
  • 网络She is my mother;She's my mom
  1. 她是我妈妈唯一的妹妹。

    She is the only sister of my mother .

  2. 那个黑头发的妇女是谁?她是我妈妈。

    Who 's the woman with black hair ? She 's my mother .

  3. 没错那是因为她是我妈妈不是我朋友

    Well yeah , that 's because she 's my mom , not my friend .

  4. 有人走到卡比面前,对卡比说:“我的天啊,那是盖尔·金吗?”卡比说:“嗯,她是我妈妈。”

    And so somebody comes up to Kirby , and they say , " oh my god , is that Gayle King ? " And Kirby 's like , " Uh-huh . She 's my mom . "

  5. 他是我的爸爸。她是我的妈妈。

    He 's my Dady . She 's my Mammy .

  6. 她是我的妈妈。她是个护士。

    She 's my Mammy . She 's a nurse .

  7. 我才不管她是不是我妈妈。

    I don 't care if she is my mother .

  8. 总裁:“她是我孩子的妈妈。”

    CEO : " She is the mother of my child . "

  9. ⑤她不仅仅是我的妈妈,她还是她自己。

    She is not only my mom but also herself .

  10. A:是的,她确实是。但我妈妈很健谈。她和每个人说话,甚至包括陌生人。

    A : Yes , she really is . But my mom is talkative . She talks to everybody , even people who she doesn 't know .

  11. 她说是她让我妈妈出院的。

    She said that she was the one that released her .

  12. 她说这是我和妈妈。

    And she said it was me with my mother .

  13. 她是谁?她是我的妈妈。

    Who is she ? She is my mother .