
  • 网络she smiled;she laughed
  1. “这怎么可能!”她笑了起来。

    ' That 's unreal ! ' she laughed .

  2. 她笑了,想以此来掩饰自己紧张的心情。

    She laughed to cover her nervousness .

  3. 她笑了,仿佛在往事的回忆中得到了安慰。

    She smiled , as though solaced by the memory .

  4. 她笑了笑表示赞同。

    She signified her approval with a smile .

  5. 她笑了一笑。

    She gave a little laugh .

  6. 她笑了笑表示感谢。

    She smiled her thanks .

  7. 她笑了起来。

    She started laughing .

  8. 面对这样突兀的问题,她笑了。

    She smiled at the incongruity of the question .

  9. 玛丽·安鼓起勇气朝她笑了笑。

    Mary Ann smiled at her gamely

  10. 警察冲她笑了笑,“这狗真漂亮。”——“哦,谢谢。”

    The policeman smiled at her . ' Pretty dog . ' — ' Oh well , thank you . '

  11. 她笑了,笑得让我难受到想哭。

    She laughed . A laugh so painful I wanted to cry .

  12. 他朝她笑了一下,让她消消气

    He flashed her a disarming smile .

  13. 她笑了,并用她的手打马。

    She laughed , and hit the horse with her hand .

  14. 她笑了起来,禁不住流下喜悦的眼泪。

    She smiled and could not hold back tears of joy .

  15. 看见孩子们在操场上玩,她笑了。

    She smiled to see the children playing on the playground .

  16. 看见他脸上的表情时她笑了起来。

    She laughed when she saw the expression on his face .

  17. 赫敏勉强地朝她笑了笑,她理都不理。

    Hermione gave her a weak smile that she did not return .

  18. 在他告诉他的妈妈他在想什么之后,她笑了。

    After he told his mother what he thought , she smiled .

  19. 我摔倒趴在冰上时,她笑了,并且大笑。

    When I fell flat down on ice , she smiled and laughed .

  20. 我也冲她笑了笑,而且尽了最大的努力,让她相信我的微笑不是装出来的。

    I smiled back as convincingly as I could .

  21. 她笑了,感谢你,然后,消失在了测试室。

    She smiles , thanks you and disappears off into the test room .

  22. 看到小猫拨弄着一个线团的可爱模样,她笑了。

    She smiled at the kitten playing cutely with a ball of string .

  23. 她笑了,一面扭动着肩膀,做出一副肉麻的卖弄风情的姿态。

    She laughed , twisting her shoulder in a horrible parody of coquetry .

  24. 她笑了,还莫名其妙地感到很害羞。

    She smiled and , crazily , felt shy .

  25. 觉慧在后面对她笑了一笑。

    Standing behind chueh-min , Chueh-hui smiled at her .

  26. 她笑了我要比她笑的更厉害。

    If she smiles , I must laugh .

  27. 他抓着她的手,抚摩了一会儿,又朝她笑了笑。

    He played with her hand for a moment and grinned up at her .

  28. 我握住她的手,她笑了笑,走了。

    I touched her hand , she smiled , and then she was gone .

  29. 我也冲她笑了一下,便上课去了。

    I smiled back and headed for class .

  30. 她笑了,牙齿是黑色的。

    She laughs and her teeth are black .