
  1. 其中一位新闻记者询问是否有人为破坏的可能性。

    One of the journalists queried whether sabotage could have been involved .

  2. 我感兴趣的其中一位作家是伊曼纽尔·韦利科夫斯基。

    One writer in whom I had taken an interest was Immanuel Velikovsky

  3. 其中一位家长极为惹人厌,没人喜欢他。

    One of the parents was a most obnoxious character . No-one liked him

  4. 出现在德国电视上的荷兰明星为数不多,他是其中一位。

    He is one of a small galaxy of Dutch stars on German television .

  5. 安妮描述了她是如何与其中一位游行者发生争执的。

    Anny described how she got into an argument with one of the marchers .

  6. 另外,被告还向其中一位病人透露了行业机密。

    In addition , the respondent disclosed professional confidences to one of the patients .

  7. 其中一位言辞激烈的评论家是迈克尔·霍华德。

    One vehement critic is Michael Howard

  8. 其中一位设计师说,"现在手套上的超声波传感器相当大了。"

    One of the designers said , " Now the ultrasonic sensor on the glove is quite large . "

  9. 其中一位通灵者揪出了一个貌似迷失方向,急需人指点迷津的男人。

    One of the practitioners picked up on a male who seemed lost and in need of direction .

  10. 宇宙本质的新认知。”卡洛斯·弗伦克的工作建立在爱因斯坦的理论基础之上,他是其中一位研发了当前宇宙学模型的科学家。

    Building on the work of Einstein , Carlos Frenk was among a group of scientists that developed the current model of cosmology .

  11. 机上没有空乘人员,不过会有两名飞行员,其中一位会为你提供饮料、香槟及零食。

    There won 't be flight attendants but you will have two pilots and one of them will serve you drinks , champagne and snacks . Result !

  12. 但抛开这些单纯的数字,最让人感兴趣的是其中一位新成员:现年78岁的彼得•本杰明•路易斯,总部位于克利夫兰的汽车保险公司前进保险(Progressive)的董事长。

    But forget about the raw numbers .

  13. 作为其中一位学生家长,笔者的上司、《财富》杂志(Fortune)总编辑赛安迪有幸聆听了当天的演讲。

    My boss , fortune managing editor Andy serwer , was among the proud parents there .

  14. 其中一位知情人士表示,此次ipo计划在今年第三季度进行。

    One of those people said the IPO was scheduled for the third quarter this year .

  15. 取其中一位医师的CT与MRI判读结果进行ROC曲线分析,Az值分别为0.880与0.863。

    The Az value of ROC curve of MSCT and MRI were 0.880 and 0.863 , respectively .

  16. 其中一位是雷曼2008年初从竞争对手那里挖来的交易员“马克”(mark),雷曼当时向他做出了高额“担保奖金”的承诺。

    One of those was " mark " a trader poached from a rival in early 2008 with the promise of a big " guaranteed bonus " .

  17. 今欲把它们分成若干组,每组的人数是k+1,其中一位被指派作机长,其余k位被指派为组员。

    Now we divide them into several groups with k + 1 persons in each group in which only one is assigned to be captain and the others are members .

  18. 她的其中一位老板是伦敦附近的一名投资经理,另一位则是纽卡斯尔(Newcastle)的一名网页设计师。

    One of her bosses is an investment manager in nearby London , the other a website designer in Newcastle .

  19. 法庭文件称,这件作品是被其中一位共同所有人偷走的,拍卖时被伦敦调查机构艺术品追回组织(ArtRecoveryGroup)认出。

    The court papers said that the work had been stolen by one of the co-owners and that it had been spotted as being up for sale by the Art Recovery Group , a London investigative agency .

  20. 其中一位联席董事是雅芳化妆品公司(AVON)的CEO钟彬娴,她同时也是薪酬委员会主席。

    One co-lead director is Avon ( AVP ) CEO Andrea Jung , who also chairs the compensation committee .

  21. 但是,其中一位,雷诺和尼桑的CEO,CarlosGhosn,当他被问到双动力汽车的时候,他给了一个很有趣的答案。

    But one of them Carlos Ghosn , CEO of Renault and Nissan , when asked about hybrids said something very fascinating .

  22. 我大三和大四时,在EastAdams街尽头和四位室友分租一栋五间卧室的公寓,其中一位名叫Chris的室友主修戏剧。

    My junior and senior years at Syracuse , I shared a five-bedroom apartment at the top of East Adams with four roommates , one of whom was a fellow theater major named Chris .

  23. 其中一位跟MrsBrown说:这位可怜的老人在公园迷路了,打电话向我们求救,所以我们用车把他带回家来。

    One of them said to Mrs Brown , The poor old gentleman lost his way in the park and telephoned to us for help , so we sent a car to bring him home .

  24. 可以换个角度看这个问题:想象一下在感恩节晚餐上有两位刚毕业的MBA遇上了,其中一位在谷歌工作,刚把自动驾驶汽车推向市场,另一位则在高盛高就。

    Another way to look at this : Picture two recent MBAs at Thanksgiving dinner . One works for Google , bringing self-driving cars to the market ; the other works at Goldman .

  25. 为了避免争端,Val其中一位父亲决定变装假扮Val的母亲。

    To avoid any controversy , one of Val 's dads decides to dress in drag and pretend to be Val 's mother .

  26. 其中一位投资者就是马克•安德森,他的公司安德森-霍罗维茨风险投资公司(AndreessenHorowitz)已将2011年1月在Groupon首次公开募股前的一轮融资中获得的股份悉数卖出。

    Exhibit a is Marc Andreessen , whose firm has dumped all of the shares it acquired in a January 2011 pre-IPO financing round .

  27. 这个月刚30岁的乔纳森·安德森(JonathanAnderson)就是其中一位。他在被罗意威(Loewe)任命为创意总监后还保留着自己的同名品牌。

    Jonathan Anderson , who turns 30 this month , was appointed creative director of Loewe last autumn and will maintain his eponymous brand ;

  28. 约翰的努力得到了收获,大家都为他的表演欢呼鼓掌,其中一位宾客还将整个过程录了下来并上传到了YouTube上。

    His hard work paid off and people clapped and cheered John 's performance - which was filmed in full by one of the guests and then uploaded to YouTube .

  29. 在一项实验中,232名已婚男性经理被要求评估两位参与竞争的MBA候选人,其中一位将获得在读期间的全额薪水和学费报销,毕业后将升职为副总裁。

    In one experiment , 232 married male managers were asked to evaluate two competing MBA candidates and told that one of the two would receive a full salary and tuition reimbursement during B-school and a promotion to Vice President afterward .

  30. 其中一位名叫RickeyNavarre的司机告诉美国KPLC电视台:它吸引了我的目光。

    One of them , Rickey Navarre , told US television station KPLC : It just caught my eye .