
  • 网络DC operating power supply;AUZ
  1. 电力直流操作电源系统蓄电池在线监测系统的设计

    On Line Measurement Design of Battery for Power Direct Source System

  2. 直流操作电源监控系统的研究

    The Research on Monitor System of the DC Operation Power

  3. 变电所直流操作电源设备的选择与维护分析

    DC Power Substation Operation and Maintenance of Equipment Options Analysis

  4. 智能型直流操作电源在供电系统中的应用

    Application of Intelligent DC Operating Power Source to Feed Systems

  5. 硅整流直流操作电源及其补偿装置

    Direct Current Operational Electricity Source of Silicon Rectification and its Compensation installation

  6. 直流操作电源监控装置设计

    Design of Supervision Device in DC Operation Power Supply System

  7. 一种用于新型电力系统的直流操作电源

    A New Kind of DC Operating Power Supply Used in Electric Power System

  8. 微机直流操作电源的研制

    Research on the DC_operating Power Source Based on Microcomputer

  9. 直流操作电源系统及应用

    Direct Current Operation Power Supply System and Its Application

  10. 超级电容在直流操作电源系统中的应用

    Application of Supercapacitor in DC Operating Power Supply System

  11. 为保证直流操作电源供电的可靠性,必须对蓄电池组运行参数进行全面的监测。

    To warrant reliability of DC operation power electrical supply , all-round monitoring to parameter of storage battery operation is necessary .

  12. 直流操作电源系统是保证企业供电、通信、变电站正常运行的重要系统之一。

    DC operation power system plays an important role in the proper operating condition of factory power supply , communications and power stations .

  13. 本文介绍了智能型直流操作电源的性能和特点,阐述了在实际应用中的可靠性和优越性。

    The paper presents performance and features of the intelligent dc operating power source , and explains its reliability and superiority in practical use .

  14. 它将迅速成为电力系统直流操作电源的主流产品,并将完全取代相控电源。

    It will be the main product of DC operating power supplies used in electric power system and will finally replace the phase controlled power supply .

  15. 从实用角度出发,介绍了直流操作电源微机监控装置各部分功能模块需实现的功能及其典型电路结构,总结了微机监控装置设计的注意事项。

    Based on practical purpose , this text introduces each module ′ s function and typical electric circuit construction of microcomputer supervision device , summarizes design essential of microcomputer supervision device in DC operation power supply system .

  16. 为了满足未来电力系统对直流操作电源的要求,给出了一种具有高功率因数的用于电力系统的新型直流操作开关电源的设计和实现。

    ? To meet the demand for DC operating power supply in power system in the future , the design and development of a new type of high frequency switch mode rectifier with high power factor , used as DC operating power supply , is presented .

  17. 直流操作电源系统是电力系统中继电保护装置、信号装置、自动化装置、照明装置、断路器等重要负载的供电电源,其供电的可靠性直接影响变电站的安全运行。

    Source system of direct current operation is current supply source of some important loads as relaying setting , signal setting , automatic setting , lighting setting , circuit breaker in electrical power system , whose reliability of current supply directly affects safe operation in transformer station .

  18. 分析直流操作电源在国内外的发展状况,结合广州地铁2号线的实际情况,介绍直流操作电源系统的具体组成、各分系统的工作原理及功能;

    The development of direct current operation power supply in China and abroad is analyzed . Based on the practice of Guangzhou metro line 2 , the components of direct current operation power supply system and the principles and functions of its every branch system are introduced .

  19. 高功率因数220V/10A电力系统直流操作开关电源

    High power factor 220 V / 10 A power system operating switch mode rectifier

  20. 镉镍碱性蓄电池作为变电站直流操作的电源心脏,其运行正常与否,对变电站和用户的安全运行影响很大。

    Cd-Ni alkali battery is the center of DC manipulating in substations , its operation directly affects the safety of substations .

  21. 通信直流电源设备使用技术的进展直流操作电源系统是变电站中的重要设备。

    The DC operation power supply system is a kind of important equipment in transformer substation .