
  1. 我其实早就知道了!

    I did know it !

  2. 我们其实早就知道他就是试替哥,这在我们团里一直被当成笑话留传。

    ' We 've known he was The Stig all along - it has been a standing joke within the regiment .

  3. 其实我们早就知道这句话了。

    Actually we know what the first sentence is .

  4. 爱德华,其实我早就知道我并不是你所希望的来这里的女孩。

    Edward , I have always known I was not the Henderson girl you intended to send for .

  5. 其实我们早就知道,关于爱的滋生和枯萎无非就发生在那些暧昧的时间中。

    Well , we surely know the ways in which love bursts and withers away during the time of intimacy .