
  1. 其次,分析其他规范性文件在行政审判中的法律地位。

    Secondly , analyze the status of other administrative normative documents .

  2. 其次,对其他规范性文件进行了历史探索,对其存在的特殊时代背景和原因进行了分析。

    Secondly , explore its history , the special background and the reasons why it existed .

  3. 谈档案工作其他规范性文件

    The Standardized Documents in Archival Work

  4. 具体分析法规规章、其他规范性文件、司法解释各自在实际操作中存在的问题,进而分析的规范性文件备案审查制度现状的原因。

    Concrete analysis the actual problems of laws and regulations and other regulatory documents , judicial interpretation and reason .

  5. 是否与上位法相抵触是其他规范性文件合法性审查之重要标准。

    Whether they are conflicting with a higher rank law is the important standard of validity of other normative documents .

  6. 突破上位法时的抵触标准&以其他规范性文件为研究基点

    The Contradiction Standards when Breaking through Higher Rank Laws & Taking " Other Normative Document " as a Research Basic Point

  7. 澳门特别行政区的任何法律、法令、行政法规和其他规范性文件均不得同本法相抵触。

    No law , decree , administrative regulations and normative acts of the Macao Special Administrative Region may contravene this Law .

  8. 其他规范性文件设定的行政处罚,自行政处罚法施行之日起,一律无效。

    Administrative punishments set by other regulatory documents shall all become invalid starting the effective date of the Law on Administrative Punishments .

  9. 最后说明我国目前《公司法》和其他规范性文件对董事勤勉义务的规定情况。

    In this chapter , I will illustrate the current definition of duty of diligence in Corporation Law and other regulatory papers .

  10. 《合同法》、《公司法》及其他规范性文件中对企业间借贷合同的效力认定已趋于缓和。

    The provisions on contract validity cognizance in " Contract Law "," Company Law " and other normative documents have become mollification .

  11. 人民法院审理行政案件,可以在裁判文书中引用合法有效的规章及其他规范性文件。

    The people 's court may refer to legal and effective rules and other normative documents in the verdicts in deciding administrative cases .

  12. 高等学校制定内部规则的依据有教育法律、法规,教育行政规章及其他规范性文件、大学章程。

    University enacting internal administrative regulation is based on education law and rule , education administrative regulation and other regulatory documents , and university chart .

  13. 笔者力图将涉及海关的监管业务的法律、法规、行政规章或其他规范性文件与刑法规范结合起来,将游离于刑法规范与海关法律规范的走私犯罪和海关监管业务结合起来。

    Penman try to band law , code , administration regulations or so and criminal law together . And fall criminal law and operation of customs together .

  14. 法律、法规、规章和其他规范性文件对行政机关履行职责的期限另有规定的,从其规定。

    Where the laws , regulations or other normative documents provide otherwise on time limits for performing the duties of the administrative organ , those provisions shall prevail .

  15. 村委会选举的法律渊源,即村委会选举法律规范借以存在和表现的形式,包括宪法、法律、法规、规章、其他规范性文件和法的有权解释。

    The legal origins for the election of village committees where the election laws exist include the Constitution , laws , regulations , rules , other normal papers and authorized interpretations for laws .

  16. 地方性法规、部门规章和地方性规章及其他规范性文件规定的行业归口管理部门的专项审批,不作为公司登记的前置条件。

    Special examination and approval by the competent departments in charge of the relevant industries as stipulated in local regulations , departmental rules , local rules and other normative documents shall not be taken as prerequisite requirements for company registration .

  17. 目前我国放射性污染风险防范的法律渊源包括全国性立法,行政法规,部门规章及其他规范性文件,地方性法规、规章及其他规范性文件,国际公约、双边与多边条约。

    Currently , legal source of radioactive contamination risk prevention includes national laws , administrative regulations , departmental rules and other regulatory documents , local laws , regulations and other regulatory documents , international conventions , and bilateral and multilateral treaties .

  18. 根据行政处罚法的规定,行政处罚只能由法律、法规或者规章设定,其他规范性文件不得设定行政处罚;规章只能设定警告或者一定数量的罚款;

    According to the provisions of the law on administrative punishments , administrative punishments may only be set by laws , regulations and rules , no other regulatory documents may set administrative punishments ; rules may only set warnings and fines of certain amount ;

  19. 物权法定原则,是指物权的种类和内容只能由法律规定,而不允许由法律之外的其他规范性文件规定,也不得由民事权利主体通过合同的方式自由的创设或者变更物权。

    Real right legalization principle are the types and content of rights can only be prescribed by law . They shall not be invented by the other regulatory documents . The civil rights is not created or changed by the way of agreements from freedom rights .

  20. 在现有有关药品的法律、法规、规章以及其他规范性文件中,药品监督管理部门的裁量空间主要存在于法律规范逻辑结构的三要素中,尤其是法律后果要素中。

    In the existing laws , rules , regulations and other normative documents , the discretion space of the drug supervision and administration departments mainly exists in the three-elements of the logical structure of the legal norms , especially in the element of the legal consequence .

  21. 其他行政规范性文件若干问题研究

    Research on the Problems of Other Documents of Administrative Norms

  22. 针对其他行政规范性文件制定程序规范的两个必要性进行阐述。

    Elaborated on the two necessity of the other administrative normative documents formulated procedure norm .

  23. 在我们国家,其他行政规范性文件在经济、政治、社会领域中无处不在。

    In our country , other administrative normative documents in the field of economic , political , social everywhere .

  24. 会议纪要作为其他行政规范性文件的一种公文形式在现实生活中起着非常大的作用,可以制定会议纪要的主体有很多,但是本文主要讨论行政机关制定的会议纪要。

    Conference summary as one form documents of other administrative normative documents play a very important role in real life .

  25. 事实上,在行政诉讼实践中,人民法院已经在通过对规章的参照适用,对行政法规和其他行政规范性文件的选择适用等方式,行使了对抽象行政行为的司法审查权。

    Actually , People 's court has exercised the judicial censorship on AAA by some means in the practices of administrative proceedings .

  26. 抽象行政行为是行政主体针对不特定对象做出的行政行为,范围包括行政立法行为和制定其他行政规范性文件的行为。

    Abstract administrative act is the act of administrative body against non-specific object . It includes the administrative legislation and other administrative normative documents .

  27. 其最根本特征在于某种具体犯罪构成的行为要件全部或者部分的需要参照其他规范性法律文件来确定。

    The most fundamental characteristic of it is that all or part of its special constitutive elements of crime needs other normalizative document of law to confirm as a reference .

  28. 作为行政机关行使行政管理和服务职能的重要手段之一的其他行政规范性文件为我国的经济发展和社会稳定作出了积极贡献,发挥了其他行政手段不可替代的作用。

    " Other administrative regulations ", as one of the important measures in administration and public service , have played an irreplaceable role and contributed positively to our economic development and social stability .

  29. 行政机关的具体行政行为不仅仅以法律、法规和规章为依据,其中有很多具体行政行为是依据其他行政规范性文件作出的。

    Specific administrative act of an administrative organ is based not only on laws and administrative rules and regulations of the State Council , the people 's governments of provinces , autonomous regions etc.

  30. 文章第二部分是其他行政规范性文件制定程序的概述,简要介绍其他行政规范性文件的含义和特点,以及其他行政规范性文件制定程序。

    The second part is an overview of the other administrative normative documents formulated procedure , a brief introduction of the other administrative normative documents ' meaning and characteristic , and the other administrative normative documents formulated procedure .