformer , starting current can be controlled in the range of 2 I N .

  5. 船舶电动机直接起动回路的配电保护设计方法

    Design of power distribution protection for starting circuit of marine electric motor

  6. 起动方式的选择主要包括直接起动和间接起动两种。

    The starting ways include direct one and indirect one .

  7. 汽油机直接起动停止过程平顺性研究

    Study on Smoothness of Gasoline Engine Direct Start-Stop Process

  8. 侧压式进气道通过加速可以实现自起动,但此时的进气道流场总体性能同以起动马赫数直接起动的进其道流场总体性能存在差异。

    Compared with the hypersonic sidewall compression inlet starting directly , characteristics are different .

  9. 但其直接起动会产生5~7倍额定电流,往往会对电网造成很大的冲击。

    But it will give impulsion to the electric grid when it 's started directly .

  10. 当受电源容量的限制,不允许直接起动时,这就需要采用降压起动。

    We must adopt Step-down starting when power capacity is too limited to direct starting .

  11. 即IC611。电动机允许在额定电压和额定频率下直接起动。

    The motor is permitted to directly start in conditions of rated voltage and rated frequency .

  12. 异步电动机直接起动时会造成很大的起动电流,尤其是大功率电机。

    The current will be great when the asynchronous machine start directly , especial for the high-power machines .

  13. 通过对直接起动、升压软起动和限流软起动的仿真研究,对这三种起动方式进行了比较分析。

    With the model , direct starting , increasing voltage starting and current limit starting are studied and compared .

  14. 升压降频法&提高柴油发电机组动力负荷直接起动容量的方法

    INCREASING VOLTAGE AND DECREASING FREQUENCY & A metnod of rising the direct starting Capacity of power load of the diesel-egine generator

  15. 但异步电机直接起动时会产生很大的电流,对电网产生冲击和对电气设备产生不利影响。

    But , high starting current brings when asynchronous motors start up directly , which will take negative influence to electrical equipment and mechanism .

  16. 应用系统动力学分析了球磨机直接起动和分段起动时由于传动间隙所引起的冲击动载荷的大小,并导出了相应的计算公式。

    The effect of transmission clearance on dynamic load in direct starting or smooth starting a mill is analyzed , and some relevant calculation formulas are deduced .

  17. 大中型电动机的直接起动会产生较大的冲击电流,这一方面会对电动机本身的安全构成威胁,另一方面对供电电网造成冲击。

    The direct-on-line start of high power induction motor can generate great impact current , which will damage the motor itself and contaminate the power supply system .

  18. 对电动机的直接起动、传统降压起动方式、起动方式进行对比,介绍了软起动器的起动模式、运行模式及适用场合。

    Through comparison among direct starting , conventional reduced voltage starting and electronics starter , this thesis described starting mode , run mode and application location of soft starter .

  19. 据此仿真模型,进行了并励直流电动机的直接起动、降压起动、电枢回路串电阻起动的实例仿真实验,给出了有关仿真结果。

    Then the model is applied to simulate the direct start-up process , the reduced voltage starting process and the starting process with series resistance in the armature circuit .

  20. 通过电动滚筒驱动的皮带机,如果直接起动,无法根据物料比重调节速度,无形中造成了电能的浪费,而且会缩短电动滚筒的使用寿命。

    If we directly start the belt-driver which is driven by electric-roller , it can neither adjust speed according to the proportion of materials , nor prolong the life of electric-roller .

  21. 采用基于时间步长有限元计算的场路耦合法,分析了实心凸极同步电动机的直接起动过程。

    We have carried out a study on the starting characteristics of solid salient-pole synchronous motor ( SSPSM ) by the time-stepping finite-element analysis ( FEA ) coupled with electric circuit .

  22. 直接起动的电动机具有较大的起动冲击电流,准确设置其配电保护装置参数非常重要。

    As the direct starting motor has large shock current at time of starting , it is of great importance to decide precisely the operation data for its distribition protection device .

  23. 比较研究了三相绕线式异步电动机的在线直接起动、转子串可变电阻器起动和定、转子绕组双馈供电起动三种起动方法的起动性能。

    This paper compares the starting performances of three-phase wound-rotor asynchronous motors using different methods of starting . These methods are on line direct starting , variable rotor resistance starting and double feed starting .

  24. 如果步进电机以要求的速度直接起动,因为该速度已超过极限起动频率而不能正常起动,可能发生丢步或根本不运行的情况。

    If stepping motors directly start based on required speed , step throwing may occur or the running are even left idle , because this speed has already exceed limit start frequency which leads to abnormal start of stepping motor .

  25. 电动机起动完成并达到稳态时,直接起动与软起动过程的起动电流倍数分别为6.66和2.96.结果表明,系统能有效地降低起动电流,且起动过程平稳,无冲击和振荡。

    The starting currents are 6.66 and 2.96 times in direct starting and soft starting respectively , from motor starting to the stable . The results show that the proposed system can effectively decrease the stator starting current and start smoothly without impulse and oscillation .

  26. 文章根据实际电器建立大、中型三相异步电动机电容起动系统的电路相量模型.利用此模型,对电机直接起动和并联电容起动的电流、电压和转矩进行了实际计算比较。

    This paper discussed a new method and circuit vector Model of the three-phase squirrel-cage asynchronous mo-tor capacitor starting system , Using the model we can calculate and compare to capacitor starting current and voltage and torque , its result indicates that using capacitor starting can improve starting performance .

  27. 点火系统工作的好坏直接影响起动性能、发电机功率、经济性以及工作的可靠性。

    The ignition system work will have a direct impact on starting performance , generator power , economy and working reliability .

  28. 本实用新型由于基体直接与起动电机主轴连接,所以安装方便,精度容易保证;

    The utility model is easy to assembly with an ensured precision because the base body is directly connected with the principal shaft of the starting electric motor ;

  29. 液压自由活塞发动机的起动系统由起动蓄能器、液压换向阀、位置传感器及控制单元等组成,其中作为起动系统能源和油源的起动蓄能器直接关系起动的成败。

    Starting system of a hydraulic free piston engine ( HFPE ), which consists of a hydraulic accumulator , two hydraulic direction control valves , position sensors and an electronic control unit ( ECU ), is different from that of a crankshaft internal combustion engine .

  30. 对感应电动机的直接带载起动及自藕变压器容量计算做了初步分析。

    This paper also makes an initiative analyse for induction motor DOL and calculation of autotransformer capacity .