
  • 网络dc inverter
  1. 直流变频空调器中两种力矩控制对比分析

    Contrastive analysis of two types of torque control in DC inverter air conditioner

  2. 随着经济的发展以及能源供求的紧张,人们对空调的舒适性和节能性要求不断增强,直流变频空调以其极高的舒适性和节能性已逐渐成为空调市场的发展趋势。

    With the development of economic and shortage of energy , people have more and more demands on comfort and energy saving of air-conditioner . Because of the characteristics of comfort and energy saving , DC inverter air-conditioner has become a trend of the market of air-conditioner .

  3. 直流变频系统转矩脉动分析与SVPWM驱动研究

    Analysis of Torque Ripple and Research on SVPWM Drive for Brushless DC Inverter System

  4. 通过对直流变频控制技术的发展的分析,本文介绍一种采用DSP为核心的永磁同步电动机矢量控制系统,主要包括硬件组成、工作原理及单电阻检测关键技术等,并通过试验进行验证。

    By analysed the development of the DC inverted frequency control technology , This paper introduces a PMSM vector control system based on DSP , which included the hardware , the work principle and the single resistance check-up key technology , and verified by experimentation .

  5. 利用双闭环控制原理,设计出较大功率的交流/直流变频空调的有源功率因数校正(APFC)方案,实验结果表明。

    By using control principle of double closed loops , an active power factor correction ( APFC ) method for big capacity AC / DC air-conditioner is proposed .

  6. 基于直流变频技术的压缩机控制器设计

    The Design of Compressor Controller Based on DC Frequency Conversion Technology

  7. 直流变频涡旋压缩机技术及系统回油方式

    Technology of DC frequency conversion scroll compressor & oil balance

  8. 直流变频空调控制器中的红外通讯

    The Infrared Communication in DC Inverter The Communication and Control of Computer to Inverter

  9. 一拖二直流变频空调的智能控制

    The Intellective Control of the DC Fuzzy-control Air-condition

  10. 直流变频压缩机驱动器的功率因数校正

    Power Factor Correction of the DC-inverter Compressor Driver

  11. 直流变频空调室外机管路系统的模态分析

    Modal Analyse for Pipe System of the Outdoor Machine of a DC Inverter Business Air-conditioner

  12. 伯恩斯坦模回旋速调管高次回旋波的研究直流变频涡旋压缩机技术及系统回油方式

    Investigation of high cyclotron harmonics in Bernstein mode gyroklystron technology of DC frequency conversion scroll compressor & oil balance

  13. 半开式离心压缩机叶轮叶片单向流固耦合分析直流变频涡旋压缩机技术及系统回油方式

    One way Fluid Solid Interaction of Unshrouded Centrifugal Compressor Impeller Blade TECHNOLOGY OF DC FREQUENCY CONVERSION SCROLL COMPRESSOR & OIL BALANCE

  14. 本文从硬件方面着手进行了直流变频空调室内、室外系统的综合设计。

    This text starts out the general design form hardware aspect of the digital frequency conversion air-condition 's system of indoors and outdoors .

  15. 论文详细论述了控制系统的方案设计、通讯协议、控制算法、电气结构处理,压缩机驱动及保护警告处理等,并且重点对三位一体防冻结技术和直流变频压缩机驱动控制技术进行了深入的研究。

    This paper discusses the control system design , communication protocol , control algorithm , electrical structural processing , water application technology , compressors drive and protecting warning processing .

  16. 电选机用直流高压变频电源系统的应用研究

    Investigation Application of DC HV Frequency Conversion Power System for Electrostatic Separator

  17. 直流型变频空调器的智能模糊控制

    Intelligent and fuzzy control of DC-type inverter air conditioners

  18. 从直流型变频空调器的特点及控制要求出发,提出了模糊控制系统的结构,讨论了直流变频空调器的模糊控制算法。

    The structures of the fuzzy control system are presented with the features of the DC-type inverter air conditioner and its control requirement .

  19. 将西门子公用直流母线变频技术应用到冷轧酸洗处理线上,使系统运行效率高,设备可靠、耐用。

    Common DC bus variable frequency technology from Siemens is applied to the system so that it makes running efficiency high and equipment reliable and durable .

  20. 电气传动采用能量再生式(回馈式)公用直流母线变频调速方案,取消了制动电阻等。

    In electric drive , an energy-regenerative ( feedback-type ) speed regulation scheme with frequency converted on common direct current busbars is adopted , resulting in eliminating braking electric resistances .

  21. 介绍金属线缆加工工艺所使用的直流、变频驱动设备在生产过程中产生谐波的原因、特性、传播方式及对用户的危害,详细阐述合理有效的治理措施以及实际治理的工程案例。

    To introduce reason for appearing harmonic wave , characteristic , spreading way and harm to consumers caused by DC or frequency conversion driving equipment for processing steel wire and cable during producing . Efficient solving measures and engineering case of practical management are set forth in detail .

  22. 精通继电接触器、PLC系列、直流调速、变频调速、三菱伺服等电控设计;

    Proficient in relay contactor , PLC series , dc speed control , frequency control of motor speed , mitsubishi servo control design ; etc.

  23. 本系统的回转窑直流调速、变频调速以及温度压力控制都采用了数字PID控制。

    PID control is used on the speed control by frequency variation and the temperature pressure control of the Chain gate machine-rotary kiln of the system .

  24. 收线采用Z4直流电机或变频电机驱动,配有四档齿轮变速,并设有摩擦离合器,能满足不同工艺速度使用;

    Wire draw in drived by Z4 direct current or the frequency conversion motor , equip with the fourth speed gear speed changing , and the friction clutch , be able to adapt the different craft speed ;

  25. 直流与交流变频电动钻机技术经济分析

    Technical and Economical Analyses of Variable Frequency Electric Rig

  26. 速度调节感应离合器艾默生共直流母线交流变频调速系统在卧螺离心机中的应用

    Application of Emerson Common DC Bus AC Variable Frequence and Speed Regulating System on Centrifugal Machine

  27. 与直流电机、变频调速电机相比较,步进电机具有定位准确和可无级调速等优点。

    By comparison with DC motor and frequency changer speed regulation motor , stepmotor has a lot of advantages of accurate positioning and stepless speed regulation etc.

  28. 将直流脉冲与变频扫频技术相结合开发研制出扫频直流脉冲装置,利用其产生的脉冲电磁场对生活污水进行了电磁杀菌试验研究,探讨了影响杀菌效果的相关因素。

    In this paper , an applicable swept pulsed equipment was developed to treat the domestic wastewater and the effect of swept pulsed electromagnetic field on disinfection was studied .

  29. 比较了直流传动和变频传动在纸机上应用的各自特点,对今后我国高速纸机传动方案的选择提出了看法,并就其一次性投入和费用等做了讨论。

    The characteristic of DC drive for paper machine is compared with AC drive and how to select the drive scheme for high speed paper machine and the capital investment are discussed .

  30. 公共直流母线纸机变频传动系统的谐波危害与处理

    The harmonics damages and disposing solutions of common DC bus frequency conversion drive system