
  1. 除了寄给业主的常见垃圾信件之外,再没有其他邮件了。

    There was no mail except the usual junk addressed to the occupier

  2. 还可以通过主题在Inbox和其他邮件视图中进行分类。

    You can also sort by subject in your Inbox and other mail views .

  3. 这个想法包括为每封Email付费、对发出的邮件设置很大的限制,或者与其他邮件服务器集成,像在线版的Exchange或者Gmail。

    Ideas include charging per email , placing a hard limit on outgoing emails , or integrating with other email servers like Exchange Online or Gmail .

  4. 我也很喜欢第三方插件otherinbox,它可以自动将重要级别较低的邮件分拣到其他邮件夹里,从而给收件箱瘦身。

    I also like otherinbox , a third-party service that automatically sorts low-priority e-mails into folders to reduce the size of your inbox .

  5. 但是,当收件箱中还有很多其他邮件时,这些消息有时候会被忽略。

    But these messages can sometimes get lost amongst all my other incoming e-mail .

  6. 邮政系统运送信件、邮包和其他邮件的系统。

    A system by which letters , packages , and other postal materials are transported .

  7. 另外,其他邮件功能也可能由于在站点间移动邮箱和用户而受到影响。

    In addition , other mail features can be affected by moving mailboxes and users between sites .

  8. 添加了其他邮件跟踪条目类型值,以便提供内部邮件传输事件的更详细跟踪。

    Additional message tracking entry type values were added to provide more detailed tracking of internal message-transfer events .

  9. 启用details/hide链接将显示关于其他邮件接收者和签名者的额外信息。

    Toggling the details / hide link displays additional information about who else received the mail and the signer .

  10. 而在一天结束的时候,任何邮件都将被其他邮件给沉下去。

    By the end of the day , though , any given email gets buried in an avalanche of other emails .

  11. 无法投递又无法退回的其他邮件的处理办法,由国务院邮政主管部门规定。

    Disposal measures for other undeliverable and unreturnable postal materials shall be formulated by the competent department of postal services under the State Council .

  12. 起诉书中引用的其他邮件贯穿了2013年全年。联邦政府认为,其中包含关于偷来的安华高芯片设计包的内容。

    Other emails cited in the indictment run through 2013 , and the government contends they included a stolen Avago design kit for the chips .

  13. 造成危害人身安全或者污染、损毁其他邮件、设备的,由寄件人承担赔偿责任。

    With respect to articles which have jeopardized personal safety , or have contaminated or damaged other postal materials , the sender shall hold the liability for compensation .

  14. 和垃圾邮件类似,这一术语指你可能会登录获取但是可能永远不会真正阅读的新闻或其他邮件。

    Similar to Internet spam , this term covers news alerts and other email that individuals signed up to receive but may never get around to actually reading .

  15. 要将提醒或其他邮件迅速发送给与会者,请打开原始会议要求,然后在“约会”菜单上单击“致与会者的新邮件”。

    To quickly send a reminder or other message to meeting attendees , open the original meeting request and click new message to attendees on the appointment menu .

  16. 因此,一个健壮的邮件法律遵从性解决方案不应与邮件收回功能发生冲突,并且很多公司已经拥有完全遵从法律的定制构建的或其他邮件收回解决方案。

    Thus , a robust mail compliance solution should have no problem dealing with Message Recall , and many companies already have custom-built or other mail recall solutions that are fully compliant .

  17. 只需一个简单的手势,你就可以把邮件标注为未读或者删除邮件,同时你还可以向下滑动正在编辑的邮件、以查看收件箱的其他邮件。

    You can mark emails as unread or delete them with a single gesture , and you can swipe down a message you 're composing in order to see the rest of your inbox .

  18. 这就消除了首先复制带有大附件的单个消息时要等待其他许多邮件消息的情况。

    This eliminates waiting for a number of mail messages while a single message with a large attachment replicates first .

  19. 可以使用命令行参数来删除公用文件夹复制邮件和其他系统邮件,但是必须小心使用这些参数。

    You can use command-line parameters to delete public folder replication messages and other system messages , but you must use them with care .

  20. 如果您使用的电子邮件有防火墙系统保护,请您选择使用其他的邮件地址,以确保您可以收到认证标识。

    If the email address we have is behind a firewall system please use an alternate email address to ensure that you will receive your certification logos .

  21. 报纸杂志则作为其他类邮件寄发,邮资比“第一类”便宜,但邮寄的时间可能长一些。

    Other classes of mail are used to send newspapers and magazines and are less expensive than " first class ," but are likely to take longer for delivery .

  22. 用户还可以在Outlook.com“代表”Gmail等其他账户发邮件。

    You can also send mail from Outlook.com on behalf of your other accounts , like Gmail .

  23. 当米塔尔今年开始在Clever上班时,公司在把他介绍给其他同事的邮件中说,他对Soylent非常着迷。

    When Mr. Mittal started working at Clever this year , the company declared in an email introducing him to colleagues that he was an avid Soylent user .

  24. imap帐户允许您显示您的邮件,但是会在远程电子邮件服务器上保留邮件的副本,以便可以从其他电脑访问邮件。

    IMAP accounts allow you to view your messages , but leave a copy of the messages on the remote email server , so that the mail can be accessed from different computers .

  25. 它能让其他人在邮件中听到你说出自己的名字。

    It lets others hear you say it yourself in your e-mail .

  26. 其他人发邮件还要等上两周才拿到答案。

    The other people would email and wait up to 2 weeks for an answer .

  27. (四)其他给据邮件,按照国务院邮政主管部门规定的办法赔偿或者采取补救措施。

    For other types of vouchered postal materials , compensation shall be made or remedial measures taken according to the measures provided for by the competent department of postal services under the State Council .

  28. var/spool/mail是寻找您和其他用户的传入邮件的地方。

    Var / spool / mail is where you find your and other users'incoming mail .

  29. 市场营销信应附有小册子,分发名片,可以通过其他形式的直接邮件之后。

    The marketing letter should be accompanied by brochures and business cards for distribution and can be followed by other forms of direct mail .

  30. 如果您不是本邮件的目标收件人,您不得复制、转载或以其他方式泄露本邮件内容,同时恳请您及时以回邮的方式通知该发件者并彻底删除此邮件。

    If you are not the intended recipient , you should not copy , distribute or take any action in reliance on it and kindly notify the sender by reply email and destroy this message .