
  1. (四)合营企业与其他经济组织的合并。

    Merger of the joint venture with another economic organization .

  2. (二)设立或者改制为股份制企业以及其他经济组织的。

    Those which establish or are restructured into joint-stock enterprises or other economic organization .

  3. 土地使用者为公司、企业、其他经济组织和个人;

    The land users are companies , enterprises , or other economic organizations , or individuals ;

  4. 法人的联营组织或者其他经济组织,可以作为一方当事人订立技术合同。

    Joint venture partners and other economic organizations of a legal person may conclude technical contracts as a party .

  5. 处理好村委会与农村其他经济组织、民间组织及非正式组织之间的关系,使村委会不断从其中吸收新的营养成分,永葆活力。

    Coordinating the relationship between the villagers ' committee and other rural economic organizations , nongovernmental organizations and informal organizations .

  6. 前项所列人员投资或者担任高级管理职务的公司、企业和其他经济组织。

    Companies , enterprises and other economic organizations which have the people mentioned in the preceding clause as investors or senior management personnel .

  7. 企业集团在国家经济发展中具有其他经济组织所无法替代的重要作用。这一点在各国经济发展中得到有力的证明。

    In the course of the development of country economy , the enterprise group plays a much more important role than other economy organizations .

  8. 纳税担保人,是指在中国境内具有纳税担保能力的公民、人或者其他经济组织。

    A tax payment guarantor shall refer to any citizen , legal person or other economic entity within Chinese territory able to provide a tax payment guarantee .

  9. 基层工作经历,是指具有在县乡党政机关、企事业单位和其他经济组织、社会组织等基层和生产一线及农村工作的经历。

    Grassroots work experience refers to work in government or party departments of towns , villages or sub-district offices , public institutions , companies , and communities .

  10. 投保人包括自然人和民事主体的法人、其他经济组织、个体经营户、农村承包经营户。

    Organization of the legal person that policy-holder includes natural person and civil principal part , other economy , individual manage door , the country contracts manage door .

  11. 本法所称广告发布者,是指为广告主或者广告主委托的广告经营者发布广告的法人或者其他经济组织。

    The term " advertisement publisher " refers to a legal person or an economic organization that publishes ads for advertisers or for advertising agents entrusted by advertisers .

  12. 本办法所称农资经营者,是指从事农资经营的自然人、企业法人和其他经济组织。

    The term " ACG dealers " refers to the natural persons , enterprise legal persons and other economic organizations engaging in the business operations of agricultural capital goods .

  13. 本通知所称“境内居民法人”,是指在中国境内依法设立的企业事业法人以及其他经济组织;

    A " domestic resident legal person " as mentioned in this Notice shall refer to an enterprise or public institution legal person or other economic organization legally established inside China ;

  14. 其他经济组织,个体工商户、农村承包经营户相互之间。为实现一定经济目的,明确相互权利义务关系而订立的合同。

    Or other economic organizations or self-employed industrial and commercial households or leaseholding farm households for the purpose of realizing certain economic goals and defining the rights and obligations of the parties .

  15. 香港、澳门、台湾地区的公司、企业和其他经济组织或者个人投资从事成片开发,参照本办法执行。

    Tract development with investment by firms , enterprises and other economic organizations or individuals from the regions of Hong Kong , Macao and Taiwan shall be governed with reference to these Measures .

  16. 伴随着网络技术的不断完善和经济领域专业化、全球化的趋势,公司不断专注于自身核心竞争能力的发展,关注与其他经济组织的合作与联系。

    With the perfecting of network technique and economic specialization and globalization , company increasingly begin to focus on the development of core capability and to stress on the cooperation with other enterprises .

  17. 作为一种制度设计和组织形式,被广泛运用于国家治理、政治组织,以及其他经济组织、社会团体的管理实践之中。

    As the design of system and the organizational form , is widely used in the management practice of national governance , political organizations , economic organizations , as well as other social organizations .

  18. 商业性农业原保险组织是指依法设立的、以营利为目的、主营或兼营农业原保险业务的企业法人或其他经济组织。

    Original agricultural insurance organization for commercial purpose is corporation or other economical organizations , which are established by law , in order to profit , mainly run or minor in original agricultural business .

  19. 企业集团已经成为各国公认的现代经济社会中的一种基本现象,具有与其他经济组织不同的特征,对经济发展、社会结构等诸多方面都产生了及其重要的影响。

    And it is legalize basic phenomena in modern society which is different from the other economic organization . Also it brings to important affection in economy development , society configuration and so on .

  20. 非居民企业所得税管理的对象是外国居民、企业或其他经济组织的跨国经济活动以及由此产生的所得,属于国际间征管难度较大的零散税源。

    The collection objects of non-resident enterprise income tax belongs to the international collection difficult scattered sources , including the income and the transnational economic activities of foreign residents and enterprises or other economic organizations .

  21. 建立和完善工商行政处罚强制执行法律制度,规范和确保工商行政处罚强制执行,既是依法行政的需要,也是保护公民、法人和其他经济组织合法权益的需要。

    The establishment executes forcibly system with the perfect industry and business administration punishment , the norm compulsory execution behavior , since is an administrative demand by law , is also the demand that protects legal rights of executive .

  22. 总经理或副总经理不得兼任其他经济组织的总经理或者副总经理,不得参与其他经济组织对本企业的商业竞争。

    The general manager or deputy general manager may not hold posts concurrently as the general manager or deputy general manager of another economic organization and they may not join other economic organizations in commercial competition with their own enterprise .

  23. 以仲裁为例,现在很多公民、法人和其他经济组织对仲裁很不了解,有相当多的人根本不知道有仲裁这样一种纠纷解决方式,这是相当尴尬的一种局面。

    Arbitration , for example , that many citizens , legal persons and other economic organizations of arbitration not understand , a considerable number of people do not know of such a dispute resolution arbitration , which is a rather embarrassing situation .

  24. 第七条香港、澳门及台湾的公司、企业和其他经济组织或者个人投资举办的企业,其注册资本与投资总额的比例适用本规定。

    Article 7 these Provisions apply to the proportion of registered capital and total amount of investment of the enterprises that are invested and established by companies and enterprises of Hong Kong , Macao and Taiwan and other economic organizations or individuals .

  25. 财务管理是企业财务机构和财务人员根据国家财务制度和财务目标,对企业资金运动所实施的计划、组织和控制,并有机地协调企业与其他经济组织和经济个体之间的财务关系。

    Financial management is scheme , organization and control that enterprises ' financial institution and staff execute to the funds flow according to national financial system and financial target and coordinate financial relations of enterprises with the other organizations and economy units .

  26. 农村经纪人是一种活跃在广大农村领域,从事居间、行纪、代理等经纪活动,并收取一定佣金(报酬)的公民、法人、合伙体和其他经济组织。

    Rural broker is a kind of citizen , legal person , partnership body and other economic organization who is active in the vast rural areas and engages in some broker activities for some brokerage ( reward ) such as intermediary , trustee-trader and agency .

  27. 企业集团是适应生产力发展和市场经济要求而产生的一种高级企业组织形式,具有与其他经济组织不同的特征,其对经济发展、社会结构等诸多方面都产生了极其重要的影响。

    Enterprise group is known as an advanced form of enterprise organization , which meets the needs of the productivity development and the market economy . A difference in character existed between the enterprise group which produces graveness influence to the economic development and social structure and other economic organization .

  28. 以上世纪90年代的亚洲金融危机为契机,由发展中国家提出和推动的IMF贷款条件改革必将引起IMF各个方面的改革,从而影响其他国际经济组织的改革。

    Taking the chance of Asian Financial Crisis in 90 's the former century , the reform of IMF conditionality launched by developing countries shall arose reforms in every aspect of IMF , and affect the reform of other international economic organizations .

  29. 指上述企业之外的其他内资经济组织。

    Refer to domestic-funded economic units other than those mentioned above .

  30. 这个集体经济组织既有别于村委会,也有别于农村的其他各种经济组织。

    And this kind of collective economic organization should be different from a village committee and the other forms of rural economic organization .