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  1. 对其诸方面成因进行了初步的研究和探讨。

    A primary study and discussion wete conducted for its genesis on many sides .

  2. 其中所蕴含的教学思维就是在学习过程中能够学思结合并将其诸实践。

    The teaching thought is combining studying with thinking in the learning process and put into practice .

  3. 一一观之作七重行树想。一一树高八千由旬。其诸宝树七宝花叶无不具足。

    Visualize each one and then form an image of seven rows of trees , each being eight thousand yojanas high and adorned with seven-jewelled blossoms and leaves .

  4. 从政治学审视民国时期的地方政治行为可略见其诸种表征。

    Surveying from the perspective of politics , we can briefly perceive kinds of the tokens of the local political behavior in the period of the Republic of China .

  5. 马都克,其授诸星诸力,记住!

    MARDUK , Who gives the Stars their Powers , Remember !

  6. 列宁发展了马克思主义,将其会诸实践。

    Lenin carried marx 's ideas a stage further by putting them into practice .

  7. 书中不乏有用的建议,例如:“对于根据蒙马特高地(《玫瑰色人生》和《红磨坊》等电影的取材背景——译者注)和裸体歌舞表演形成的对法国女人的看法,不如将其抛诸脑后。”

    Many of its recommendations remain useful , such as : " It is as well to drop any ideas about French women based on stories of Montmartre and nude cabaret shows . "

  8. 指出孤立带电体的自能为其内部诸电荷元之间的互能之和,而其诸电荷元的自能之和为零;

    This paper point out that the self-energy of an isolated charged body is equal to the sum of the mutual energy that consists in amount inside charge elements , and that the sum of self-energy of all charge elements is equal to zero ;

  9. 以鱼雷发现并稳定跟踪目标尾流和节省鱼雷航程为准则,分析并计算了三波束主动尾流自导鱼雷射击瞄点与目标速度的关系,并给出了其射击诸元的解算模型。

    Taking the target acquisition , stable tracking of target wake and saving rang by torpedo as criteria , the relation between firing aiming point and target speed of torpedo with triple-beam active wake homing is analyed and calculated , while the model of firing solution is given .

  10. 农业规模经营是指调整农业单位规模,使其生产诸要素之间保持协调的关系,使各规模要素的生产潜力得以充分发挥,以取得更大的效益。

    The agriculture scale operates to point the adjustment agriculture unit the scale , and make of the main factor of its production the relation for keeping coordination , and make the potential of each production of main factor scale can develop , with the larger performance of acquisition .

  11. 为了改变这种现状,我国金融企业应当加强其内部诸因素的培育,重点是加强深层次核心能力的培育,促进核心竞争力的形成和增强,以应对即将到来的全球化金融竞争。

    To change the current status , our domestic financial companies should focus on the development of some internal factors , with an emphasis on the deep core ability . This will expedite and strengthen the core competence , to reply with the global finance competition in the near future .

  12. 农村饮用水源正受着极大的威胁,其保护存在诸方面问题。

    Rural source of drinking water is being threatened severely , whose way of protecting has many problems .

  13. 本部分通过列举宋人题跋的例证,分别对其内容的诸方面及形式的诸特点作具体分析,以求对宋人的书迹题跋有较全面的认识。

    This part is to exemplify preface and postscript in Song dynasty and analyze the characteristics of its content and forms in details .

  14. 柴油机中涡流燃烧室的镶块温度最高,本文讨论了影响其温度的诸参数,并提出快速周期试验法。

    The pan temperature of swirl combustion chamber is highest . This paper describes several relative parameters for that part temperature , and proposes a quick cyclical experimental method .

  15. 互联网美术作为当下出现的新型美术形态,其本质的诸方面特征通过美术活动的各个方面,包括美术创作活动和接受活动等表现出来的。

    Internet Fine Art as the emergence of new form of arts , Its essential aspects of characteristics through art activities in all aspects , including art creation and acceptance activities .

  16. 其军府诸曹仿尚书曹来设置,实质上使军府具有了如尚书省分曹处理政务的功能。

    The Cao in military administration imitates the functions of Minister in government , thus in fact makes military administration perform the function of dealing with political affairs as Minister departments .

  17. 研究了计算气压对实测气压偏差,根据计算结果讨论了其对射击诸元精度的影响。

    Deviation of the air pressure calculated through temperature and practical measured is studied . Based on calculating results , the effect of air pressure deviation on accuracy of fire is discussed .

  18. 本文介绍了研制新型皮鞋楦帮胶的目的、意义和原则,提出了最佳配方和工艺控制条件,对影响其质量的诸因素进行了分析。

    This article describes the aim , meaning and principle of developing new leather shoe upper glue and puts forward the optimal directions for producing chemicals , technological control conditions and the factors of impairing the quality .

  19. 综述了4-二甲氨基吡啶(DMAP)的制备方法及其对酰化、酯交换、烷基化等有机反应的催化作用,并探讨其在精细化工诸领域的应用前景。

    The synthetic methods of DMAP and DMAP-catalyzed organic reaction such as acylation , transesterification , alkylation etc.

  20. 对中国实力地位的地缘政治分析应集中于其地理现实的诸方面。

    A geopolitical analysis on China 's power should be focused on its geographical aspects .

  21. 本文就均匀电磁场的判别、常见的均匀电磁场、均匀电磁场的形成及提高其空间特性等诸方面进行了论述。

    This paper discusses the determination of the uniform electromagnetic field , gives some common examples of it , expounds its formation and introduces the ways of improving its spatial properties .

  22. 外国汉语学习者对汉字的掌握情况直接影响到其听说读写诸技能的全面提高。相对于其它要素的教学,我国的对外汉字教学始终摆脱不了弱势的局面。

    Chinese characters ' mastering of Chinese learners from foreign countries directly affects the overall enhancement of comprehensive skills including listening , speaking , reading and writing skill . Compared to the teaching of other elements , the teaching of Chinese characters in China is still in an unsatisfactory situation .

  23. 一个公司行号若能对其顾客提供独特性的产品或服务时,就差异化了自己而优于其诸竞争者。

    A firm'differentiates'itself from its competitors if it can be unique at something that is valuable to buyers .