• she;her
  • 用于女性第三人称;亦用以代称国家,山河,旗帜等,表示敬爱。

  • 同“姐”。


(称自己和对方以外的某个女性; 对祖国、党旗等称呼“她”, 表示敬爱) she:

  • 她的

    her; hers;

  • 她自己


  • 那是女王的游艇 “布丽坦尼娅”号,她是一艘很漂亮的船。

    That's the Queen's yacht, the Britannia. She's a beautiful ship.

  • 中国已派遣她的代表出席会议。

    China has sent her delegates to the conference.

  1. 她从未能实现成为一名职业歌手的志向。

    She never realized her ambition of becoming a professional singer .

  2. 他的情绪突变搞得她全然不知所措。

    She was totally bewildered by his sudden change of mood .

  3. 她常常使用粗俗的骂人话,这使他感到震惊。

    He was shocked at how often she used the F-word .

  4. 她不能来,实在令人失望。

    It 's a real bummer that she can 't come .

  5. “真开心呀!”她笑着说。

    ' What fun ! ' she said with a laugh .

  6. 经过审慎的思考,她决定还是接受他的提议。

    She decided on reflection to accept his offer after all .

  7. 背叛自己亲兄弟的这个想法使她感到恐惧。

    She recoiled from the idea of betraying her own brother .

  8. 衣领特别紧,把她脖子磨痛了。

    The collar was far too tight and chafed her neck .

  9. 西蒙见她犹豫不决,便趁机占尽优势。

    Simon saw she was hesitating and pressed home his advantage .

  10. 诉讼费耗掉了她所有的积蓄。

    Legal costs had eaten up all the savings she had .

  11. 过了好长时间,她才明白他的意思。

    Much later on , she realized what he had meant .

  12. 这个队的成功在很大程度上是她努力的结果。

    The team 's success was largely due to her efforts .

  13. 我毫不犹豫地推荐她做这项工作。

    I have no hesitation in recommending her for the job .

  14. 我没有注意她在说什么。

    I didn 't pay attention to what she was saying .

  15. 据说她活了100多岁。

    It is said that she lived to be over 100 .

  16. 门开着,她一时心血来潮就走了进去。

    The door was open and on impulse she went inside .

  17. “你去哪里?”她问道。

    ' Where are you going ? ' she asked .

  18. 她让他忐忑不安了一个星期才作出决定。

    She kept him dangling for a week before making her decision .

  19. 她走遍天下,追寻她的梦想。

    She travelled the world in pursuit of her dreams .

  20. 她人生的唯一目标就是当游记作家。

    Her sole object in life is to become a travel writer .

  21. 她强调说他们的计划将意味着牺牲和辛勤工作。

    She emphasized that their plan would mean sacrifices and hard work .

  22. 她很热,汗水滴入双眼。

    She was hot and sweat dripped into her eyes .

  23. 她正在审阅她的新小说的校样。

    She was checking the proofs of her latest novel .

  24. “不是我干的!”她插嘴说。

    ' I didn 't do it ! ' she broke in .

  25. 不久后她就病倒了,而且未能痊愈。

    She fell ill soon after and did not recover .

  26. 不要打扰简,她正在温习功课,准备考试呢。

    Don 't disturb Jane , she 's studying for her exams .

  27. 为帮助她耳聋的孩子,她学会了手语。

    She learnt to sign to help her deaf child .

  28. 这封信是用她惯常的尖刻语调写的。

    The letter was written in her usual acerbic style .

  29. 你刚认识她就对她作出评价,这是不公平的。

    It was unfair to judge her on such a brief acquaintanceship .

  30. 她觉得有点不对头,就叫了警察。

    She sensed something was amiss and called the police .