
Perhaps less well known now than the other deities with months named after them , Maia ( in Greek mythology ) was daughter of Atlas and mother of Hermes .
I remember their love towards our family and other seminary students .
To deliver the message of the God who came before all other gods .
They weren 't expected to sacrifice , either to the emperor or to other gods .
The drow remain Lolth 's own , and they tolerate the worship of no other god .
The two gods summoned the other gods , and together they decided to make man from wood .
I think that red R'hllor has more worshipers in this city than all the other gods together .
The depicted are the thirty-six divine generals and other gods who are altogether making pilgrimage to the Jade Emperor .
Moreover , each main group tends to regard its own special god as superior to the others , so that there is no uniquely recognized order of importance .
Kali is the fierce aspect of devi , god 's energy , i.e. , Shakti or God as the divine mother , who is fundamental to all other Hindu deities .
Other gods are credited with acts of creation , primarily the act of propping apart the sky and the earth-gods who are said to have done this include indra , Varuna and vishnu .
Offer sacrifices to God , namely outskirt fete , is the most important movement for feudal governors , which must be carried on before give sacrifices to other deities and cannot be ceased even during a leuds funeral .
Loki sometimes assists the gods and sometimes behaves in a malicious manner towards them .
More hymns in the Rig Veda are dedicated to him than any other god by a sizable amount .
Besides these , there are many other gods and goddesses , each symbolizing one or several forces in the world .
As the crisis unfolded , Cenarius taught Malfurion all he could and then sought out the other demigods of Azeroth .
The Cyrinishad reflects an attempt by the god Cyric to dominate the Realms and conquer the other great deific powers .
I do not know of any God except him who was made flesh , nor do I want to have another .
God is He , than Whom there is no other god ; - Who knows ( all things ) both secret and open ;
We grieve God 's Spirit and quench our fellowship with him by disobedience , conflict with others , busyness , friendship with the world , and other sins .
They were unaccustomed to the idea of working together ; as a result , it took no little persuasion from Cenarius before they finally agreed on a course of action .
For those people at that time , receiving this creation account would have reminded them again of the strength and power of their God , and of the nothingness of those around them .
He says , whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved . There is no other god who loves us like that , because there is no other TRUE and LIVING God !
Others speak of God as the spirit of love that pervades all beings .
And anyone who breaks the law by asking another person or god , must be thrown to the lions .
Jesus Christ is the way and the Father will never recognise anyone who dares to try and come by some other way .
The animals and other creatures were going out here and there to fill the earth , just as God had commanded , but people were not !
Band sobers up and backs out ; singer doesn 't !
How will you demonstrate your commitment to other believers and connection to the family of God ?
He was speaking to those who felt they were self sufficient and did not see themselves as needy sinners before God .