
  1. 1980年特纳创立了世界上第一家24小时直播的全球电视新闻网络,CNN。

    In1980 Turner launched CNN , the world 's first live , 24-hour global news network .

  2. 今年的讲座亦会由香港电台网上广播站安排网上视像直播,让全球学生有机会观看整个过程。

    Students from all over the world may also view the conference online from the live video webcast on RTHK ON INTERNET .

  3. 保安也许会要求来宾不要将手机带入教堂,但如果他们最后还是带进教堂了,来宾必须保证在进行婚礼全球直播时,全球上百万的观众不会听到他们的手机铃声。

    Guests may be asked by security to leave their cellphones outside the Abbey , but if they aren ` t , they need to make sure a ringing phone is not heard by millions during a service broadcast live around the world .

  4. 由于带有加密技术,有条件接收和付费收看成为可能,此后卫星数字电视直播产业就在全球形成一股发展热潮。

    Because of encryption , conditional access and paid watching became possible . Since then the industry of satellite broadcast digital TV in the world developed rapidly .