
  1. 他很强势地挽起她的胳膊,带着她走了。

    He took her arm masterfully and led her away .

  2. 她走了以后,人们会非常思念她的。

    She will be greatly missed when she leaves .

  3. 她走了,而我留了下来。

    She left , but I remained behind .

  4. 她走了吗?

    Has she gone yet ?

  5. 她走了一条小路又一条小路来到路边。

    She followed the tracks as far as the road .

  6. 她走了以后,萨姆和罗宾娜就安顿孩子们上床睡觉了。

    When she had gone Sam and Robina put the children to bed .

  7. 她走了出去,消失在热带风暴中。

    She exits into the tropical storm

  8. 我现在开始觉得,我们不该就那样让她走了。

    I 'm beginning to feel now we oughtn 't to have let her go away like that .

  9. "上面有一些非常好的东西。"她走了下来,看上去很困惑。

    There 's some really good stuff up there . She stepped down , looking confused .

  10. 她走了进去,然后喝了起来。

    She went into it and began to drink .

  11. 她走了,噢,她又回来了。

    She 's leaving . Oh , she 's coming back .

  12. 他是个好姑娘,她走了。

    She was a good woman , and she 's gone .

  13. 她走了,他死了,他的心死了。

    She is gone , he died , his disheartened by .

  14. 她走了以后,我展开了想象的翅膀。

    When she was gone I gave my fancy rein .

  15. 报摊小贩说看见你跟着她走了。

    The newsstand vendor said that he saw you go after her .

  16. 最后她走了,还有她那永恒的信念。

    And then she went , with her unfalling faith .

  17. 演出结束了,她走了!

    The show 's over ! She 's gone now !

  18. 于是她走了,置我于意想不到的空虚孤独之中。

    Then she was gone , leaving me in unexpectedly jejune loneliness .

  19. 她走了进去,没看到任何人非常静。

    She went inside , but no one was there .

  20. 要是她走了她会把她一半的衣服都带走的。

    If she went away she 'd have taken half her wardrobe .

  21. 她走了而你却仍旧像往常一样处理教会的事务。

    She died and you were away with the church Iike aiways .

  22. 为了去见那个男人,她走了很远的路。

    She came a long way to meet the man .

  23. 她走了一整天觉得非常地疲倦。

    She walked all day and she was very tired .

  24. 她走了以后,我好几周茫然不知所措。

    I went around in a daze for weeks after she left .

  25. 他走了,亚瑟和她走了。

    He 's gone , Arthur 's gone with her .

  26. 我们没法再带她走了,她快死了。

    We can 't take her any farther , she 'll die .

  27. 所以她走了以后你一直那么伤心。

    That 's why you 've crying since she left .

  28. 我打发她走了,有问题吗?

    Was I wrong to ask her to leave ?

  29. 她走了很多路,鞋也走破了。

    She had walked a long way and her shoes were worn out .

  30. 那件事是她走了20年背运的起点。

    It was the beginning of a20-year downward spiral .